04.11. – 10.11.2014

Talk, Forum, Wiki & Blog
- [1] Tom Hughes developed the new function “What’s that?” See the question mark on the right side on openstreetmap.org. The new function uses the Overpass-API. (via Twitter)
- The Open-Access-Publication Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap from Dennis Zielstra, Hartwig H. Hochmair, Pascal Neis and Francesco Tonini tries to identify the origin of OSM contributors with different methods. This information can be an important parameter when it comes to analysing the quality of OSM data. The data were collected from either local or external mappers
- The Belgian community aims to draw the mapper more into the limelight.Therefore, each month, they elect a “mapper of the month” and publish an interview with him.
- A mapper was interviewed again in Cage Open Data blog. The interview is about OpenStreetMap in Kosovo.
- The plugin Scout Signs plugin for JOSM (download) from Skobbler will simplify the mapping of speed limits. A presentation held at the “State of the Map 2014” in Buenos Aires explains how it works. (via Twitter).
- Field Papers is back up again.
- The UNMIL Liberia Place-Nodes-Import has been completed.
Open Data & ODbL
- The iTunes-App hRouting (“Health-Optimal Route Planner”) allows users to calculate the most environmentally-friendly route between any two points in Zurich, Switzerland. (via Twitter)
- Orthofotos of the city of Bern, Switzerland, are now available as WMS and can be used for example in JOSM. (via Twitter)
- The three substitutes in the OSMF-board have been announced. With an outstanding result Frederik Ramm was re-elected to the board in the first round. The two other new members of the board are Kathleen Danielsson and Paul Norman.
- Additional information concerning the election – from Richard Weait in his blog and from Roland Olbricht on the talk mailinglist.
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- On the HOT mailing list a student of Beuth University Berlin asks for tagging standards for Cameroon. See also the discussion on French-speaking “HOT-francophone” mailing list. He belongs to a project group that wants to complete the Cameroonian road network.
- OpenSeaMap is present on Facebook (in German) with news about water, navigation, water depths, Open Data and much more. It is managed by the Cornelia Channel.
- From 6 to 8 of June 2015 the “State of the Map US” takes place in New York at the United Nations.
- This map visualises restaurants in South East London which offer Sunday Roast Dinners . (via Twitter).
- The Polish OSM user marcin_b has developed a highly accurate model of the National Stadium in Warsaw. The model can be seen either in Kendzi 3D (JOSM), opensciencemap or F4Map. Images available from Kendzi 3D: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Did you know …
- Marble, a virtual globe, shows an OSM map as well as your GPX tracks.
- Version 1.9 of the Android app OsmAnd was published. The new version now includes, among other things, a map display of public transport and improved routing.
- With Mm.gen, there is a new attempt to develop a OSM2 Magellan converter.
- On flightsim, there is an interview with Antoni Wroblewski, OSM mapper and author of World2Xplane (which converts OSM data to X-Plane) .
- It strongly challenges the attempt by ESRI, a proprietary format LiDAR zLAZ to establish itself aggressively in the market and displace the free LAZ format.