
- [1] Martin Raifer produced a new tool: Last Week in OSM. The tool shows the changes in a region during the previous week. The older the contribution, the darker the colour. (via @JLZIMMERMANN)
- The data of the US Forest Service is now a tile layer that can be integrated into ID, JOSM and Potlatch. The data contains metadata on surface type/quality and important points.
- User Zverik describes possible improvements to the walking papers tool, which he would like to see implemented.
- A nice result of SotM 2014 in Buenos Aires: On the mailing list talk-latam Latin Americans started to organize a better mapping of the Amazon region.
- OpenCage Data published an interview with David Overton, the man behind the company SplashMaps, which produces outdoor maps. (via Twitter)
- Christian Quest announced that the Dutch address import is done with the help of OSM quality assurance tool osmose. (via cq94)
- The request for a general meeting was sent to the OSMF board by Simon Poole
- The British newspaper “The Guardian” reports on a programme of the Missing Maps Project, where 80 interested people mapped via armchair mapping in the city of Baraka in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (via Twitter)
Humanitarian OSM
- Andrew Buck reported on the HOT mailing list that the WHO has created a map with the same travel time (isochronous) to Ebola laboratories using OSM data.
- The previous “parking.openstreetmap.de” map is now available on parking.crite.net.
- On 14.11.2014 in Rancho Electrónico (notice the nice presentation of Latin America in the logo of the Red Anillo Sur 😉 ) a hackerspace, a mapping party took place in Mexico City. The existing mining concessions have been mapped. The data were provided by the Mexican Ministry of Economy.
- Graphhopper, a routing library is now available for iOS.
- User Zverik published BigMap2 (please read carefully the possibilities offered by BigMap2 🙂 ) the successor of BigMap. [directly to the map]
- MapQuest becomes a partner of Urgent.ly, a startup for “stranded drivers”. (via washingtonpost)
- The company behind the OSM-based app MAPS.ME was taken over by Mail.Ru, one of the most important investors in the Russian and Eastern European Internet market.
- It seems that Apple has made an update with OSM data in the new iOS 8.
- Mapillary published OpenSfM (Open Structure from Motion), an application of photogrammetry to calculate 3D objects from 2D pictures. OpenSfM is based on OpenCV. (via Jan Erik Solem)