(English) weekly 251 – 05.05.-11.05.2015

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Sorry, this entry is only available in English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語 and Čeština.


Karte in Pop Art nach Roy Lichtenstein von Katie Kowalsky [1]
OpenStreetMap Pop Art Lichtenstein style from Katie Kowalsky [1]

About us

  • Errata: The very nice guide on how data can be collected for Mapillary from pedestrians was not written by Xxzme (the user has simply moved the wiki page), but was created by Peter Neubauer.

Weekly exercise




  • A mapper working on behalf of BP, the parent company of Aral) has figured out that the community has, over the past decade, mapped 99.7% of all German Aral petrol stations.  For the remaining 8 petrol stations (yes, that’s eight)  Pavel Machek suggests just hitting the import button.

Humanitarian OSM

  • Wired.com und The Atlantic report on OSM and HOT after the earthquake in Nepal.
  • For the Nepal region, the HOT map style was changed from SRTM elevation data with 90 m to the newer data with 30 m resolution. Read in the blog post how to integrate the new SRTM data quickly into your own maps.





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