(English) weekly 239 – 10.02.–16.02.2015

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Sorry, this entry is only available in English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français and Turkish.


Screenshot Taglocator
Map of postboxes from Danilo Bretschneider [1]



  • Open Geo interviewed Daniel Kirstenpfad, the creator of Miataru.
  • Harry Wood sent the  “Lolcat of awesomeness” that used to appear on the front page of the wiki (for special contributions to OSM) into retirement.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

Humanitarian OSM



  • The canton of Zurich published a digital elevation model (i.e. as GeoTIFF and laudably as a point cloud) under a CC-BY-style license. (via @swissOSM )
  • Open Data drives the digital economy – the German ministry of economy decided to change (English) the “Informationsweiterverwendungsgesetz” (information re-use law). (via: BMWi Bund)
  • Mathias Schindler, the assistant of Julia Reda “Piratenpartei Deutschland” MEP, criticises changes that are only  absolutely necessary according to requirements from the EU.


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