(English) weekly 223 – 21.10.-27.10.2014

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語 e Turkish.

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English, Deutsch, Español e 日本語.

21.10. – 27.10.2014

the new QA-Tool for motorways – CheckAutopista [1]

Election to Board of the OpenStreetMap-Foundation

  • Frederik Ramm, the secretary of the OSM-Foundation, announced the resignation of Simon Poole from his OSMF board position. The reason, explained  Frederik on talk-de, is because of the announcement by Steve Coasts, the “big old chair”, to run for the board.
  • On the OSM-Talk mailinglist you can read a discussion about the current state of the OSM board.
  • Based on the discussion about the attempted comeback of Steve Coast as a candidate for election to the Board criticism was reaped.
  • In the above discussion one of the criticisms was that the financial reports of the OSMF will be published only with a delay of over a year and even the boards (CFO excluded) didn’t known this. To remedy this, the financial report for 2013 has been published.  Also please note the comments on the list OSMF Talk.
  • Richard Fairhurst, the developer of the editor Potlatch, commented in his blog about the current discussion prior to the OSMF elections.
  • Simon Poole, who resigned as CEO of OSMF with immediate effect, explains his resignation in a series of interesting blog posts.
  • Questions to the candidates along with their answers can be found on the OSM wiki.
  • Frederik Ramm, one of the candidates, explains in OSMF talk why he does not believe in face-to-face meetings of the board. The discussion also covers fundraising and server costs.

Talk, Forum, Wiki & Blog

Open Data & ODbL

  • The British company GeoLytix has released a map with 6872 British supermarkets, unfortunately it comes without an OSM-compatible license.
  • MapBox commissoned a White Paper “The ODbL and OpenStreetMap: Analysis and Use Cases” (PDF 282 kB) at the Centre of Spatial Law, which summarizes the problems of ODbL license. This is why MapBox wants a license without publishing under the same conditions (Share-Alike). In the comments to Alex Barths User Diary you can read some criticism of the methodology and the content.

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team



  • Sports Tracker uses OSM.

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