02.12. — 08.12.2014

- Vienna has renewed the official aerial photographs.
- On the tagging mailing list, the tagging of tunnel entrances will be discussed.
- The discussion on «how to map shops in petrol stations» is on the mailinglist.
- User Escada reported that the Belgian community hailed Guy Vanvuchelen as the “Mapper of the Month December 2014”.
- Open Cage Data published an interview with Steve Coast, founder of the OpenStreetMap project.
- TagFinder is a new online service to search for tags used in OSM data. Read more about it here.
- This week OpenGeo interviewed the people behind the OpenOrienteeringMap — Oliver O’Brien.
- User Zethradon writes about tools for helping «community imports«.
- Sander Deryckere makes a second attempt at a community import of addresses in Flanders.
OpenStreetMap (Foundation)
- In his blog, Richard Weait shows how to form a successful OSMF community, and gives an introduction to «Working Groups» in a second blog post .
- In the OSMF vote on a term limit, none of the requests has reached the necessary majority. To see responses to the result click here.
Humanitarian OSM
- Russel Deffner recalls 2014 and his contributions to HOT.
- Raul starts fundraising for the operation and further development of Wheelmap .
- [1] The site piste.io visualises ski slopes from OSM, even in 3D.
- Gwen announces to the French mailing list that (the great tool) Maposmatic is back online. WeeklyOSM says thank you!
- Igor Brejc announced that the development and support of Maperitive and the work on Azurit is expected to pause for a month.
- After the tutorial on creating a MapRoulette Challenge, Martijn van Exel has now released his Magical MapRoulette Machine — MMM. The MMM creates a challenge in a simple and interactive way, with the help of a Overpass query.
- Maps.me is now free for both Android and iOS. In 2015 it will be OpenSource as well.
- MapServer.NET 1.16.1 was published.
Did you know …
- … the Android app OSMFocus … to show details of objects from the OpenStreetMap database?
- OSM on ships … (Be careful, F.c.b..k link!)
- Felix Lamouroux, the developer of Trails, one of the first iPhone apps with OSM use, in an interview with t3n.
- Write with GPS-Tracks. 🙂
- The big Russian mail provider Mail.ru expands into new areas. To compete with Google maps, the company relies on map data from OpenStreetMap, and has bought maps.me.
- Muki Haklay reported about community-led air quality studies.
- Project COBI will give techno-savvy cyclists the opportunity to reduce confusion between various devices on the bike, and is looking for support on Kickstarter. The specially developed app uses Scout and thus OSM for navigation. 😉