Patterns in placenames [1] © see | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
- Anne-Karoline Distel reported on a survey of Callan, Ireland, where address attributes (house numbers and street names) seem kind of curious.
- Dino Michelini wrote
, in his blog, a well researched piece on the ancient Etruscan-Roman road Via Clodia. He also outlined what still needs to be done to improve the mapping of this road in OSM.
- LySioS, an OSM France contributor, proposed
that mappers in the field use an OSM business card to facilitate contacts with local residents.
- LySioS also published
a diary post for beginners about the ten commandments for OSM mapping (we reported earlier).
- The OpenStreetMap tool set Neis-one.org now recognises MapComplete as a distinct data editor rather than just one of the ‘unknown’, as reported by MapComplete’s main developer.
- The following proposals are waiting for your comments:
- City parking zone as
(Mateusz Konieczny) - Social media
prefix (Mxdanger) - Removing the link to Wikidata from infoboxes on the wiki (Mateusz Konieczny).
- City parking zone as
- The UN Mappers is now also choosing a Mapper of the Month. UN Mapper of the Month for April 2022 is SSEKITOLEKO.
- Amanda McCann’s activity report for March 2022 is online.
- Christoph Hormann shared his analysis of OSM-related group communication channels and platforms.
- Minh Nguyen tackled the lack of a negative feedback option on the wiki and provided a JavaScript snippet to add to a user script page, so that one could chide any chosen contribution (an April Fool’s Day joke).
- raspbeguy shared
a small script, similar to git-blame, that indicates the last person who modified or deleted tags on a OSM element.
- Seth Deegan has proposed adding the Translate extension to the OSM Wiki, something that would improve the process of translating articles on the Wiki. The proposal is open for comments.
- The Ukrainian OSM community has published an appeal to the OSM community urging everyone to refrain from any mapping of the territory of Ukraine while the Russian–Ukrainian war is unfolding.
- OSMUS has honoured Ian Dees with the Hall of Fame Award.
- Bryan Housel presented the 2.0 alpha of the new RapiD at SotMUS. The test instance shows high performance during tests.
- The group ‘Geospatial Analysis Community of Practice’ at the University of Queensland, Australia, has published an extensive tutorial on ‘spatial networks’ with R.
OSM research
- Marco Minghini and his colleagues published a paper reviewing the initiatives from the Italian OpenStreetMap community during the early COVID-19 pandemic, discussing it from a data ecosystem perspective at both national and European scales.
- [1] SeeSchloss created a map tool that uses OpenStreetMap data to visualise patterns in place names in various northern hemisphere territories.
- MapTiler presented a short tutorial on ‘Customised maps made easy’.
- Christopher Beddow wrote an article examining the bundle of geospatial components that make up Google Maps, and listed alternatives to each. He further suggests that bundling the alternatives is a strategy to compete with Google Maps as a widely used mobile app.
Did you know …
- … the possibilities 1, 2, 3 of printing beautiful map based gifts?
- …
? The tag for steps where individual steps are separated by about 1 metre or more. Such steps may be accessible to some people who would otherwise avoidhighway=steps
Other “geo” things
- CAMALIOT, an Android App, is a project run by a consortium led by ETH Zurich (ETHZ) in collaboration with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the European Space Agency. The app is gathering data for machine learning analysis of meteorology and space weather patterns.
- Cartographers from Le Monde described
the steps taken in making their maps, using the Ukraine situation as an example.
- @MatsushitaSakura left a photo
on an internet detective hobby club and asked for help to find out where it was. Another user (@猫爪子) found the possible location six months later with the help of overpass turbo and some detailed Danish mapping and showed the Overpass QL code (01:45)
he used.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Lejun, Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, Strubbl, TheSwavu, derFred.