Author: weeklyteam

(English) weekly 235 – 13.01.–19.01.2015

Desculpe-nos, mas este texto está apenas disponível em English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français y Turkish.

Desculpe-nos, mas este texto está apenas disponível em English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français y Turkish.


Battlegrid 2015
Battle Grid 2015 – OSM vs. Tiger 2014 [1]

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  • Lukas Schnaus posted on his proposal “traffic signals ” on the tagging mailinglist
  • Dmitry Kiselev designed a proposal AddrN, which expands the “Karlsruhe Schema” to addr2: = for the second and third address: = addr3. See also the two discussions on the tagging lists.



  • Paul Churchley suggested on the import list that data imported from the Open Charge Map (electric car charging stations) in OSM failed because of the incompatible licenses of the Open Charge Map (predominantly CC-BY-SA, some “third-party data imported under their own licenses”). See also the wiki page  and the talk page.
  • Clifford Snow announces a “community-import” of buildings and addresses in Kirkland, Washington, USA (West Coast). See also the Wiki page.
  • Frederik expressed disappointment with  imported mailing lists that were not discussed and poorly executed, citing Fresno as an example of this.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • OpenStreetMap US Inc. (the US Local Chapter of the OSMF) would like to be recognized by the IRS “Internal Revenue Service” as a non-profit (tax exempt) organisation. On the advice of a lawyer who advises the OSM-US board, they want to change the statute so that it conforms with the laws of Washington DC (headquarters of OSM-US (current statutes, new bylaws PDF)). By 20 January, the design can be discussed on talk-us.
  • is now available in Welsh and 80 other languages & dialects. (via @OSM_Tech)


  • The OpenRailwayMap people are talking about a meeting in Essen in Germany.
  • Stefan Keller reports on talk-ch, that the Swiss Postgres Conference will be held on June 25 and 26 at the University of Rapperswil. See: Call for Papers.
  • Were you expecting an announcement? … (via @Anonymaps)
  • On January 17, a mapping party with 24 participants took place in Yaou (Côte d’Ivoire). Because there are no aerial views they mapped with GPS, “old school!”.
  • For their booth at the National Internet Week 2014, OSM contributors from Burkina Faso have received the gold medal in the category “Civil Society”.

Humanitarian OSM


  • MapBox has integrated the 30m SRTM elevation data for Africa in its maps, recently released by NASA. According to NASA, South America, most of Europe and some islands in the eastern Pacific will follow.
  • Paul Norman showcases a design for the new forest rendering in OSM-Carto (the map style used by OpenStreetMap’s “standard style”.
  • O Tempo, a Brasilian journal, published an article about cultural spaces in Belo Horizonte. (via Gerald Weber).


  • USAirways uses OSM maps to display the route your flight is on.
  • There is currently an acute water shortage in the 20 million metropolis of São Paulo . The largest daily newspaper “Estadão” collects  messages from their readers with the help of an OSM Map (another publication which does not credit this work properly!). “Estadão” has an excuse: the map was created using Livefyre. … but the community works.
  • The Spanish company radiotaxi uses Pide Taxi OSM maps in its Android app . Even with the correct © statement. (via Twitter)
  • L’Équipe, the most popular sport newspaper in France, use OSM for their map of the UCI World Tour (cyclists classified by country of origin, race locations), via Éric Debeau.


  • Richard Stallmann (president of the Free Software Foundation) himself writes to the OSM-dev list and asks whether the Javascript code is licensed as GPLv2only or as GPLv2+.


Did you know …
