(English) weeklyOSM 593

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lead picture

Closest grocery in Helsinki [1] | © Topi Tjukanov | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • Enock4seth complained about changeset comments consisting solely of hashtags. These make it difficult to understand exactly what changes people are making in Ghana, so he is now asking new mappers to provide explanations as well.


  • LuxuryCoop was interviewed about OpenStreetMap in South Korea, as part of the Geomob podcast series.
  • Contributor LySioS has illustrated the ’10 commandments for the OSM contributor’ as a short presentation slide deck (fr). There is also a related discussion (fr) on the OSM-FR forum.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • What type of memberships are there in the OSM Foundation?You can apply for a free membership if you have mapped on 42 or more days in the past year. If you contribute to OpenStreetMap in ways other than mapping, but equivalent in effort to the mapping requirement, you may also qualify. Note that new members will not be eligible to vote at this year’s Annual General Meeting.
  • Existing OSMF members have until Saturday 4 December 00:00 UTC (at midnight Friday/Saturday) to renew their membership via the Application form for active mapping contributor membership (i.e., 42 days or more of OSM mapping in the last year).
  • Allan Mustard has published the 2021 Annual Chairperson’s Report and reminded the members of the OSMF that the Annual General Meeting is just around the corner (online in the IRC chat room #osmf-gm on the IRC network irc.oftc.net, starting Saturday 11 December at 16:00 UTC). Voting to elect four new members of the OSMF Board of Directors (six candidates) will begin Saturday 4 December and there is also a proposed amendment to the Articles of Association, to count time as an associate member for board candidacy requirements. Please be sure to vote!
  • On the OSM-wiki one can find links to the answers from the 2021 OSMF Board election candidates and their manifestos.
  • Did you know that the monthly board meetings of the OSMF are public and broadcast live on the web? The dates are published in an OSS calendar.


  • The State of the Map Africa 2021 took place online from 19 to 21 November. Here are a selection of some reflections on this event:
    • Erick Tamba STATE OF THE MAP AFRICA 2021: (SMCoSE YouthMappers)
    • Maria Nabuwembo Celebrating the open mapping culture and its impact across Africa
    • Vickystickz My Experience @ State of The Map 2021
    • Sheila Job Development of solutions using data.


  • stragu published their RStats and OpenStreetMap workshop which was presented both at State of the Map 2021 and ResBazQld (Research Bazaar Queensland).
  • Taiwanese Mapper Supaplex pointed out the Organised Editing Guidelines to community members, suggesting that they could constrain obvious assignments appointed by school teachers, and register contact information and mapping purposes. As mapping requires state permission in China, it might not be a good idea to ask people from China to follow the Organised Editing Guidelines, which would require they register their contact information and mapping project purposes.


  • Sundellviz showed ‘where to get a drink in Europe’, a map on which all the cafés, bars, pubs and beer gardens in Europe are displayed as different coloured dots. As argued in the comments section, the fact that each type of establishment is called by different terms in each country seems to be the cause of some inconsistencies on the map.
  • Bristow explained (fr) > en how to get aerial views in OSMAnd and in particular those of of the French National Geographic Institute.
  • [1] Here are some selected OpenStreetMap-based maps from the final week of the #30DayMapChallenge:
    • Day 23: GHSL: the second challenge based on a non-OSM data source. Dror Bogin felt they had to add some OSM data to ‘make it interesting’ for Iceland.
    • Day 24: Historical map: Heikki Vesanto animated the ongoing effort by the OSM Irish community to map all of the buildings in Ireland.
    • Day 25: Interactive map: Zihan Song demonstrated the new clustering features in ArcGIS with an interactive a map of shop locations extracted from OSM.
    • Day 26: Choropleth map: Topi Tjukanov, who started the Challenge, divided Helsinki into segments based on the closest shop of each grocery retail chain.
    • Day 27: Heatmap: Hans van der Kwast pointed to the concentration of bicycle parking in South Holland, the Netherlands, mapped in OSM.
    • Day 28: The Earth is not flat: Fedir Gontsa depicted coverage for the biggest private postal and courier company in Ukraine using OSM data.
    • Day 29: Null: Ryan Hart found a Null Road in the OSM road network of North Carolina, USA.
    • Day 30: Metamapping: on the last day of the Challenge, while most people took a break, Marie Anna Baovola mapped buildings and roads in Kigali, Rwanda, obtained from OSM.

Open Data

  • The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) launched (pt) > en the Continuous Vector Cartographic Base of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil on 27 October. These IBGE data are freely available for use in OpenStreetMap.


  • Sarah Heidekorn blogged about the new ways to access the ohsome API, an application that allows non-programmers to analyse the rich data source of OpenStreetMap history. Tools to help analyse OpenStreetMap data are available in packages for Python, R, QGIS, and JavaScript.


  • Colin Angus, VictimOfMaths, for some time now has been making available the R code for all plots he shows on Twitter. A side effect of his participation in the #30DayMapChallenge is that the code for his isochrone map is available on GitHub.

Did you know …

Other “geo” things

  • In Australia, ABC News reported on the detailed Lidar analysis that has uncovered failures by the state logging company to abide by strict laws designed to protect valuable water catchments in Victoria.
  • The Laotian Times reported that the government of Laos has introduced large fines for unauthorised mapping or use of unauthorised maps.
  • BBC News profiled Geograph a website where contributors share geographically located photographs, grouped by 1 km grid squares. Geograph covers Great Britain and Ireland – there is also a German equivalent. Photographs are licensed CC-BY-SA.

Upcoming Events

MapRoulette Community Meeting osmcalpic2021-12-07
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night osmcalpic2021-12-08flag
LondonMissing Maps London Mapathon osmcalpic2021-12-07flag
BerlinOSM-Verkehrswende #30 (Online) osmcalpic2021-12-07flag
Landau an der IsarVirtuelles Niederbayern-Treffen osmcalpic2021-12-07flag
StuttgartStuttgarter Stammtisch (Online) osmcalpic2021-12-07flag
CASA talk: Ramya Ragupathy, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team osmcalpic2021-12-08
LondonLondon pub meet-up osmcalpic2021-12-08flag
Chippewa TownshipMichigan Meetup osmcalpic2021-12-09flag
BratislavaMissing Maps mapathon Slovakia online #5 osmcalpic2021-12-09flag
Großarl3. Virtueller OpenStreetMap Stammtisch Österreich osmcalpic2021-12-09flag
Berlin162. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch osmcalpic2021-12-10flag
[Online] 15th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation osmcalpic2021-12-11
GrenobleOSM Grenoble Atelier OpenStreetMap osmcalpic2021-12-13flag
臺北市OSM x Wikidata Taipei #35 osmcalpic2021-12-13flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting osmcalpic2021-12-13
Toronto OpenStreetMap Enthusiasts Meeting osmcalpic2021-12-14
WashingtonMappingDC Mappy Hour osmcalpic2021-12-15flag
DerbyEast Midlands OSM Pub Meet-up : Derby osmcalpic2021-12-14flag
Reunión mensual de la comunidad española osmcalpic2021-12-14
京都市幕末京都オープンデータソン#15:岩倉具視と岩倉村 osmcalpic2021-12-18flag
Bonn146. Treffen des OSM-Stammtisches Bonn osmcalpic2021-12-21flag
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen (online) osmcalpic2021-12-21flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Nordpfeil, PierZen, Polyglot, SK53, SomeoneElse, Strubbl, TheSwavu, YoViajo, derFred.