Example of a baking oven that might be tagable in the near future 1 | Image by Peter Schmelzle under CC-BY-SA 3.0
About us
- Procuram-se editores! Se é leitor do weeklyOSM ajude a traduzi-lo para português recolhendo também notícias de Portugal e Brasil relativas ao OSM. Ajude a relançar o idioma neste semanário.
- Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi publishes a proposal for adding the
tag for motor vehicles to OpenStreetMap. - [1] Yvan asks for opinions on the tagging mailing list about his proposal
. At the same time he wants to establish the tagamenity=bakehouse
. - AJ Ashton explains how to tag complicated buildings and add 3D information to them. This information can now also be viewed on Mapbox Streets and Mapbox GL JS.
- Basstoelpel starts a discussion about a mechanical edit to convert
in the German forum (automatic translation). - Ilya Zverik, who works for MAPS.ME, blogged about the history of editing the
tag using this simple editor, and the challenges of offering simple tag editing functions.
- OSM forum moves to a new server on Saturday the 22nd of October.
- A huge mapping party held at the town of Böblingen witnessed 850 people from (Germany) working together to capture wheelchair accessibility data in Böblingen county, using wheelmap.
(automatic translation)
- Escada declares Sus as the Belgian Mapper of the month. WeeklyOSM admires his impressive performance. Escada also wonders whether François is the oldest mapper ever.
- On the Spanish Talk-es mailing list, a discussion
about an import of taxi ranks has started. There is also a wiki page for this import.
- Statistics Canada, the national statistical office, started a crowdsourcing project in collaboration with the local OSM community on Monday to collect information such as geometry, height etc. for non-residential buildings using a modified iD editor. Before and during the launch, three users imported buildings and addresses in Ottawa, but sadly failed to comply with the import guidelines, debated enforcement of it, and engaged in edit warring. John Whelan summarized the project itself.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Simone Cortesi, treasurer of the Italian OSMF Chapter (Wikimedia Italia), signed a memorandum of understanding with the Club Alpino Italiano, the national alpine association. They plan to collaborate on improving data about hiking routes and facilities.
(automatic translation)
- The third « World Settlement Summit » of the United Nations, HABITAT III, took place in Quito, Ecuador from 17th to 20th October 2016. At the conference, USAID led a mapping activity in Latacunga.
- The call for presentations for Geospatial devroom at FOSDEM 2017 on February 4th and 5th 2017 in Brussels is open.
- Escada blogs about two open discussion groups (Birds of a Feather) from the SotM 2016. He writes about the JOSM plugin PT-assistant, and Kartotherian, the tile server of the Wikimedia Foundation.
- On October 15, 2016, the SotM West Africa conference took place in Bouaké, Cote d’Ivoire. See tweets by participants from Benin, Burkina-Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Senegal, Niger, Mali and from the official account #SOTMBKE, OSM Girls, OSMGuinea and a Spaniard from Galicia also took part.
Humanitarian OSM
- Two competing humanitarian mapping organizations are currently operating in Haiti – on the one hand the American HOT US Inc., on the other hand a group of French-speaking mappers, called Projet EOF. The latter one has built up, according to their own statements, a local community for the last six years and has contact to the local government.HOT US Inc. and the francophone community have been in conflict for a while. Pierre Beland reminds that HOT US is blocking postings on the HOT mailing list.Projet EOF runs it’s own tasking manager. Read here what happened as well and conceive your own opinion.
- Severin Menard initiates a discussion about necessary improvements to the Tasking Manager to combat the problem of « crappy newbie edits » of humanitarian mappers. A suggestion by John Whelan to disable the connection between the Tasking Manager and the iD editor for difficult tasks is not met with disapproval. The quality issue has stuck with the OSM humanitarian community since the Haiti earthquake in 2010 and has been reoccurring.
- Tyler Radford announces the publication of HOT’s 2015 Annual Report that includes statistics and information about HOT’s community achievements over the last year.
- The disastermappers group at the GIScience department of Heidelberg University extracted all the information related to the Missing Maps project from the HOT Tasking Manager and published it on a map.
- John Whelan is looking for experienced JOSM mappers to improve data in Africa. In his email, he describes the procedure.
- Raw drone images captured in Jérémie are made available. Mappers are welcome to use these images to map the disaster struck areas in Haiti.
- SIASAR the platform for the management, planning and monitoring of Water and Sanitation in Rural Areas including the governments of Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Oaxaca (Mexico), Peru, Ceará (Brazil) and Bolivia are using (automatic translation) OSM in the new version. The importance of this project is that, it allows user to analyze the current situation, expose the shortcomings and give governments the tools that help them to invest.
- The first mention of a commercial use of OSM was ten years ago.
Open Data
- Lisbon Town Hall publishes
(automatic translation) its GIS data under public domain. Since February 2016, it has issued updates at least twice a month.
- Gamereactor reports that Aerosoft Flight Simulator X-Plane 11 will be published in 2016. The road maps were obtained from OSM data.
- Have you always wanted your OSM appointments on your phone? Christoph, aka TheFive (the spiritual father of weekly’s Content Management System) published the OSM calendar in his blog and is looking for ß-testers. The list of available event calendars on OSMCAL is impressive.
- OsmAnd introduces a new topographic map style.
- MapQuest announces the decommissioning of the Xapi API and recommends the users of Xapi to move to Overpass API service. The Xapi open API service will be retired on October 31, 2016.
- Bill Morris explains how to process spatial data in parallel using GNU Parallel by reprojecting a bunch of shape files.
- mmd has released a prototype for downloading OSM data in PBF format through the dev instance of Overpass. The first reaction from Pierre is very positive.
- Mapbox now offers its vector tiles « style optimized ». Users can add the style to the request. The Server removes the tags from the vector tile that are not used by the users.
- Mapzen has updated its House styles. There are improvements on label priority and positioning.
- After the successful completion of Ilya’s paid challenge to add subscription to diary comments, Mikel announces notifications listing as the second challenge.
- Starting with version 0.5.5, CGImap, the C++ implementation of OSM API, calculates the usage limits based on the sent OAuth tokens instead of IP address of the editor who sends the token. CGImap also supports the
API call now. - OSM Scout Server is a free server for Sailfish OS and Linux, which delivers tiles, calculates routes and contains a search function. It is based on the libosmscout library. User rinigus presents the server in his user diary.
Software | Version | Release date | Comment |
Naviki Android * | 3.49 | 2016-10-11 | Layout revised, better bluetooth support, bugs fixed. |
GeoServer | 2.9.2 | 2016-10-12 | Better Mac OS support, 30 bugs fixed, many improvements. |
Locus Map Free * | 3.19.0 | 2016-10-12 | New maps and some fixes. |
OpenStreetMap Carto Style | 2.44.1 | 2016-10-12 | Please read info. |
Komoot Android * | var | 2016-10-13 | Adjustments and performance enhancements for Android 7 |
Mapbox GL JS | v0.26.0 | 2016-10-13 | Six new functions, better performance and some bugs fixed. |
Vespucci | 0.9.8r1204 | 2016-10-13 | No informations. |
SQLite | 3.15.0 | 2016-10-14 | Eight extensions and five bugs fixes. |
Mapzen Lost | 2..1.0 | 2016-10-17 | Four new functions, four bugs fixed. |
Provided by the OSM Software Watchlist.
(*) unfree software. See freesoftware.
Did you know …
- …the figures and business targets of Mapbox, a company headquartered in Washington, D.C.? Presented by Desina A. Lopez on equites.com.
- … the Unterkunftskarte (accommodation map)?
OSM in the media
- San Francisco Chronicle reports the efforts taken by the residents of few villages in Palestine, who wish to see their villages on Google or Apple Maps. The report also includes inputs from Harry Wood, an OpenStreetMap contributor, on how OSM maps such areas.
Other “geo” things
- Google announces the open source release of Cartographer – a library for real time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D.
- Google will turn off Panoramio on November 4th. Mapillary welcomes former Panoramio users to switch to its service.
- Haitians and American Haitians criticize foreign organizations and especially the American Red Cross (which is also involved in humanitarian mapping within OSM). According to the article these foreign organizations would use their donations in an ineffective way, have no local knowledge and do not want to get the locals to help themselves (to preserve their colonial dependency).
Upcoming Events
Where | What | When | Country |
Espoo | OSM kahvit | 20/10/2016 | |
Colorado | Humanitarian Mapathon University of Northern Colorado, Greeley | 20/10/2016 | |
Maastricht | Mapping the new Arriva Busses | 20/10/2016 | |
Helsinki | OSM kahvit | 20/10/2016 | |
Tampere | OSM kahvit | 21/10/2016 | |
Nara | マッピングパーティ奈良2016・西大寺 | 22/10/2016 | |
Graz | Stammtisch | 24/10/2016 | |
Antwerp | Missing Maps @ IPIS | 26/10/2016 | |
Colorado | Humanitarian Mapathon Colorado State University, Fort Collins | 27/10/2016 | |
France | Missing Maps Mapathon Paris 8, Saint-Denis | 27/10/2016 | |
Albergaria-a-Velha | 1st Meetup OSGeo-PT | 27/10/2016 | |
Omihachiman | 近江八幡漫遊マップづくり 第2回諸国・浪漫マッピングパーティー | 29/10/2016 | |
Karlsruhe | Hack Weekend | 29/10/2016-30/10/2016 | |
Donostia | Mapathon Hirikalabs – Missing Maps | 29/10/2016 | |
Taipei | Taipei Meetup, Mozilla Community Space | 31/10/2016 | |
Wien | Hack Evening (58. Wiener Stammtisch) | 03/11/2016 | |
Levoča | Mapping party Levoča | 04/11/2016-06/11/2016 | |
Numazu | ラブライブ!サンシャイン マッピングパーティ2 | 05/11/2016 | |
Rennes | Découverte d’OpenStreetMap pour l’humanitaire | 06/11/2016 | |
Lyon | Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs | 08/11/2016 |
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..
This weekly was produced by Harry Wood, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, Spec80, SrrReal, TheFive, YoViajo, derFred, escada, giovand, jinalfoflia, sabas88, seumas, wambacher.