Author: weeklyteam

hebdo 240 – 17.02.–23.02.2015

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17.02. – 23.02.2015

How to create the postbox map from issue 239? [1]


  • The proposal for waste=* has a new name and has waste_collection=* as a new main key. Attempts have been made to unify various waste disposal and recycling tags.
  • Brad Neuhauser proposes the tag portage=* for portages on the tagging list . Portages are stretches where canoes can bypass weirs, rapids or other obstacles.
  • There is a long, if convoluted, discussion about « fixme » tags on the main « Talk » mailing list.
  • RobJN describes in his blog the easy approach for locating and removing  incorrect street names in the UK.
  • Some users do not receive emails (English) when their changesets are commented on by others.
  • On April 25 in Brussels, Belgium, there will be a mapping party .  The party aims to provide help for new mappers from those who have more advanced skills, and to focus on improving opencyclemap and wheelmap. Everyone is welcome.
  • As part of a broader civic campaign centered on « children’s clubs », groups of children are creating detailed « social maps » of their marginalised neighbourhoods to voice their concerns about issues linked to public spaces.  Much of the child-led mapping campaign sweeping India today relies on old-school topography materials.


  • The French community is working together to trace the 2 054 new cantons (formerly, there were  4035). Official decrees are currently being published… the challenge is to be ready before the nationwide polls on March 22nd and 29th.
  • A hackathon election was held by the Institute of Political Studies Sciences Po, the Interior Ministry and Etalab on February 23.
  • MapBox has had its signalling function « Improve this map » revised and describes how to deal with these error messages.


OpenStreetMap Foundation

Humanitarian OSM

  • There will be a mapping party on March 7 in Abobo, Côte d’Ivoire,  . To support the project an issue was created on HOT Tasking Manager.
  • The UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) launched a web map application for Liberia. Various layers of information are presented with OpenStreetMap as the basemap. (via Pierre Béland)




  • Great Britain’s national mapping agency the Ordnance Survey has switched to OGLThey’ve also adopted a snazzy new logo, and in the process have gained a parody Twitter account. Read more here.


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