18.11. – 24.11.2014

- Give OSM a/your face.
- Imre Samu developed a tool that searches for duplicates in iD editor.
- There are two new MapRoulette-Challenges: one to eliminate duplicate imported schools in Massachusetts, and another one to map missing highways in Luxemburg.
- Joost Schouppe writes about his idea of “A State of the Map for all communities worldwide” (It’s not about the conference, but detailed mapping statistics, taking the history into account)
- Eric Gelinas talks in his blog about his first experiences as a mapper, after using OSM data for 4 years
- Pascal Neis now offers RSS-Feeds on OSM Notes. (Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Netherlands)
- Pascal Neis’ Resultmaps has a new sibling – Filtering OpenStreetMap Changesets by a Specific Comment. You can search a specific string (e.g. « railway » or « maproulette » in the OSM changesets from the last seven days (3 to 16 characters, including substrings). Try it and have fun!
- Mapzen has released Open, an Android app that demonstrates the concept of what it possible with free SDK. The app is appropriately named GPLv3-licensed (Github-Repository). Thank you Michael aka Nakaner for twisting that particular knife!
- User ElliottPlack started a “Maryland Department of Natural Resources lands” import.
OpenStreetMap (Foundation)
- On Sunday, 07 December 2014 at 11:00 UTC, there will be a General Meeting on the IRC-Channel #osmf-gm on irc.oftc.net. More information.
- The OSMF now has its own part of the OSM forum. The OSMF-talk mailing list will remain in place.
- Kate Chapman is the new chairman of the OpenStreetMap Foundation following Simon Poole’s recent step-down. Congratulations to Kate from all at WeeklyOSM.
- The new OSMF Board has started in an exemplary fashion, with the draft of the minutes from the board meeting from November 20th published in the OSMF wiki.
- Frederik Ramm replaces Oliver Kühn as treasurer (4 votes for Frederik, 3 for Henk Hoff).
- Paul Norman replaces Frederik as « Secretary ».
- Henk Hoff stays as “Membership Secretary” (responsible for Member Affairs). A Working Group has been set up to distribute the work load among several individuals.
- The minutes (final version) from the last meeting of the old board from the 14 October 2014 are also available.
- Proposal – changes in the OSMF.
- All servers with the OSM database are located in the same data center. In case of a disaster, that could have severe consequences. If you want to offer some storage and/or traffic, please feel free to contact the Operations Working Group.
- Michael Collinson reports on legal talk about the work of the Licence Working Group. The working group suffers from lack of personnel and is recruiting volunteers.
- A move of the OSM forum to an OSMF server seems imminent. This will hopefully resolve the performance problems of the last few months.
Did you know…
- … Uh, do you still remember … FOSM, the CC-BY-SA-Fork of OpenStreetMap from the year 2012, when OpenStreetMap changed the license? Congratulations FOSM for the first known use of their data. (via @Anonymaps)
- …Maptime, an idea that was created by Stamen Design in San Francisco now runs as MaptimeBER in Berlin as well.
- The videos of the presentations from the « State of the Map » conference in Buenos Aires are available. If you don’t have Flash, you need to download the videos to view them. We find that rather irritating!
Humanitarian OSM
- The project #MapLesotho reached 2 Million OSM nodes in the Kingdom of Lesotho.
- [1] inkatlas.com (currently in beta) generates high-quality b/w PDF documents for predefined areas in OSM – ideal for printing.
- As he does every year, Jan Tappenbeck (User Lübeck) has launched his XMAS map, with Christmas markets and Christmas trees in the public domain. (via talk-de)
- CERN provides the raw data from the Large Hadron Collider as Open Data.
- Getmapping complains about Ordnance Survey partly because they published data as Open Data.
- Very good – MapQuest simplifies its licensing structure
- Gretchen Peterson comes to the conclusion, after her four-part comparison of QGIS with ArcGIS (Visualization, Cartographie, Analysis, BEditing data), that the free QGIS can replace the non free ArcGIS.
- OSM IQ is now available for Windows Phone as well.
- Michal Migurski reports on the visualisation of the Open-Addresses project, whose goal it is to collect as many open-data address lists as possible (such lists are undesirable in OSM as mass imports).
- An example of how not to work with professionals
– producing a mouse pad with a world map and forgetting New Zealand! (ESRI (US software developer of geographic information systems, turnover 794 million USD) (via @Anonymaps)