Category: weeklyOSM

(English) weekly 232 – 23.12.-29.12.2014

Sorry, this entry is only available in English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français and Turkish.

Sorry, this entry is only available in English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français and Turkish.


SNCF stations in Paris [1]

on our own account

  • If you have news for the OSM-community and you think we should spread it here, please send an email.
  • If you think this blog should be available in another language – for example French, Portugues or Sinugboanong Binisaya – (and you are willing to translate) please contact us.



Humanitarian OSM

  • With the planned Humanitarian ID the communication between crisis workers should be simplified.  In a crisis helpers can “check in” and reveal their contact details. This is intended to make it faster and easier for foreign experts to come together with knowledgeable local experts. A Lego-Film illustrates how it should work.



Did you know …

  • … Carmen from Mapbox, a vector tile-based Geocoder?
  • … Easymap, a tool to produce your own map with OSM-data?
  • … or Inkata?


  • Esri and the US Geological Survey published “highly detailed ecological land units maps“. Esri created: “Story Map and custom app that allow for additional exploration and insight.”
  • Tim Sutton explains how to use Geoserver with Docker and Fig.
  • Need a mount for your Garmin Oregon? Print it! (via: twitter)
  • In the publication “Erstellung einer Geodatenbank aller Brücken und Straßen Deutschlands in kommunaler Baulast auf Basis von Open-Street-Map-Daten – Dokumentation der Arbeitsschritte und Beschreibung des Ergebnisses” the German Institute of Urban Affairs claims that “It seems that much of the OSM data comes directly from Google Earth / Maps”.  In the German forum there is much debate about this and the publication is, in some parts, strongly criticized. (PDF direct download 13,5 MB).