23.09. – 29.09.2014

OSM in Science Fiction Style [1]
Talk, Forum, Wiki & Blog
- Roland Olbricht published training material for the Overpass-API. (Obs.: in German)
- The Swedish startup Mapillary offers two new posistions for developers with knowledge in Computer Vision and App development (iOS, Android).
- To find old POIs, which should be checked, user Dotevo published a new service. It shows the age of POIs in terms of colour and offers the opportunity to mark them as checked. (However, this information is saved in a separate database). User Baditaflorin did something similar for 24 big cities.
- Mapbox offers internships in the field of aerial and satellite image preparation and processing. Deadline: 31 December 2014
- The brochure Cycle Mapping for Cycle Routing, which serves as a good introduction for new mappers in the OSM-Community has been updated and revised.
Open Data & ODbL
- After Tirol provided georeferenced addresses on CC-BY-SA, Dietmar Seifert registered those in his street including a house number analysis. His blog is about the progress of the street names and house number registrations. This progress is compared between Tirol and North Rhine-Westphalia.
- For Africa, height data with a resolution of 30m is now available.
- Having congratulated data license “Deutschland 2.0” on its recognised open-data-license, Open Knowledge Foundation wants to clarify that they have always advised against the establishment of a national Open-Government-Data-license and will carry on doing so.
- The application “OpenStreetMap in Bremen unterstützen” (Support OpenStreetMap in Bremen) in the city assembly of Bremen has been postponed for one month.
- Mailing list OSMF-Talk discuss about a women’s quota in the OSMF-management.
- Ilya Zeverev kicks off a discussion about how big, strong, dominating and powerful OSMF should be.
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- On OpenBeerMap you can even choose your favourite kind of beer.
- Pharmacist Jamshed Poonawalla programmed an emergency service map Notdienstkarte including OSM-Data (tutorial included).
- In his blog, Mapbox shows how to design a map that looks handmade by using a pencil (it’s called pencil too
). Trick: Draw by hand, scan it and use it as a “line-pattern”.
Did you know…
- … [1] Science-Fiction-Fan Eleanor Lutz developed a map with a style of its own.
- The OpenData Portal uses maps as a filter.
- Aeriality is a collection of online tools. This means that areal videos (e.g. taken by drones) can be converted into areal images. (via Twitter)
- J.Levente represents the GoogleStreetView coverage and Mapillary sequences on a map.
- Daniel Kerkow compares the height data between SRTM 3 and ASTER GDEM v2 at the Blogpost.
- For CartoDB, there is also a QGIS-Plugin.
- The Deutsche Bahn which hates open-data, provided their timetables and real-time data for Google but now also for Here (Nokia). Our opinion: Here shows that they don’t have enough data. The visualisation of the movement of trains is a bad example.