18.11. – 24.11.2014

- Give OSM a/your face.
- Imre Samu developed a tool that searches for duplicates in iD editor.
- There are two new MapRoulette-Challenges: one to eliminate duplicate imported schools in Massachusetts, and another one to map missing highways in Luxemburg.
- Joost Schouppe writes about his idea of “A State of the Map for all communities worldwide” (It’s not about the conference, but detailed mapping statistics, taking the history into account)
- Eric Gelinas talks in his blog about his first experiences as a mapper, after using OSM data for 4 years
- Pascal Neis now offers RSS-Feeds on OSM Notes. (Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Netherlands)
- Pascal Neis’ Resultmaps has a new sibling – Filtering OpenStreetMap Changesets by a Specific Comment. You can search a specific string (e.g. “railway” or “maproulette” in the OSM changesets from the last seven days (3 to 16 characters, including substrings). Try it and have fun!
- Mapzen has released Open, an Android app that demonstrates the concept of what it possible with free SDK. The app is appropriately named GPLv3-licensed (Github-Repository). Thank you Michael aka Nakaner for twisting that particular knife!
- User ElliottPlack started a “Maryland Department of Natural Resources lands” import.
OpenStreetMap (Foundation)
- On Sunday, 07 December 2014 at 11:00 UTC, there will be a General Meeting on the IRC-Channel #osmf-gm on irc.oftc.net. More information.
- The OSMF now has its own part of the OSM forum. The OSMF-talk mailing list will remain in place.
- Kate Chapman is the new chairman of the OpenStreetMap Foundation following Simon Poole’s recent step-down. Congratulations to Kate from all at WeeklyOSM.
- The new OSMF Board has started in an exemplary fashion, with the draft of the minutes from the board meeting from November 20th published in the OSMF wiki.
- Frederik Ramm replaces Oliver Kühn as treasurer (4 votes for Frederik, 3 for Henk Hoff).
- Paul Norman replaces Frederik as “Secretary”.
- Henk Hoff stays as “Membership Secretary” (responsible for Member Affairs). A Working Group has been set up to distribute the work load among several individuals.
- The minutes (final version) from the last meeting of the old board from the 14 October 2014 are also available.
- Proposal – changes in the OSMF.
- All servers with the OSM database are located in the same data center. In case of a disaster, that could have severe consequences. If you want to offer some storage and/or traffic, please feel free to contact the Operations Working Group.
- Michael Collinson reports on legal talk about the work of the Licence Working Group. The working group suffers from lack of personnel and is recruiting volunteers.
- A move of the OSM forum to an OSMF server seems imminent. This will hopefully resolve the performance problems of the last few months.
Did you know…
- … Uh, do you still remember … FOSM, the CC-BY-SA-Fork of OpenStreetMap from the year 2012, when OpenStreetMap changed the license? Congratulations FOSM for the first known use of their data. (via @Anonymaps)
- …Maptime, an idea that was created by Stamen Design in San Francisco now runs as MaptimeBER in Berlin as well.
- The videos of the presentations from the “State of the Map” conference in Buenos Aires are available. If you don’t have Flash, you need to download the videos to view them. We find that rather irritating!
Humanitarian OSM
- The project #MapLesotho reached 2 Million OSM nodes in the Kingdom of Lesotho.
- [1] inkatlas.com (currently in beta) generates high-quality b/w PDF documents for predefined areas in OSM – ideal for printing.
- As he does every year, Jan Tappenbeck (User Lübeck) has launched his XMAS map, with Christmas markets and Christmas trees in the public domain. (via talk-de)
- CERN provides the raw data from the Large Hadron Collider as Open Data.
- Getmapping complains about Ordnance Survey partly because they published data as Open Data.
- Very good – MapQuest simplifies its licensing structure
- Gretchen Peterson comes to the conclusion, after her four-part comparison of QGIS with ArcGIS (Visualization, Cartographie, Analysis, BEditing data), that the free QGIS can replace the non free ArcGIS.
- OSM IQ is now available for Windows Phone as well.
- Michal Migurski reports on the visualisation of the Open-Addresses project, whose goal it is to collect as many open-data address lists as possible (such lists are undesirable in OSM as mass imports).
- An example of how not to work with professionals 😉 – producing a mouse pad with a world map and forgetting New Zealand! (ESRI (US software developer of geographic information systems, turnover 794 million USD) (via @Anonymaps)