Categoria: weeklyOSM

(English) weekly 221 – 07.10.-13.10.2014

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語 e Turkish.

Desculpe, este conteúdo só está disponível em English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語 e Turkish.

07.10. – 13.10.2014

The “Historical Map” [1] now in four more languages, thanks to Comenius students

Talk, Forum, Wiki & Blog

  • The German Wochennotiz reports that our project provides their information in different languages​​. “Wochennotiz erscheint in Zukunft wieder in einer englischen Version. Und in spanisch. Und in rumänisch. Und in japanisch.”
  • Thomas-Krenn-AG promotes OSM2World.
  • Martijn van Exel wants to revive the Mappy Hour.
  • The city of Kobane in northern Syria doesn’t exit  in Bing or Nokia Maps. However, it does appear in OpenStreetMap and in the map of a market companion. (via Twitter)
  • The OpenCageData Blog interviewed Robin Hawkes, founder and programmer of ViziCities, a 3D visualization of cities that uses OpenStreetMap as a data source.
  • Simon Poole blogs about the numbers of mappers at OpenStreetMap and points out that August 2014 was the month with the second-highest increase in new mappers in the history of OSM.
  • A new MapRoulette Challenge to correct the TIGER import in USA is online.
  • User lxbarth talks about the first gathering of the Latin American OpenStreetMap community in Mexico City. It took place during the Open Data Conference.

Open Data & ODbL


  • After “Lightning Talks” comes “Lightning Conference Bids” “Lightning Conference Bids” – organize a conference announcement in only two weeks on 02.11.2014 – weekly says: “That is ambitious” – (via @Anonymaps)

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

  • The British newspaper “The Guardian” published an article about the “Missing Maps” Project. The Missing Maps project was founded by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), Doctors Without Borders and the American and British Red Cross.
  • Matt Irwin blogs about the progress of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) mapping in West African areas which are threatened by Ebola.
  • A report on the mapping progress in Lesotho, which is coordinated through the HOT Task Manager.



Did you know …

  • … Milvusmap … is a web service for creating and downloading OSM based maps (own rendering style of milvusmap) as a genuine PDF file.
  • … the fictional map of OpenGeoFiction?
  • … the wearable, washable, all weather map designed for the real outdoors.


  • The National Park Service of the United States, published a collection of software that is used for the preparation of their National Park maps.
  • Anyone who uses QGIS should have a look on this Crowdfunding.



  • Wouldn’t that be a good style for the main map?
  • This map shows the time for a journey (isochronic) travelling from London to the rest of the world in the year 1914.
  • Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland produced good advertising for OpenStreetMap evening the 10th OSM-year. (via @petzlux) 😉
  • In Japan, 3D maps for the blind are printed.

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