Category: weeklyOSM

weeklyOSM 644


lead picture

A Braille & ASCII world map renderer [1] | © Michael Straßburger | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • Anne-Karoline Distel is still ‘obsessing‘ about crannógs. She has published the first two of a planned five-part video series on how to map crannógs.
  • watmildon outlined the technique they use to find and fix instances where addr:housenumber have been incorrectly tagged as name.
  • OSM user blkatbyhh shared a tutorial on how to semi-automatically map landuse features from satellite imagery by using Fiji, which is image recognition software.
  • Requests have been made for comments on the following proposals:
    • office=power_utility to replace office=energy_supplier for tagging the office of a power utility company.
    • emergency=lifeboat_station for tagging the buildings and base areas of those groups that are dedicated to the rescue of vessels and sailors in distress.
  • Voting is underway for fountain:design=*, to specify what type of fountain an amenity=fountain is, until Monday 5 December.


  • The results of a OSMF member survey on membership prerequisites (we reported earlier) have been published.
  • LySioS showed the increase in users of Mastodon. He also points out the instance administered by Amanda McCann. Amanda is looking for a logo for this instance.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • The Engineering Working Group has made a call for proposals for a project to add the ability to mute users on the website. This would let OSM contributors who receive unwanted messages in their message inbox to mute (ignore) private messages from another contributor. This subject was also discussed on GitHub.
  • Eligible members of the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) should receive, on Saturday 3 December, instructions on how to vote to elect four new board members via their registered OSMF email. They can start voting on
    Saturday 3 December after 16:00 UTC. Voting will end on Saturday 10 December at 16:00 UTC when the Annual General Meeting will start in the IRC chatroom #osmf-gm on the IRC network we reported last week, the OSM wiki has more information and it is also possible to read the candidates’ answers to official questions and their manifestos.
  • The ‘Risk of hostile takeover of the OpenStreetMap Foundation’ was the only discussion last week on osmf-talk for the current Board election (with four seats available this year and 11 candidates, some with corporate affiliations). OSMF is the legal owner of the OSM database and hardware. Brian Sperlongano started the discussion by asking Roland Olbricht to clarify a post on the talk-de discussion list where he perceived Roland to favour German over US candidates. Opinions varied widely, others focusing discussion on the risk of a hostile takeover.
  • Christoph Hormann wrote, in his blog, about his observations on the past year regarding the OSMF. Among many other facts, he observes an increasing commercialisation of OSMF policy and the increasing dominance of lobbyists in OSMF policy advice.



  • yvecai celebrated the mapping of over 100,000 km of Nordic ski piste.


  • Nominatim 4.1.1 has been released. This is a bugfix release, which resolves some issues around the updating of databases and search.

Did you know …

  • [1] … MapSCII is a Braille and ASCII world map renderer for your console?
  • OpenLayers, a JavaScript library for interactive maps, had their Twitter account locked? Searching for it on Twitter returned ‘This account doesn’t exist’. Twitter requires users to be at least 13 years old and the team has put the date of their first release, which was in 2006, as their birthday. We can confirm the rebirth of @openlayers on Twitter but not their age!

Upcoming Events

BremenBremer Mappertreffen (Online) 2022-11-28flag
NatalMapeamento de Comunidades no Brasil / Mapping Communities in Brazil. 2022-11-29 – 2022-11-30flag
Daerah Khusus Ibukota JakartaOSMGeoWeek Indonesia 2022 2022-11-30flag
ŁódźUN Mappers and OSM Poland Mapaton 2022-11-30flag
DüsseldorfDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen 2022-11-30flag
BudapestOSM Weaving: Remote help, Corvin Mall preparation, Mapvent of December (online) 2022-12-01flag
CojataReunatón Latam 2022-12-03flag
加古川市State of the Map Japan 2022 in Kakogawa 2022-12-03flag
京都市京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第34回 渉成園 2022-12-04flag
臺北市OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 月聚會 #47 2022-12-05flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2022-12-05
Monthly MapRoulette Community Meeting 2022-12-06
City of WestminsterMissing Maps London Mapathon 2022-12-06flag
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2022-12-07flag
BerlinOSM-Verkehrswende #42 (Online) 2022-12-06flag
HOT Tasking Manager Monthly Meet Up 2022-12-07
BrestMapathon en partenariat avec Infini 2022-12-07flag
Rio de JaneiroWorkshop Mapeamento Participativo e Cartografia Social 2022 / Participatory Mapping and Social Cartography Workshop 2022 2022-12-07 – 2022-12-08flag
StuttgartStuttgarter Stammtisch 2022-12-07flag
MünchenMapping Party: Christmas Edition 2022-12-08flag
MünchenMünchner OSM-Treffen 2022-12-08flag
BudapestCorvin Mall in-person survey, Grund: NextCloud Maps, StreetComplete, Snap, IPv6 2022-12-09flag
ZürichOSM-Stammtisch 2022-12-09flag
Berlin174. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch (hybrid – Test für FOSSGIS 2023) 2022-12-09flag
[Online] 16th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation 2022-12-10
KøbenhavnOSMmapperCPH 2022-12-11flag
City of NottinghamOSM East Midlands/Nottingham meetup (online) 2022-12-13flag
Rio de JaneiroWorkshop Mapeamento Participativo e Cartografia Social 2022 / Participatory Mapping and Social Cartography Workshop 2022 2022-12-14 – 2022-12-15flag
Salt Lake CityOSM Utah Monthly Meetup 2022-12-15flag
Michigan Meetup 2022-12-15
Stainach-Pürgg7. Virtueller OpenStreetMap Stammtisch Österreich 2022-12-14flag
ToulouseRéunion du groupe local 2022-12-17flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Elizabete, PierZen, Sammyhawkrad, Strubbl, TheSwavu, derFred, erenozdemir, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.