Author: weeklyteam

(English) weeklyOSM 656

Desculpe-nos, mas este texto está apenas disponível em English, Bahasa Indonesia, Čeština, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский, Turkish, Українська y 台灣中文.


lead picture

The Native Land Digital globe showing Native Territories as they were historically [1] | © Screenshot of Native Land Digital | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • Requests have been made for comments on the following proposals:
    • amenity=showground to describe open areas (typically grassy or gravel) which are maintained to be used for outdoor events.
    • landcover=* version 2 to formalise the usage of the key landcover=* and deprecate the tags landuse=grass and landuse=flowerbed.
  • Voting is currently open until Friday 24 February for:
    • emergency=air_rescue_service, for tagging buildings and base areas of those groups that use aircraft for either aerial search and rescue or medical evacuation purposes.
    • emergency=water_rescue, for mapping the buildings and base areas, both on and off water, of those groups that are dedicated to the rescue of vessels and/or sailors in distress.
    • emergency=fire_water_inlet, for mapping an inlet to a building’s firefighting system.


  • Martijn van Exel has sent out the final OSM Tips email (we reported earlier). After a three month trial Martijn has decided to invest more time on MapRoulette in the future.
  • MoiraPrime reflected on the current state of the map in Mississippi and concluded that the issues identified can be fixed with the help of the community. She listed a number of ways to get in touch with the Southern US community.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • The OSMF Engineering Working Group has decided that the call for proposals to add the ability to mute users on the website (we reported earlier) will close on Monday 13 March.


  • About a year ago, Martin Raifer started working as the maintainer of the iD editor for the OSMF (we reported earlier). He has blogged a short recap and outlook of what’s lying ahead according to him. He wants to host regular online community sessions to chat about the iD editor. The first of these chats will take place on 20 February at 4 pm UTC with the topic ‘the state of the tagging presets – recent changes and development tips’.
  • Ilya Zverev announced that SOTM Baltics 2023 will be held in Riga on 18 and 19 May, where OSM-Baltic will join with the BalticGIT organisation team, the same arrangement as three years ago. This will give everyone interested in open data and open tools an opportunity to gather together to present their work, meet other mappers and developers, and spend two days in a beautiful city on a super wide river.


  • While training in French for beginners has already started (‘OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian Mapping’, which we reported in #651 and #655), the UN Mappers announced that this free training will also be provided Portuguese starting Wednesday 22 March. All interested Portuguese speakers are invited to register.
  • Christian Hollinger encouraged beginners to get a handle on QGIS, for everything from basic data to elevation data and inserting photos. There is a lot for newcomers.

Humanitarian OSM

  • Heather Leson, Dinar Adiatma, and Can Unen shared links to help new and experienced mappers get started with HOT mapping in Turkey.
  • pedrito1414 addressed the question ‘is what I am doing really helping anybody in a disaster situation?’ with some statistics. The answer is yes.


  • Alan McConchie interviewed Tanya Ruka, a Māori indigenous multimedia artist and designer who is the new Executive Director of Native Land Digital, an organisation with the mission ‘to map Indigenous lands in a way that changes, challenges, and improves the way people see history and the present day’.


  • MapTiler now has an Ocean map style available on MapTiler Cloud. The 15 arc-second elevation dataset provided by GEBCO was processed into an optimised Ocean tile set.

Other “geo” things

  • In the latest edition of OpenCage’s #geoweirdness, even a Brazil specialist is sure to find some more interesting facts.
  • The MapScaping Podcast recently discussed how AI can be used to generate artificial satellite imagery using generative adversarial networks (GANs). They tweeted four lookalikes – are you able to tell which is fake?
  • Five days after the Turkey–Syria earthquakes, researchers have produced a map of the ground movement along the East Anatolian Fault. They did this by using before and after data from the EU’s Copernicus Sentinel-1A satellite, which carries a synthetic-aperture radar instrument that is able to routinely sense changes in elevation of the Earth’s surface. Neither of the two most serious earthquakes here were limited to a single epicentre; the first was a 300 km long rupture in one fault and the second a 140 km long one in another.
  • Matthew Beedham drew an analogy between Overture Maps Foundation’s aim to develop standards for interoperability and shipping containers.

Upcoming Events

BudapestHiking by the pipeline towards Százhalombatta 2023-02-18flag
NairobiMapping for Türkiye and Syria 2023-02-18ke
BolognaWikigita alla Certosa di Bologna 2023-02-18flag
ToulouseRéunion du groupe local de Toulouse 2023-02-18flag
iD monthly meetup 2023-02-20
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2023-02-21
LyonRéunion du groupe local de Lyon 2023-02-21flag
160. Treffen des OSM-Stammtisches Bonn 2023-02-21
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen (online) 2023-02-21flag
HeiGIT Sketch Map Tool Launch 2023-02-22
BerlinMissing Maps – DRK & MSF Online Mapathon 2023-02-22flag
DüsseldorfDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen 2023-02-22flag
Wien67. Wiener Stammtisch 2023-02-22flag
[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors – public videomeeting 2023-02-23
LajouxOpenStreetMap : la cartographie collaborative pour tous 2023-02-24flag
LajouxOpenStreetMap : la cartographie collaborative pour tous 2023-02-25flag
KarlsruheKarlsruhe Hack Weekend February 2023 2023-02-25 – 2023-02-26flag
IJmuidenOSM Nederland bijeenkomst (online) 2023-02-25flag
Junta bimestral OSM-LatAm 2023-02-25
Understanding the Basics of OpenStreetMap 2023-02-25 – 2023-02-26
BremenBremer Mappertreffen (Online) 2023-02-27flag
SwarzędzWorkshops for new users – improve the space around you virtually 2023-02-28flag
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2023-03-01flag
StuttgartStuttgarter Stammtisch 2023-03-01flag
EnglandOSM UK Chat 2023-03-02flag
BudapestHiking by the pipeline between Barosstelep and Albertfalva 2023-03-04flag
泉大津市マッピングパーティーin泉大津 2023-03-04flag
荒尾市地域の「今」を記録して残そう! みんなで作る! みんなが使える無料のマップ ~変わりゆく荒尾~ 2023-03-05flag
MapRoulette Monthly Community Meeting 2023-03-07
Missing Maps London Mapathon 2023-03-07
Stainach-Pürgg8. Virtueller OpenStreetMap Stammtisch Österreich 2023-03-08flag
Salt Lake CityOSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2023-03-09flag
MünchenMünchner OSM-Treffen 2023-03-09flag
WinterthurOSM-Stammtisch @Init7 2023-03-10flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, PierZen, SK53, SeverinGeo, SomeoneElse, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.