Author: weeklyteam

weeklyOSM 313



Graphhopper is seeking help for coding as well as for translations [1]


  • A discussion (Deutsch) is ongoing on the German mailing list whether mobile shops (e.g. a mobile takeway) should be mapped on OpenStreetMap or not. If yes, then how can such shops be tagged. (automatic translation)
  • The government of Ecuador has made available a TMS layer of aerial imagery for OpenStreetMap mappers so that they can use it to improve OSM’s data. (Spanisch)
  • #MapatonxGuapi generates geographical open data to control Malaria. Please join and start mapping. The project focuses on the layout of buildings, validation and creation of a complete transport network (roads) and identification of waterways and lakes of the Municipal head of Guapi, Cauca, Colombia. (Spanisch)
  • The tagging proposal for “education 2.0” by user Keder (as we reported in an earlier edition) is now open for voting.
  • Maarten Deen wonders about the newly emerged tag waterway=fairway.
  • Manohar Erikipati had a detailed look at the changes made by Maps.Me users and came to a conclusion that there are many edits which are constructive.


  • User Ziltoidium asked a question on behalf of a Spanish user in the German forum regarding the Berlin Wall. Subsequent activities revived the largely vanished Wall.
  • Build your own OpenStreetMap Tile Server in Ubuntu 16.04, a step by step guide by Xiao Guoan.
  • Marcos Costales publishes an introduction on how to setup your own tileserver (for Europe) with only 120GB of disc space.
  • Our editor Jinal Foflia from weeklyOSM was interviewed as the “Mapper in the Spotlight”.
  • Just in case anyone had forgotten – Field mapping is so much fun!
  • As Pokémon Go is played in the real world, some were wondering about the source for the map data. Anita Lankinen asked about it on Spatineo’s blog and concludes it’s definitely not OSM based.
    Also in the OSM Talk mailing list, Pokémon Go and its consequences for OSM are the subject of discussion. One thing should be obvious though: Please don’t add Pokémon spots to OSM, unless you can add actually useful information about the POI itself.
  • Since the OSM Forum admin, Lambertus has been very hard to reach, people in the community are wondering if there’s another forum admin who can be contacted instead of him?
  • [1] Graphhopper is seeking help for coding as well as for translations.


  • “Welcome To Germany – Building Bridges” is the motto of the FOSS4G in Bonn from August 24th till 26th. Please register before August 12th to get early bird advantages.
  • The International Open Data Conference, where the global community will discuss and debate about the future of open data, will happen in Madrid, Spain on October 6th and 7th, 2016. Pre-registration is open.

Humanitarian OSM

  • If you want to help HOT mapping efforts by preprocessing aerial imagery while you’re on the road, you can now use Mapswipe, so mappers can focus on the areas where there are actual features to map and where the imagery is useful (no clouds, sufficient resolution). You can download data beforehand and work with it while offline. The tutorial shows some examples, so that the “mapping”, as it is called there, too, can be carried out correctly.


  • Gnome Maps suffers from the shutdown of MapQuest-Open. They are searching for alternatives which isn’t that easy as they have hardcoded URLs and they’d like to use maps that have English labels worldwide.


  • Inspired by Pokémon Go John Oram describes how to create a map in Pokémon Go style with Tangram.
  • Mapillary and Mapzen both report about their collaborative effort to match Mapillary data with OpenStreetMap with their tool called Meili. However, neither article evaluates the license-wise occurring problems due to OSM’s share-alike.
  • Nicola introduced the EU supported project i-locate which is dedicated to develop open standards and tools for indoor tracking, mapping and routing. It thereby tries to closely cooperate with OpenStreetMap.


SoftwareVersionRelease dateComment
QGIS2.16.02016-07-08No infos
OpenStreetMap Carto Style2.41.02016-07-12No infos
Mapbox GL JSv0.21.02016-07-1311 new features & improvements, 10 bug fixes
Naviki iOS3.452016-07-13Some improvements
Komoot iOS8.22016-07-14Some extensions and improvements
QMapShack Lin/Mac/Win1.6.32016-07-15No infos
Cruiser for Android1.4.92016-07-16SVG Graphics
Cruiser for Desktop1.2.82016-07-16No infos
Locus Map Free3.18.42016-07-16Bugfix release
osm2pgsql0.90.12016-07-16Maintainance release without new features
iD1.9.72016-07-17No infos
Mapillary iOS4.4.32016-07-17Some fixes
Naviki Android3.452016-07-18Some improvements

provided by the OSM Software Watchlist

Did you know …

  • … that Kartotherian is a vector tile server based on open-source Mapbox stack, developed by Wikimedia Foundation for use on Wikipedia.

Other “geo” things

  • Bicycling presents a new bike option from the German startup COBI for offline navigation using OpenStreetMap data.
  • The “Spiegel” reports (automatic translation) about changes of border rivers and the implications for the affected states.
  • SuperGIS with its latest version helps the user to integrate free online maps like OpenStreetMap.
  • Ian Grasshoff offers maps for 3D printing on Shapeways.
  • The Faroe Islands would like to get Google StreetView, too. So they started a petition and their own SheepView.

Upcoming Events

Buenos AiresGeobirras en Bellagamba22/07/2016argentina
Seattle”’State of The Map US 2016”’23/07/2016-25/07/2016united states
Cerro de PascoMapping Raymi en Oxapampa26/07/2016perú
Tokyo”’State of The Map Japan 2016”’06/08/2016japan
BallerupOpenStreetMap 12th Anniversary13/08/2016danmark

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..

This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Polyglot, Rogehm, SrrReal, TheFive, derFred, escada, jinalfoflia, malenki, stephan75, widedangel.