Author: weeklyteam

(English) weeklyOSM 608

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Barometer of cycle-friendly cities [1] © FUB | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Mapping campaigns

  • OSM Ghana tweeted statistics of their #28DaysMappingChallenge. In February OSM Ghana started a campaign to motivate people to make contributions to OSM on each day of the month. They garnered 598,386 edits from 69 contributors.
  • Becky Candy wrote about live validation during a mapathon.
  • Flanders Tourism launched a website to gather data on tourism POIs, such as: charging points for electric bikes, playgrounds, picnic tables and benches. This project, built upon MapComplete, entails a public campaign with a video presentation (de) and a data import . The developer gave a quick overview in his diary.
  • raphaelmirc presents (pt) > en MapSãoFrancisco, an initiative of Canoa de Tolda and InfoSãoFrancisco that aims to develop collaborative mapping projects throughout the São Francisco river basin (Brazil).
  • The new UMBRAOSM event will be held (pt) > en on Saturday 2 April, from 00:00 to 23:59 (UTC-3). It will be a mapathon focusing on buildings, roads, POIs, and green areas.


  • Christoph Hormann presented his ‘TagDoc Project’, which is intended to offer an alternative to the OSM Wiki with the focus on the de facto use of tags.
  • The following proposals await your comments:
    • opening_hours:autism=* to facilitate people looking for autism friendly opening hours.
    • artwork_subject=sheela-na-gig to tag ‘Sheela-na-gigs’, stone carvings depicting nude women exposing their genitals, found on churches, castles, other walls and in museums.


  • The Korea OSM community has decided (ko) > en to change Ukrainian OSM place names in Korean from Russian notation (e.g. 키예프 – as same ‘Kiev’, 하리코프 – as same ‘Kharkov’) to Ukrainian notation (e.g. 키이우 – as same ‘Kyiv’, 하르키우 – as same ‘Kharkiv’) and is currently editing OSM. The revision of the notation is based on the National Institute of Korean Language’s Ukrainian Geographical Names and Personal Information Collection (2022-03-11) (ko).
  • The OpenStreetMap Ops Team tweeted that the new Discourse based Community Forum has launched. The community is invited to participate in the next steps.
  • The OSM community of Burgos, Spain, is planning several activities, including a mapathon and talks on 1 and 2 April. More information on the event is available on the wiki (es) page.
  • OSM Fukushima members have released videos introducing weeklyOSM 603 and 604 (ja). After introducing weeklyOSM, they interviewed Hokkosha, one of the most active mappers in Japan.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Paul Norman explained: the usage polices for Nominatim and OSM Map Tiles, automatic blocking, and how to fix too frequent requests.


  • On Saturday 19 March, Maptime Bogota brought together (es) > en mappers virtually to update the representation of bike paths in OSM for the Colombian capital.
  • Thanks to C3VOC, video recordings from FOSSGIS 2022 are now available (de).
  • Save the date for Open Belgium 2022, which will be held on Friday 29 April at De Krook, in Ghent, as a real-life event. If you have an idea for a talk or workshop, submit it yourself or ask for advice on how to (deadline is Monday 21 March).


OSM research

  • Datenschatz has written a detailed tutorial on how one can systematically identify and visualise missing data points in OSM data with the help of Pandas and a bit of geo-datascience. The data he is using to compare are health departments in Germany.
  • Transport researchers are studying how open data (such as OSM) stimulates digital civic engagement. One of them has asked mappers to participate in a five minute survey.


  • K. Sakanoshita has developed (ja) an online map to show historic objects in Ukraine.
  • [1] The Fédération française des Usagers de la Bicyclette (French National Cyclists Association) has published (fr) > en the results of the 2021, and third, edition of the ‘aromètre Parlons Vélo‘ which is a nationwide survey about bicycle usage. A general map shows (fr) > en the multiple cities ranking, while a second one shows (fr) > en locations perceived as problematic, improved or where a parking solution is needed.
  • Liveuamap has made an OSM based interactive map showing the latest news in Ukraine.

Open Data


  • yuiseki has developed (ja) an online tool (ja) to assist in editing building address data. Currently, only Japanese addresses are supported, but he plans to support the entire world in the future. The source code is available on GitHub.
  • The Technical University of Darmstadt presented (de) the ‘Intermodal Travel Information’ Motis-Project on A demonstration application (de) and the sources are available.
  • RouteXL is a web appplication using OpenStreetMap data for road itinerary planning, with optimisation for multiple stops to save travel time and cost. It is free to use for routes of up to 20 stops. Various geocoders can be selected including Nominatim.
  • Strasbourg launched its mobile application StrasApp (fr) > en, which provides a map view to users through OpenMapTiles. Unfortunately, as has been noted (fr) > en, with a complete lack of attribution of either OpenMapTiles or OpenStreetMap as requested by the OpenMapTiler group.


  • Geofabrik presentedShortbread‘, a basic, lean, general-purpose vector tile schema for OpenStreetMap data, CC0/FTWPL licensed.
  • Sarah Hoffmann pointed out (de) > en that OpenStreetMap is participating in the Google Summer of Code as an organisation and the first project ideas for it have been made.


  • Vespucci’s March 2022 maintenance release 17.04 is now available in the Play Store.

Did you know …

  • BBBike Map Compare for comparing maps? You can use it find out if Waze uses OSM without attribution, for example.
  • … the new Twitter account OSMChangesets?

OSM in the media

  • Robert Goedl described (de) > en how to use Maperitive to edit OpenStreetMap maps on Linux.

Other “geo” things

  • In the era of phones and online navigation maps, the police emergency response to a shooting in rural Nova Scotia (Canada) showed that the police local units did not have a rapid and reliable backup system for road navigation and aerial images. They consulted an online map that provided road navigation results that seemed unreliable to people that knew the area.
  • contrapunctus asked on OSMIndia: ‘Does anyone know of any opportunities to be a full-time, professional OSM mapper?’. They received a number of accurate answers.

Upcoming Events

臺北市OpenStreetMap街景踏查團工作坊1 osmcalpic2022-03-19flag
Ciudad de GuatemalaPrimer mapatón YouthMappers en Guatemala (remoto) osmcalpic2022-03-19 – 2022-03-20gt
City of SubiacoSocial Mapping Sunday: Shenton Park osmcalpic2022-03-20flag
Habay-la-NeuveRéunion des contributeurs OpenStreetMap, Habay-la-Neuve osmcalpic2022-03-21flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting osmcalpic2022-03-21
Why Open Data Matters for Cycling: Visualizing a Cycling City osmcalpic2022-03-22
BarcelonaGeomob Barcelona osmcalpic2022-03-22flag
City of NottinghamOSM East Midlands/Nottingham meetup (online) osmcalpic2022-03-22flag
Decatur CountyOSM US Mappy Hour osmcalpic2022-03-24flag
[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors – public videomeeting osmcalpic2022-03-24
IJmuidenOSM Nederland bijeenkomst (online) osmcalpic2022-03-26flag
06060Reunión Bimestral OSM-LatAm osmcalpic2022-03-26flag
PerthSocial Mapping Online osmcalpic2022-03-27flag
BremenBremer Mappertreffen (Online) osmcalpic2022-03-28flag
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night osmcalpic2022-03-30flag
Ville de Bruxelles – Stad BrusselVirtual OpenStreetMap Belgium meeting osmcalpic2022-03-29flag
TucsonState of the Map US osmcalpic2022-04-01 – 2022-04-03flag
BurgosEvento OpenStreetMap Burgos (Spain) 2022 osmcalpic2022-04-01 – 2022-04-03flag
StuttgartStuttgarter Stammtisch osmcalpic2022-04-05flag
LondonMissing Maps London Mapathon osmcalpic2022-04-05flag
BerlinOSM-Verkehrswende #34 (Online) osmcalpic2022-04-05flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Lejun, Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, Sammyhawkrad, SomeoneElse, Strubbl, Ted Johnson, TheSwavu, YoViajo, derFred, jcr83, muramototomoya.[