Author: weeklyteam

(English) weeklyOSM 606

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Measure with the camera (AR) [1] photo © StreetComplete | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Mapping campaigns

  • Andrés Gómez Casanova reported (es) > en on the progress of the ‘Note-a-thons’, an initiative of the MaptimeBogota group, which started this year and aims to resolve open notes in OSM in cooperation with other Latin American communities.


  • The Polish OSM community presented a mapping project to help Ukrainian refugees by preparing a map (Menu in (en), (pl), (uk)) that shows refugee reception points and seeks to add Ukrainian names for Polish cities.
  • Fizzie41 reported on how the Australian mapper community has made progress on resolving open OpenStreetMap notes.
  • Richlv described a procedure to clean up untagged ways that are not members of any relations using JOSM.
  • Before-and-after micromapping examples have become popular, particularly on the OSM subreddit.
    User whatismoss has now extended
    the genre with a diary post about a shopping mall involving both 3D and indoor mapping.
  • Voting on the following proposals has closed:
    • transformer=*, to refine power transformers’ classification to make it clearer and remove redundancy with substation=*, was successful with 19 votes for, 0 votes against and 1 abstention.
    • boundary=forest, the latest version of a tagging scheme for forest boundaries (managed or unmanaged forests), was also successful with 18 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.


  • The next online meeting of the Latin American OSM community is on Saturday 26 March. OSM Mexico will be in charge of the coordination and more information is available on the event’s wiki page (es) > en.
  • OSM Fukushima members have released videos introducing weeklyOSM 601 and 602 (ja). They discover buildings in Tonga with extended roofs and discuss how to map them.
  • Ilya Zverev shared (ru) > en his personal view about mapping in difficult times and the risks of mapping objects under dispute, but also expresses the value of OSM in support of humanitarian activities.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Mikel Maron shared his view on the draft resolution on membership prerequisites.
  • The OSMF board has rejected the application by MapUganda for local chapter status. A key reason was that there is insufficient separation between MapUganda’s commercial and community activities.
  • Heather Leson, in her diary, provided an update on how the HOT Governance Working Group, which she leads, plans to look at HOT governance moving from a governance model with membership control of the Board to a more diverse and inclusive model, and asked for volunteers to assist in this process of organisational change.The second part of the diary entry concerned current activities of the LCCWG (Local Chapters and Community) related to Codes of Conduct (CoC).


  • Ever wanted to know what is under the hood of the OSM-driven route planner for cycle touring, Richard Fairhurst presented an in-depth look at his site as part of the talk programme of the (virtual) 2022 Cycle Touring Festival.
  • raphaelmirc recommended (pt) > en a number of OSM Brazil videos (in Portuguese) created to improve mapping in OSM.
  • User unen reported on the aims and objectives of HOT’s ‘Asia Pacific OSM Help Desk’ and invited people to book an appointment for one of the sessions available every Monday (09:00 UTC) and Wednesday (06:00 UTC).


  • Anne-Karoline Distel described in her diary how she created a 3D-printed model, using OSM data, of the churchyard in Magorban for visually impaired people.
  • On (de) > en Ralf Hersel introduced readers to the osMap project, which displays OpenStreetMap data using names in selected Latin character set languages worldwide. For example English, French, Spanish


  • An OSM wiki page has been created for the 2022 Google Summer of Code. Compared with previous years, participants will be required to have a more in-depth understanding of both OSM and software components of the project. Mentor organisations will be informed by Google on 6 March.
  • Pieter Vander Vennet wrote about the new implementation of MapComplete’s language picker.
  • RadicallyOpenSecurity (ROS) has audited the security of Nominatim’s codebase and data.
  • Trufi’s lead developer gave a video guided tour of the Trufi code base to a group of new volunteer developers.


  • The February 2022 maintenance version (17.0.3) of Vespucci has been released.
  • A February 2022 version of OrganicMaps has been released for Android and iOS. The most important changes concern updated map data (4 February), fixes in routing and fixes in styles (e.g., parking, house numbers and railway stations).
  • StreetComplete v41 now allows users to measure the widths of streets and cycleways, as well as the height below overhead obstructions, using smartphone cameras with augmented reality. You can read about the results of the first tests regarding expected accuracy of AR measurement on GitHub.

Other “geo” things

  • Russian geographers have published (ru) > en an open letter against military operations in Ukraine, signed by more than 1800 geographers.

Upcoming Events

XexéuMapathona na Cidade Xexéu – PE -Brasil – Edifícios, Estradas, Pontos de Interesses e Área Verde osmcalpic2022-03-05 – 2022-03-06flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting osmcalpic2022-03-07
MeatuMap Tanzania to help protect girls from FGM for International Womens’ Day osmcalpic2022-03-08flag
MarburgFOSSGIS 2022 osmcalpic2022-03-09 – 2022-03-12flag
MichiganMichigan Meetup osmcalpic2022-03-10flag
MünchenMünchner OSM-Treffen osmcalpic2022-03-10flag
Berlin165. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch osmcalpic2022-03-10flag
LyonEPN des Rancy : Technique de cartographie et d’édition osmcalpic2022-03-12flag
臺北市OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #38 osmcalpic2022-03-14flag
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night osmcalpic2022-03-16flag
149.Treffen des OSM-Stammtisches Bonn osmcalpic2022-03-15
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen (online) osmcalpic2022-03-15flag
LondonGeomob London osmcalpic2022-03-16flag
Großarl4. Virtueller OpenStreetMap Stammtisch Österreich osmcalpic2022-03-16flag
City of SubiacoSocial Mapping Sunday: Shenton Park osmcalpic2022-03-20flag
Habay-la-NeuveRéunion des contributeurs OpenStreetMap, Habay-la-Neuve osmcalpic2022-03-21flag
BarcelonaGeomob Barcelona osmcalpic2022-03-22flag
City of NottinghamOSM East Midlands/Nottingham meetup (online) osmcalpic2022-03-22flag
[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors – public videomeeting osmcalpic2022-03-24
PerthSocial Mapping Online osmcalpic2022-03-27flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, Sammyhawkrad, SomeoneElse, Strubbl, TheSwavu, YoViajo, derFred.