(English) Lead picture 700

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lead picture

Lead pictures weeklyOSM #200, #300, #400, #500 and #600 | ©  CC-BY 4.0

On 24 December 2023, the 700th issue of weeklyOSM will be published. This is a great milestone for our project, which has been summarising the most important news from the OpenStreetMap world for you since 2010.

To celebrate this anniversary, we would like to invite you to take part in a small competition where you can put your creativity to the test. We are looking for a lead image for the 700th edition that reflects the diversity, creativity and importance of OpenStreetMap.

The header image should fulfil the following requirements:

* It should have a resolution of at least 900 x 450 pixels
* It should be in JPG or PNG format
* It must not contain any copyrighted content
* It should fit the theme of weeklyOSM / OpenStreetMap

To take part in the competition, you must publish your header image on a social media channel by 21 December 2023 with the two hashtags #weeklyOSM700 and #osmflag and send it to the email address info @ weeklyosm dot eu. Please include your name or nickname for attribution.

The best header image will be selected by the weeklyOSM editorial team and published in the 700th issue. The winner will also receive an osmflag sponsored by FOSSGIS.

We look forward to receiving your entries and wish you lots of fun and success!

Your weeklyOSM team