
- A pull request from Richard Fairhurst (which has since been merged – hurrah!) should ensure that iD users don’t inadvertently cause problems with relations in the future. This was preceded by the usual complaints about iD on talk (and a response by the iD authors) because of the old bug which used to cause relation membership to disappear, unseen by the mapper.
- iD 1.7.0 is online with new templates.
- How should this road sign be tagged ?
- Open Geo interviewed Daniel Kirstenpfad, the creator of Miataru.
- Harry Wood sent the „Lolcat of awesomeness” that used to appear on the front page of the wiki (for special contributions to OSM) into retirement.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- new Corporate Members
- OpenStreetMap á Íslandi (English), a subset of Hliðskjálf, is the first official Local Chapter of OSMF.
- josm.openstreetmap.de is now running on a new server, according to the site administrator Dirk Stöcker on the JOSM mailing list. In an other mail he talks about traffic and spam.
Humanitarian OSM
- „Disastermappers Heidelberg” write about „Digital Jedi” Patrick Meier, who reported as a guest speaker on current trends in digital Humanitarians.
- Technical Project Manager Cristiano Giovando calls for photos needed for the HOT Summit Website.
- In order that HOT can participate in the global scholarship programme Google Summer of Code and the Outreach programme, ideas for HOT are being collected on Github.
- The „HOT Summit” takes place from 30 April to 02 May in Washington DC. Read the full message here, and apply for scholarship here.
- The HOT team has relaunched the OpenAerialMap project. Cristiano Giovando is recruiting to help with its implementation. Interested parties can send an email to apply@hotosm.org.
- „11 ways to get involved with Humanitarian FOSS” from Heather Leson
- [1] Danilo Bretschneider created a postbox map during the FOSSGIS Hacking Event (English) in January in Essen.
- Routing has been implemented using three external routing engines on OpenStreetMap.org.
- The editors of the French newspaper „La Voix du Nord” found a visible railway roadbed for a proposed testing facility on OSM. As the project is locally controversial and not approved (English) the journalist went in search of information and looked for a recent leak. The feature has been in fact been mapped incorrectly for more than a year and was promptly corrected from railway=construction to railway=proposed. The newspaper reported a day later (English) about the correction and the original mapper could even explain the issue. This is a great advertisement for the openness and reactivity of the OSM community.
- The canton of Zurich published a digital elevation model (i.e. as GeoTIFF and laudably as a point cloud) under a CC-BY-style license. (via @swissOSM )
- Open Data drives the digital economy – the German ministry of economy decided to change (English) the „Informationsweiterverwendungsgesetz” (information re-use law). (via: BMWi Bund)
- Mathias Schindler, the assistant of Julia Reda „Piratenpartei Deutschland” MEP, criticises changes that are only absolutely necessary according to requirements from the EU.
- OSG-Maps 1.2 released.
- waypointer.info is another webservice with OSM based POI search, including export functionality.
- Osm2x3d is a new WebGL based renderer, mainly for buildings out of OSM data.
- Do you remember the kickstarter project #QGIS layer effects? Check out the latest video for use of blur, shadows and more (via: Anita Graser).
- Customization and support for arbitrary feature types in iD from Sajjad Anwar of Mapbox.
- JOSM plugin developers beware! Have you already fixed your JOSM plugins? Since SVN revision 8024 a JOSM plugin can load at runtime (i.e., without restarting). But … your plugin has to be adjusted.
- Four (!) years after the bug report on launchpad and two years after a corresponding ticket in JOSM’s bugtracker, JOSM and other large projects can be translated online. Finally.
- Dennis (@DoctorD) published his routing backend on github.
- A list of suggestions for OSM’s participation in Google’s Summer of Code can be found in the OSM wiki. This is separate from HOT’s participation (see above for that).
- Should there be an „OSM Jobs” mailing list? asks Jo Walsh. (Continuation of the discussion)
- Turf 1.4.0 release from Morgan Herlocker of Mapbox.
- Stickshift from Tom MacWright, also of Mapbox.
- ESRI learns about the „pain” of dealing with an Open Source project (via: Tom MacWright again).
- An announcement: GME2CartoDB is a new tool for data migration from Google Maps Engine (GME) (via @CartoDB).
- Imre Samu is „working on a new iD Editor translation QA tool for helping translators detecting translator bugs”.
Other “geo” things
- 3D print of OSM-data.
- Mapbox uses “probe data” a tool for semi-automated improvements to OpenStreetMap.
- … you need woodcut data visualisation?