Bryce Nesbitt asks for comments on a proposal to use a mechanical edit to change the tagging of pit latrines.
Edits of some employees of Mentz in Düsseldorf cause trouble at the German Forum.
User mueschel detected some SEO-trash in OSM and wonders, what to do with it. The garbage he found is recognisable through Tags like Keywords=* and payment options=* (sic!).
Since July 09 the new version of MapRoulette is available. The tasks (challenges) from the old MapRoulette must be transferred to the new MapRoulette when the tasks should be continued. Attention: Martijn van Exel also wrote up two tutorials for Challenge Creator: Part1 and Part2. So if you are new at creating challenges, give it a try.
Tijmen Stam proposes some changes to the public_transport scheme.
On the talk-de list, Tom Pfeifer „complains” (translation) that many statues in parks don’t have toilets for disabled people – never mind statues in general don’t have any other toilets either.
A large American geo company suffers a sense of humour failure over a „What 3 Words” parody (warning – thread may not be considered safe for work). Another delightful suggestion to the problem of cross-cultural addressing was suggested on the talk list.
A group of mappers challenge the mechanical edit policy as they feel treated wrong by the DWG.
David MacNeil describes a building import he’s done in a part of Canada and hopes to get a permission and not a revert even though he did not follow the import guidelines.
Lisa Mastaler from Geographic Institute of University of Heidelberg wants to import sidewalk information (by adding tags to streets) in Heidelberg. See also the discussion at Talk-de mailing list. (automatic translation)
OpenStreetMap Foundation
OpenCage Data has joined the OSMF as a corporate member.
Ilya Zverev wants to award special achievements and is therefore collecting ideas in our Wiki.
Humanitarian OSM
Doctors without Borders reports about their current cooperation with Missing Maps on Idjwi, the island in the Kivu lake of DR Congo.
An Article of Doctors without Borders exemplifies the usefulness of Remote Mapping for the work they do on site.
MapQuest Open has been shut down on July 11th. More information can be found at their error tiles, on the Talk mailing list and at a tweet by Richard Fairhurst.
HistOSM is a new map which visualizes historic data that is present in the OSM database.
Geraldine Sarmiento plays with „sphere mapping” and tests it with different textures.
In their OSM diary, tyr_asd showcases an updated map visualisation of how OSM node density has changed over the last 2 years.
The UK’s Department of Work and Pensions has a brand new map site (based on OpenStreetMap) to go with its brand new minister. Perhaps it’ll be useful for the last two incumbents of the job?
Open Data
Aquaterra (a Belgian geographical services company) has updated its portfolio of digital maps to include some free OSM ones in vector format. (via mapshop_be).
Node 4294967296 is the first node beyond unsigned 32 bit integer. It has been uploaded at the beginning of final match of European Football Championship. presents Garmin’s newest outdoor devices, the Oregon 700 and the Oregon 750t. The Oregon 750t comes with an OSM map preinstalled. Both devices can be connected to a smartphone to fetch data from the internet (Weather information, Geocaches).
The Technical University of Darmstadt develops a project named „Ui! Traffic” a smartphone app that helps, to regulate ones driving speed such, that one can keep driving through a sequence of green lights. The browser map uses OpenStreetMap as background.
Toyota announced that they’ll start creating their own high precision maps with on-board camera and GPS only.
Here is a Wikidata query to fetch all buildings that span borders between countries Wikidata has data on. To achieve the same with OSM data would involve downloading all borders and buildings nearby to it using Overpass API, then use another tool to figure out which ones intersect with those borders, unless you have all OSM data in PostGIS, then you can do a spatial query directly.
Upcoming Events
Presentation of a hiking map done using OpenStreetMap data, Storo
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..
This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Polyglot, Rogehm, SomeoneElse, derFred, escada, jinalfoflia, mgehling.
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