(English) weekly 234 – 06.01.–12.01.2015

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français i Turkish.

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština, Français i Turkish.


Père Lachaise cemetry in Paris - mapping party on 25th of January
Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris – mapping party on January 25th [1]

on our own account

  • Our co-partner weeklyOSM has now been online, along with a French version, since the 10th of January. (via: Twitter). … says the German Wochennotiz 😉




Humanitarian OSM




  • Justin Manley has published Leaflet.toolbar, a leaflet plugin to create toolbars.
  • OSRM has been released version 2.4. Biggest change is the use of libosmium for faster parsing of OSM data. The developers also announced that the web interface has been facelifted. Please see the link to „improve this map” in the lower right corner.
  • Flinc published a JavaScript toolkit named ffwdme.js. This toolkit „aims to bring interactive GPS driving directions to the mobile browser”.
  • Mapzen has published a comparison of several pbf parsers.
  • Morgan Herlocker created an example app with turf.

Did you know …
