The whole team from UK, Spain, Japan, Turkey, Romania and Germany wish you a „Happy New Year 2015”, filled with peace, joy, health and mappiness.
- User rickmastfan67 complains in a github issue, that he has not received a notification e-mail when somebody responds on changesets.
- On the tagging mailing list Martin Vonwald draws attention to the proposal Dynamic Maxspeed and triggers a discussion.
- Kevin Kenny asks on the talk-us mailing list, how to clean up the „wildly wrong” data from the TIGER-Imports.
- User escada reported about his use of the Editor Level0.
- Richard introduces a new feature in Potlatch 2: tasks.
- Stephan Knauß describes in detail, how he creates an Excel spreadsheet of gas stations in Thailand on Overpass turbo. Even if you do not understand German, you can understand each step based on the screenshots. Maybe we can find a translator.
- A proposal for a mechanical edits of business names in the UK seems to have stalled. The Data Working Group says that it is not right to vote on mechanical edits. Instead, a general agreement within the community should be achieved. Mailing list participants (on talk-GB) dispute about the correct use of „consensus” in English language.
- User skquinn looks back on the year 2014 and his transition to JOSM.
- The Kickstarter project „The Book of OSM” by Steve Coast has reached its funding goal of $ 5,000.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Three new tile caches (London (England), Pula (Croatia) and Corvallis (USA)) were released on 16th December.
- OpenStreetMaps tile content delivery network now supports EDNS to improve locating closest region tile cache. Read more.
- According to the Operation Working Group a different code base is now used for creating the weekly planets. Soon there will be a „Full History” planet every week instead of only several times a year.
- There are two applications to organise the FOSS4G 2016, the annual conference of OSGeo. The two candidates are Bonn/Germany and Maynooth/Ireland.
Humanitarian OSM
- [1] The idea of the Latin Americans to map the Amazon Region together makes very good progress, not least because the coordination of mapping is done with the tasking manager of the HOT team. The project is now on Twitter and there are plans for a Mapathon on 24th of January 2015.
- MapBox updated the map style Winter Wonderland with new terrain data.
- Milvusmap.eu (still „experimental”) allows the production of maps from OSM to .pdf format from A2 to A5 sizes. The maps are also stored online and can be recalled later.
Did you know …?
- … this useful function to show labels in overpass-turbo.eu?
- Falk Zscheile contributed an essay „Die Änderung des Lizenzmodells von OpenStreetMap” (The change in the licensing model from OpenStreetMap) to the publication of Mario Martini / Georg Thiel / Astrid Röttgen (ed.), „Geodaten und Open Government – Perspektiven digitaler Staatlichkeit” (Spatial Data and Open Government – Perspectives of digital law), Speyer, November 2014. (behind a registration barrier).
- 3D-printed map from OSM
- In March, the book OpenStreetMap in GIScience will appear. Target group: academic readers.