- Frederik Ramm tells the talk mailing list about a large redaction of names and administrative boundaries in North Korea following a request by the copyright owner, 38north. He also warns not to use Wikipedia or Wikidata as a source for restoring these names, as we don’t know whether their contributors obtained the data from a suitable source.
- Robert Whittaker announced two new tools to improve OSM data in UK only: Ghosts and survey me!.
- Darafei Praliaskouski who sponsored the tile rendering server- vial, since 2016, seeks for someone interested in sponsoring this server, because he can no longer afford it.
- Reddit user jongeheer asks the OSM community for input on an open world game pack addition for GTA, he’s creating based on OSM data. See the demo.
- "More than 75,000 schools were imported into Peru", dannykath wrote in her OSM diary about the process of importing the schools in Peru and how it benefits the community.
- Researchers from the GIScience Heidelberg group published a paper in the open source journal Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards describing an IT infrastructure that can be used to collect and evaluate data about the OSM project.
Besides classical data sources such as the Planet OSM, the OSM Wiki, etc., other more or less OSM-related data, such as OSM Stats and Natural Earth is also included. The result is various data sets that were published in a standard container format.
Various visualizations of the acquired data are available:
- Geographical visualization of changesets depending on time
- Graphic of the most common English words in the tag descriptions in the OSM wiki
- Animation of the development of OSM tags over time
- Presentation of the correlation between first use of an OSM tag and first documentation of the tag in the OSM Wiki
- Visualization of daily activity in OSM
This data and the presentations are intended to provide a more comprehensive insight into the OSM world that has been possible in previous studies, which focused more closely on either social aspects or the evaluation of data.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- The minutes of the OSMF board meeting on May 24th have been published.
[1] SotMFR 2018 in Bordeaux 01.-03.06.2018
- Here is the program of the SotMFR 2018 which took place last weekend in Bordeaux.
- The videos of the SotMFR 2018 are available.
- Odette Aïda MENDY presents initiative of OSM contributors in Senegal to map transport / bus lines in Dakar.
- Aimée SAMA presents the community OSM Togo : its birth, its activities and events and its projects. You can download the presentation. She announces also the end of the first day 01/06/18 of the SotMFR in Bordeaux with many contributions from French-speaking Africa.
- Vincent Bergeot asks the speakers from Bordeaux to submit their presentations.
- Stefan Keller tweets some preliminary results of his work on identifying "Areas of Interest" using OSM data, which he will report in the academic track at SotM-18.
Humanitarian OSM
- Researcher of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine examining the number of victims of the Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico in September 2017. According to official, but controversial information, the hurricane killed 64 people.
The researchers selected around 100 out of the 900 barrios in Puerto Rico, which are small administrative units with an average of less than 5000 inhabitants. For the sample of households, the authors randomly identified 35 buildings from the buildings on an OSM map in each of the approximately 100 barrios. The data for the selected buildings were downloaded from the Overpass API, the centroids were calculated and converted into Geospatial PDF files. The files along with an OSM base map were copied to the Samsung Tab A 7 tablets of the on-site interviewer.
Based on the surveyed households’ data, researchers estimate that 62% or 4,645 more people died in the post-hurricane period than in the same period in the previous year. For the researchers, it is likely that the actual number is higher, as their values are affected by the survivor bias.
- Following the mapping of Hidroituango dam in Colombia, previously marked as high-risk for flooding, OSM Colombia asks experienced mappers to start validate the new data.
- Netzwolf announces
(automatic translation) in the German OSM forum to disable the data updates for historic.place and is looking for someone to take over the data supply for the historic.place in his place.
- Railway platforms with
are no longer rendered and the first group of mappers is starting to remove this tag. This could be seen as mapping for the renderer. The word covered can be understood in different ways, so it was not a good choice for a tag to begin with. Maybe we will understand it as: you stand under something, out of sun and rain. The wiki apparently describes it as: it’s under another object or underground and can’t be seen from the air.
- The team behind OpenMapTiles launched a map hosting called MapTiler Cloud with weekly updated OSM data, customize tool and hosting for own geodata. The free plan is available also for open-source and open-data community project websites.
- The Italian city of Bologna has publicly released a TMS with aerial imagery of the city, for the first time by default with an addendum to the CC BY 4.0 which explicitly refers to OpenStreetMap (English version at the bottom).
- The French company Magellium annouces on talk-Fr the magOSM service to access thematic OpenStreetMap datasets as WMS/WFS services available for metropolitan France. A Web map is available here for download. Source code will be opened in the next weeks.
- HeiGIT demonstrated how to use the OSM History Analytics platform ohsome for OSM Street Network Topology Analysis and Disaster Activation Monitoring ISCRAM paper.
- Uber released a new geographic visualization toolbox under the MIT license. The software is meant to help Uber gain insights from the combination of map data with POIs and millions of GPS points.
is a web application for large amounts of data. It is based on the visualization solution deck.gl, also from Uber. It is meant as an improvement over the tool chain QGIS, Carto and Mapbox Studio and it makes use of Javascript with React, D3.js, and Three.js for visualization. - Microsoft aquires GitHub for US$ 7.5 billion in stock.
Version 3.0 of OsmAnd is released. Some of the improvements include:
- integration of travel guides from Wikivoyage.org
- improved presentation of Wikipedia content
- map markers import
- improved rendering of GPX tracks
Did you know …
- … that JOSM’s PT_Assistant plugin now comes with a new double split map mode, which makes it easy to add
? Everything that involves splitting a way at 2 nodes and assigning tags to the middle part. Polyglot describes this new functionality — added by Biswesh Mohapatra as part of his GSoC project — on the wiki.
OSM in the media
- Following the Google Maps pricing policy change, « Le Monde » published an interview with Christian Quest (spokesman for the French OSM local chapter). Open alternatives like OSM are needed more than ever.
- The Tagesspiegel shows
(automatic translation) where new cycle paths are planned in Berlin based on OSM.
Other “geo” things
- Arstechnica reports that georeferencing of emergency rooms brings spam from personal injury lawyers to patients in the US.
- Mapbox announced a partnership with Foursquare. It will add 105 million points of interest to their database.
Upcoming Events
Where | What | When | Country |
Tokyo | 東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第20回 江戸開城の地 芝 | 2018-06-09 | |
Rennes | Cartographie des bâtiments en 3D | 2018-06-10 | |
Rennes | Réunion mensuelle | 2018-06-11 | |
Lyon | Rencontre mensuelle pour tous | 2018-06-12 | |
Nantes | Réunion mensuelle | 2018-06-12 | |
Munich | Münchner Stammtisch | 2018-06-14 | |
San José | Civic Hack Night & Map Night | 2018-06-14 | |
Lüneburg | Lüneburger Mappertreffen | 2018-06-19 | |
Cologne Bonn Airport | Bonner Stammtisch | 2018-06-19 | |
Sheffield | Pub Meetup | 2018-06-19 | |
Viersen | OSM Stammtisch Viersen | 2018-06-19 | |
Karlsruhe | Stammtisch | 2018-06-20 | |
Leoben | Stammtisch Obersteiermark | 2018-06-21 | |
Essen | Mappertreffen | 2018-06-22 | |
Kyoto | 幕末京都マッピングパーティ#05:会津藩と京都守護職 | 2018-06-23 | |
Essen | 4. OSM-Sommercamp und 10. FOSSGIS-Hackingevent im Linuxhotel | 2018-06-22-2018-06-24 | |
Rome | Incontro mensile | 2018-06-25 | |
Bremen | Bremer Mappertreffen | 2018-06-25 | |
Lübeck | Lübecker Mappertreffen | 2018-06-28 | |
Dusseldorf | Stammtisch | 2018-06-29 | |
Milan | State of the Map 2018 (international conference) | 2018-07-28-2018-07-30 | |
Dar es Salaam | FOSS4G & HOT Summit 2018 | 2018-08-29-2018-08-31 | |
Buenos Aires | State of the Map Latam 2018 | 2018-09-24-2018-09-25 | |
Detroit | State of the Map US 2018 | 2018-10-05-2018-10-07 | |
Bengaluru | State of the Map Asia 2018 (effective date to confirm) | 2018-11-17-2018-11-18 |
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.
This weeklyOSM was produced by AIMEE SAMA, Nakaner, PierZen, Polyglot, SK53, Spanholz, Spec80, YoViajo, augustind, derFred, dieterdreist, jinalfoflia, sev_osm.