Speeding issues downtown Besançon [1] | © GoGoCarto | Leaflet | © Openstreetmap France | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Breaking news
- The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board is inviting the public to its next online Board Meeting, to be held on Thursday 27 October 2022 at 13:00 UTC. The minutes of the 13 October board meeting have been released.
- Anne-Karoline Distel is working on a
tag clean up process in response to comments regarding her crannog feature proposal. - Ilya Zverev has mapped a Tallinn district using Every Door and recorded the process. The two hour video showcases both POI mapping and micromapping, overlaid with a few comments on user rankings, map ownership, and motivation.
- Jake Coppinger shared his mapping efforts around ‘The Drying Green’, a newly opened park in Sydney, Australia. He created orthoimagery and a 3D model using OpenDroneMap, which is published on OpenAerialMap.
- Requests have been made for comments on the following proposals:
for specifying what type of fountain anamenity=fountain
to approve a number of values of thehistoric
- Włodzimierz Bartczak shared his point of view regarding Florian’s speech at SoTM 2022 on ‘how to kill OSM’.
- Geomob Podcast interviewed Grant Slater from the OpenStreetMap Operations team.
- Following its presentation
in a local newspaper, Donat Robaux asked
French mappers how such elements should be tagged. The device is a vehicle scanning station, so far limited to cars, aiming to give an AI-driven estimation of their value.
- Pierre Beyssac criticised
the GreenData framework
, proposed by OpenDataFrance, which would reduce the value of geographical open data under cover of environmental protection. One example would be the reduction in data volume (e.g. geodata with no more than 1 metre precision or truncating text fields), which has been
fairly controversial.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Submissions of community questions for the candidates in this year’s board election is open on the OSM wiki until 1 November at 23:59 UTC.
- The SotM Working Group (WG) has decided not to organise an international State of the Map 2023.
- Mikko Tamura, the Community Manager of the HOT Asia-Pacific Open Mapping Hub, announced that the Hub will provide 10–12 travel scholarships for State of the Map Asia 2022 for people from their 18 priority countries in Asia. You can get more information about the scholarships here.
- [1] Besançon, a city in eastern France, has released
their own GoGoCarto
map, using OpenStreetMap as a base layer, where users can report traffic problems.
- Leonardo Nicoletti announced the release of CityAccessMap. The open-source web application measures accessibility in urban areas, those with more than 100,000 inhabitants, using multiple criteria.
- Andrii Holovin shared detailed instructions for creating a three-dimensional terrain model from plywood using the Isla del Meridiano as an example. Having obtained the terrain’s contours, following the instructions, you can prepare the layers of the model for cutting out of plywood or corrugated cardboard for further assembly into a three-dimensional model.
- Taylor Smock warned that a potentially GPL-violating JOSM fork is being published on the Microsoft Store, but further investigation and clarification is still needed. Remember that we can modify GPL-licensed open source software and sell it, as long the modifications are also licensed with the GPL and the source code distributed appropriately.
- Grant Grubbs has developed OSM Finder, a tool that searches for locations in OpenStreetMap based on the distances and angles of annotated map features. This app won first place in Bellingcat’s second Hackathon.
- Andres Gomez Casanova has published
a step-by-step guide to analysing country-specific OpenStreetMap map notes by using the weekly changeset export.
- The European Cyclists’ Federation shared their consideration of OpenStreetMap’s potential as a cycling infrastructure database, along with multiple reuse examples.
- The September release of Organic Maps is now available for iOS and Android. It contains map and translation updates, routing fixes, and a new UI for the bottom bar in Android.
- Martijn van Exel released an update to osmdiff, a Python library for interacting with OSM replication diffs or augmented diffs.
- Roland Olbricht announced that Overpass version 0.7.59 has been released. It has no new features, but offers a substantial improvement in performance and the potential for future performance increases and reduction in database size via a change in the database schema. The database remains binary compatible to its predecessor.
Did you know …
- … all of the tags associated with education features?
- …. that Mateusz Konieczny has published a list of OpenStreetMap objects that have Wikipedia or Wikidata tags with problems?
- … that the OpenStreetMap Foundation still needs the community’s assistance in fleshing out the Strategic Plan Outline into a strategic plan?
OSM in the media
- The Huffington Post wrote
about the current wave of fuel availability maps in France while a strike is taking place at the Total and ExxonMobil oil companies. As a consequence of the strike, numerous petrol stations are facing shortages, leading to the need for maps showing where people can get fuel for their vehicles. The story contains some maps combining national public data with an OpenStreetMap base layer.
Other “geo” things
- The French government, in collaboration with Google, launched
the project Foncier Innovant in 2021. The first results were published
earlier this year and show positive results as more than 20,000 private swimming pools were AI-detected and landlords faced total fines of 10 million euros. Experiments are taking place to extend the project to cover other kinds of buildings.
- The Voyageurs Wolf Project published an animated map of some wolf packs’ movements in Northern Minnesota, based on GPS tracking data. Their research shows that the wolves are highly territorial, and packs don’t usually cross into another pack’s territory.
- What3Words have published their 2021 accounts. As Steven Feldman pointed out, the company has now made cumulative losses of £96 m.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Lejun, PierZen, Strubbl, TheSwavu, andygol, derFred, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.
Wieso schafft es niemand, das Erscheinen einer neuen WN im Discourse-Forum zu melden?
Ein einfaches Copy/Paste sollte doch wohl drin sein, oder?
Lieber Walter – Community (engl.) = Gemeinschaft (dt.) – ein gutes Beispiel dafür liest man hier: https://weeklyosm.eu/de/archives/16032#wn638_27488. Antoine Cadoret hat unaufgefordert zur Verbesserung beigetragen. 😉
A couple of notes on the JOSM fork in the Microsoft App store:
* We have no clue if it follows the GPL (as noted in this article).
* The privacy policy for the fork is sketchy (as in, it is highly likely that the privacy policy is incorrect at best)
* As a result, JOSM now has a privacy policy (see https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/PrivacyPolicy , created by Don-vip)
Furthermore, Don-vip[1] has published an official JOSM[2] application on the Microsoft App Store as of ~1 hour ago.
[1] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/22452#comment:17
[2] https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/josm/XPFCG1GV0WWGZX