OpenCampingMap improved [1] © Sven Geggus | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Mapping campaigns
- UN Mappers are going to map building footprints, supporting UNSMIL to ensure peace in Libya, on Wednesday 30 March from 06:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC. The tasks will be distributed via the tasking manager.
- Andrés Gómez Casanova announced that the note-a-thon (a group activity solving local notes in Latin American countries) will be held on the first Saturday of each month from now on. The note-a-thon is registered as an organised activity. See the details
of this activity on the wiki. Events are coordinated
on Meetup.
- bgo_eiu reported on his unexpected insights gained while trying to improve the mapping of Baltimore’s public transit in OSM.
- Counter-mapping the City was a two day virtual conference about using mapping as a means of promoting the struggles of marginalised people in the Philippines.
- dcapillae has started
an initiative with authorised mappers to improve the positions of recently imported recycling containers in Malaga (Spain). To support this he has created a special style usable in JOSM showing the different types of goods suitable for recycling.
- User kempelen pointed out
, once again, the importance of separating
. - Voting is open until Tuesday 5 April for
, for mapping Sheela-na-gigs, stone carvings depicting nude women exposing their genitals, found on churches, castles, other walls and in museums. - Tjuro has finished their micro-mapping of the rebuilt station square north in Zwolle.
- Edoardo Neerhut is looking for work for Aleks (@Approksimator), who has lost his income due to the war in Ukraine.
- OSMF Japan and Microsoft Corporation will hold
a workshop
on Soundscape and OSM on Wednesday 30 March. Soundscape is a 3D voice guidance application based on OSM data.
- Amanda McCann’s February diary is online.
- The Communication Working Group of OSMF has officially announced the new discussion forum for OSM (we reported earlier) in a blog post.
- For International Women’s Day GeoladiesPH had a 3 hour mapathon, focusing on women, called #BreakTheBiasedMap.
- Chinese mapper 喵耳引力波 wrote
a diary entry, in which they list all of the Chinese mappers who gathered to map and refine the mountainous terrain and roads after the MU5735 air crash, and guesses this may have been due to modern media allowing mappers to follow breaking news.
- The 8th State of the Map France (SotM-Fr) will take place at the University of Nantes from 10 to 12 June. The call for papers is open
until Thursday 31 March.
- The State of the Map Working Group revealed the logo for SotM 2022 in Firenze (Italy). They also published a number of key dates as follows:
- Monday 25 April 2022: 23:59:59 UTC: Deadline for talk and workshop submissions
- June 2022: Talk video production (test video and final video)
- August 2022: Lightning talk video production
- 19 to 21 August 2022: State of the Map.
- Corinna John described
in her blog how to create a ‘photo map’ using QGIS.
- Youthmappers published their project results about how to connect volunteered geographic information and crowdsourced spatial data with government cartographers and geographers to better serve the public across the Americas.
- [1] Sven Geggus has improved his OpenCampingMap. Now
are also displayed at zoom level 19. - Reporters from franceinfo used
OpenStreetMap’s data for an article about the cost of commuting after the recent rise in oil prices.
- Alex Wellerstein presented his OSM based ‘nukemap’, which allows you to visualise the impact of a simulated nuclear detonation. Start with a tactical bomb (10 kt) and try the advanced options!
- lwn.net reported that there is an OpenStreetMap viewer for Emacs.
- Organic Maps is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2022. Six ideas for projects are already available.
- Kevin is the new maintainer of the Awesome OpenStreetMap list. He invites you to help make this list more awesome.
- Last week we reported on release 17.0.4 of Vespucci. In it there was a problem with the default templates that can be solved by manually updating the templates.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Lejun, Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, Strubbl, TheSwavu, derFred, Can.