How smells New York or Rome? [1] | Different types of smell as colours
- Seitebatso from Lesotho blogged about 3-D area mapping for Lesotho.
- Commodoortje starts a thread on the Dutch forum with links and information to start mapping with JOSM
- Dreierlei writes a tutorial on editing OpenStreetMap with OsmAnd.
- Aarthy Chandrasekhar explains in her blog post how to “explore your world through field mapping” with Field Papers.
- Discover suspicious OpenStreetMap changesets with the online service osm-suspicious by Pascal Neis.
- A simple question from newbie mapper Michael Booth regarding the
tag sparked a long discussion on the talk-GB mailing list. Can the tag value (hamlet/village/town/city) be determined by legal status or by population or indeed by its history and “feel” of the place to the mapper? One suggestion is to have a new tag reflecting unabmiguously the legal status. - To inspire you to take you through your New Year’s fitness resolution, Mapzen writes a blog encouraging people to map more fitness centres in their cities.
- Simple-revert by Ilya Zverv might be a new solution to revert changesets (only reverting deletions). If the changeset to revert is more complex, osm-revert-scripts by Frederik Ramm and JOSM’s Reverter plugin will be a better solution. Please act responsibly if you perform a revert and you should know what you do.
- Ramya Ragupathy published a tutorial “Your first steps with JOSM – the Java OpenStreetMap editor”.
- OSM user yusuftasdelen introduced OpenStreetMap to potential new users in his blog post and prepared a tutorial video in Turkish. Yusuftasdelen, along with Aytaç Salman, savashan, acbozkurt, and bado57 from Kayseri, Turkey have also imported every street within the city limits using Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality datasets.
- Frederik Ramm asks at German OSM forum how to deal with potential data donations (vector data, no WMS) by suveying authorities. Should everything be imported or not? How quick should an import be performed? The majority of the responses opposes imports. (Note that at the time Frederik asked that question people thought that Saxony’s surveying authority was willing to allow OSM to import the data)
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Alyssa Wright published on the osm.us blog about the Law clinic with Harvard and Cardozo. “More information (including how to join our super-hip law-clinic Slack channel) can be found on the Law Clinic wiki page.”, she said.
- It looks like that an anonymous (without specifying the real name) associated OSMF member is no longer feasable. Our team member Christoph (TheFive) who do not want to reveal his real name for obvious reasons, is not able to renew his OSMF membership.
Humanitarian OSM
- User Gowin writes a dairy about the Bogo OpenStreetMap Workshop which focussed on improving and updating the free and open geospatial data sets in Northern Cebu for humanitarian response.
- Dar Ramani Huria is a community-based mapping project in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. In their blog they explain the HOT Export-Tool.
- MapGive, an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit, makes it easy for new volunteers to learn to map and get involved in online tasks. MapGive explained to teacher “why they should map”.
- Courtney Clark reported on the problems and difficulties of women who would like to participate in OSM and the HOT communities. A plea, on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, to promote and support women in the HOT workgroups.
- Paris. February 11th 2016: 60 Mappers from different countries meet in an hotel. Greeting, meeting and Mapathon. After 3 hours, 4,000 buildings and 170 Kilometre of roads in Uganda are mapped.Pierre-Louis Caron describes and visualizes in a VICE-NEWS article the work for Missing Maps.
- Create 3D OpenStreetMap maps via NASA’s WebWorldWind. (via twitter)
- Christoph Hormann reports at his blog about the most recent edits on the main OSM map style, aiming at reefs and beaches.
- Mapping different types of smell as colours on the OpenStreetMap road network. Smelly Maps lets you choose a City from Barcelona via London to Seattle and smells from emissions via food to waste.
- Finnlines using OSM for live-view on their ships.
Open Data
- The German State of Saxony has published geospatial data (addresses, boundaries) as vector data in the context of INSPIRING, but the license is not compatible. The state could not be satisfied by being mentioned in the Contributors wiki page.
- Open Knowledge formerly Open Knowledge Foundation supports the Open Data Day on Saturday 5 March 2016. Have a look on the map whether there is a Hackathon for you to participate.
- It looks like Wikipedia
hashad in mind to develop its own search engine. Update 1: (automatic translation) – Update 2: (automatic translation) – Update 3: Lila Tretikov resigned. (automatic translation)
- The US Law Clinic about the OSM license raised controversal discussions on different mailing lists. Some examples:
- baditaflorin is blogging about a “New Osm Postgis Script” to find duplicated nodes.
- Florian Pigorsch has published go-staticmaps as a go (golang) library and command line tool to render static map images using OpenStreetMap tiles.
- Developers of the navigation app Maps.me are looking for beta testers via Twitter.
Software Version Release Date Comment SQLite 3.11.0 2016-02-15 Many improvements and bug fixes Basecamp Mac 4.6.2 2016-02-17 4 bug fixes OpenStreetMap Carto Style 2.38 2016-02-17 Changes in rendering, various bug fixes and minor improvements. Nominatim 2.5.0 2016-02-21 Web interface enhanced, API extensions provided by the OSM Software Watchlist
Did you know …
- … Osmhydrant?
Other “geo” things
- Atlas Obscura writes about streets without names in the USA.
- Did you have a look at this wonderful site dear Geography teacher? Stamen Design worked together with National Geographic to produce: Bringing the best of National Geographic’s classic map design into the digital world.
- CartDB … aquires … Nutiteq.
- Brilliant Maps blogs about “Cities Based On Where People Take Photos” a collection of maps from Eric Fischer.
- GISlounge blogs about mapping the salinity of the ocean.
- Mashable published “10 places you’re not allowed to see on Google Maps”. (Click on “display as list” to see all 10 places).
- NOSOLOSIG (not only GIS) informed in the last Boletín about the Map of the Month of the International Geographic Association.
- The Old Weather Project is building a database of historical weather information extracted through crowdsourced efforts by mapping ship logs.
- The North American Cartographic Information Society invites submissions for the Atlas of Design.
- Tobin Bradley has published two videos about vector tiles. In Part 1 he talks about vector tiles, both serving and consuming them. In Part 2 he explains creating and styling vector tiles with your own data. A must see!
Upcoming Events
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please don’t forget to mention the city and the country in the calendar.
This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, Ziltoidium, bogzab, derFred, escada, jinalfoflia, mgehling, samely, stephan75, wambacher.