OSMERS Fukushima talk about issue 597 of weeklyOSM on Youtube
[1] | © | map data © [OpenStreetMap contributors]
About us
- Pete Masters, Head of the Community Team at HOT, promoted weeklyOSM on Twitter and colleagues from OpenStreetMap Spain joined in. Actions recommended for imitation
Mapping campaigns
- In response to the recent enormous explosion at Apiatse near Bogoso, which leveled the entire town, OSM Ghana has created a project on the HOT Tasking Manager to help map the area.
- Cristoffs wrote
about the project to systematically record all defibrillators (
) in Poland. The findings have also been used to expand the Polish Wiki page>
- Christoffs recommended
, in his blog post, ‘JOSM settings useful for editing data in Poland’.
- On the German forum there is a discussion
about a massive retagging of churches. The goal of the retagging was to ‘adapt’ OSM to a flight simulator. Streckenkundler did the revert
of the rule breaking automatic/mechanical edits. Frederik Ramm clarified
the OSM position on the flight simulator users’ forum.
- Starting out to systematic map solar modules, SK53 ended up with outdoor automatic rotary milking parlours.
- Alexander Marx described
how he started contributing to OpenStreetMap with StreetComplete.
- ‘Are maps only made by tough men in wooden ships or can you do it too?’ is
the provocative question of TauvicR, who also wants to encourage you
, to contribute by mapping your surroundings in a spirit of neighbourhood help.
- TauvicR writes
about his neighbourhood outreach activities and the need for passable sidewalks from fit to handicapped pedestrians to wheelchair users. His question at the end is ‘Does OpenStreetMap see a role in providing information about well-maintained footpaths?’
- YouthCheese explained how he started mapping because there were too many white spots on the map in his area of interest in Australia.
- Ilya Zverev analysed
micromapping, in particular examples by Alex Seidel (Supaplex030), and concludes that ‘Supaplex030’s work shows that well-placed tags replace micromapping and complex geometries’.
- miroslavuzice87 compared the before and after micromapping of Uzice, a medieval town in Serbia, and reflected on the pros and cons of micromapping.
- Requests have been made for comments on the following proposals:
a tagging scheme for forest boundaries. This is a follow up to an earlier proposal.isced:2011:programme=*
to updateisced:level
tagging to the 2011 version of the International Standard Classification of Education.water_crossing_level:foot=*
for mapping the typical difficulty of a river crossing.office=diplomatic
to harmonise the use ofname=*
on the facilities of diplomatic missions.
- [1] OSM Fukushima members have released
a video introducing weeklyOSM 597. They also evaluated the newly proposed cartography of the official Japanese national map.
- Episode 113 of the Geomob podcast is an interview with Dustin Carlino about OSM-based transport planning service A/B Street.
- Mateusz Konieczny opened a discussion in his OSM diary by affirming that having deprecated or duplicate tagging schemes in use is not a critical issue to OpenStreetMap.
- Sunil Bhattarai, from Tribhuvan University, talked about his experience with the Youthmappers mapping project in Chepang, Nepal.
- Sam Wilson reported about the first OpenStreetMap meetup in Claremont, Perth, Western Australia.
- Florian Lohoff refers to the contribution of Littlebtc, who points out that due to the lack of current aerial images for the validation of new roads in Taiwan, there is a certain risk in relying exclusively on OpenStreetMap data for navigation purposes. Florian, on the other hand, recommends actively using OSM routing in order to find and correct routing errors more quickly.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- At the 27 January OSMF Board meeting, Seth Cochran and Dolly Andriatsiferana presented Operation Fistula in Madagascar. Dolly showed
the well illustrated tutorial with gif animations of building tracing and tracing/classification of roads in the African context.
- Martijn van Exel showed in a tweet the mapping progress in Tucson, Arizona, the venue for this year’s SotM US. Minh Nguyen, in his comments on our coverage of the event in Issue 601, explained that SotM US recommends that all participants be vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide a negative test result. However, the University of Arizona (the owner of the venue) is prohibited by law from requiring vaccination as a condition of entry.
- The fifth part of Anne-Karoline Distel’s ‘Derrynaflan Trail’ video series is an introduction to 3D mapping, the sixth video explains how to 3D map, and the seventh shows the results.
- The city of Magdeburg
now offers a map
based on OpenStreetMap to display public recycling bins. Unfortunately, the recycling bins are only an overlay and not sourced from OpenStreetMap.
Open Data
- Christian Quest tweeted that orthophotos of five departments in France have been updated
on wms.openstreetmap.fr
- OpenStreetMap user raibach wrote
about the Geoportal Hesse
, which has provided a lot of open data since 2019. Be aware that the available data is not licensed to be directly imported into OpenStreetMap.
- qeef has published a web page where you can check if your new GeoJSON file intersects with any area already published on the HOT Tasking Manager. A similar service is also available for Divide and map. Now.
Did you know …
- … Pascal Neis’ statistics page for OpenStreetMap notes?
- … the wiki page with an overview of all the possibilities for creating high resolution paper maps?
- … how to become a UN Mapper?
OSM in the media
- Cory Doctorow’s latest book Attack Surface contains a reference to OpenStreetMap.
Other “geo” things
- Xirong7 visually compared the size of south-east Asia with some states.
- L.A. Dork tweeted about ‘One of the oddest maps of the Valley’, the ‘Hand that feeds Los Angeles’.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Nordpfeil, PierZen, Sammyhawkrad, Strubbl, TheSwavu, derFred.