Flight paths of some birds [1] | © Benjamin Becquet, Data source: GBIF.org: BirdMap Data – GPS tracking of Storks, Cranes and birds of prey, breeding in Northern and Eastern Europe (09 May 2022) Bird pictures: WikiMedia Commons | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
- barefootstache blogged about their personal ‘100 Day Mapping Challenge’.
- A request for comments has been made for
, a proposal to deprecatecrossing=*
in favour ofcrossing:signals=*
. - Voting is open on street parking revision, to deprecate and replace the
schema for mapping street parking spaces, until Thursday 8 December.
- Piet Brömmel, aka piebro, is maintaining a website where you can get about 40 different statistics about OSM contributions, which are updated monthly. Whenever possible, the results are displayed on a map. A description and the code can be found on GitHub. Feedback or suggestions for more interesting statistics are welcome and can be done by opening an issue at GitHub or writing him an email.
- Włodzimierz Bartczak is asking for help in translating the website openaedmap.org. Translations are done using Weblate.
- In her OSM diary, Jaqueline Amorim reflected on gender imbalance and how to attract females to OpenStreetMap.
- HOT Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific is calling for partners to conduct and replicate the OSM Hackfest in their countries. There is also a YouTube video on the first one held in Nepal.
- HOT Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific tweeted that they will be providing sponsorships to 15 university student clubs in 2023. The application deadline has been extended until Saturday 10 December.
- PlayzinhoAgro described his OSM activities over the past three years in his diary.
- Paul Norman has published some statistics about usage of the OSM website and tiles in 2022Q3.
- Martijn van Exel says ‘I miss a lot of people here’ … by which he means that the community should meet on the Mastodon OSM instance.
Local chapter news
- The November newsletter from OSM US has been sent out.
- The 30DayMapChallenge 2022 on Twitter and Mastodon continued. It is not possible to adequately acknowledge the multitude of outstanding works. The selection we make is purely random and not an evaluation. Please take a look at the works yourself.
- Day 22: NULL | Geomatics CTU @CtuGeomatics * Null Island | د. عبداللطيف الياقوت @geo_alyaqout * Places that contain ‘null’ in their name | Lucas Destrem
@lucasdestrem@mapstodon.space @LucasDestrem * Carte des rues du Raincy |
- Day 23: Movement | Targomo @targomo * How people spend their time during the day and night | Petra Ďuriančíková @PetraDuriancik * Changes of the lake Milh, Iraq. | Thomas Dubot @thomasdubdub * Latest flights over France tonight | Devin Lea @DevinMLea * Syrian Civil War Refugees (as of 2021) | Benjamin Becquet @bbecquet@mamot.fr * interactive map of migrating birds |
- Day 24: Fantasy | geomenke@fosstodon.org
Kurt Menke @geomenke@fosstodon.org * The Kingdom of Denmark | Anton van Tetering @studiohaverstraat@mapstodon.space * Middle Earth | TC (Tirthankar Chakraborty) @TC_Chakraborty@fediscience.org * Flat Earth | - Day 25: Colour Friday: 2 colours | Reframe Landscape @LCAReframe * Limestone & Sandstone | Xiao Wang @gisXiaoWang * Chengdu Oneway? | Peter T Fretwell @PeterTFretwell * Light and dark in Antarctica | Zane @atdodkonfektes * Rīga |
- Day 26: Island(s) | I.K.D @IKEDA_02 * Small Island Developing States (SIDS) | MappleJuice @Mapple_juice * Schokland – Former Island | 세이 Yoon, Shin-young @shinyoungyoon * Cool And Hot | Patrycja Krajczyńska @mapsbyp * New Zealand – Aotearoa |
- Day 27: Music | Iva Brunec @IvaBrunec * Anthem by Leonard Cohen. | Stephen Kennedy @oh_sk * Sounds of State Street | Abhinav Malasi @malasi_abhinav * Noise pollution in London | Pedro Tarroso @ptarroso * A Concert for n pianos – An Iberian Prelude | Felix Eckel @FelixEckel * The Spotify World Map |
- Day 28: 3D | shu shuo @feishuoshu * The Forbidden City,3D perspective Overlook | Sam Keast @SouthCrossMaps * Queenstown, New Zealand | A.A. Smith @_aasmith * Toronto Population Density Map | Helen Schmidt @helenschmidt * A trip to Scandinavia last spring, Aurlandsfjord in Norway |
- Day 22: NULL | Geomatics CTU @CtuGeomatics * Null Island | د. عبداللطيف الياقوت @geo_alyaqout * Places that contain ‘null’ in their name | Lucas Destrem
- Aron Gergely spotted OSM in ‘the wild’ on a train somewhere in Hungary… along with ‘with proper attribution text in local language’.
Open Data
- [1] Benjamin Becquet has created an interactive map of migratory birds using open data.The source code is available on GitHub.
- Minh Nguyễn has implemented dynamically changing name labels based on the user’s preferred language for OpenStreetMap Americana, a vector tile implementation of an OSM map.
- Sarah Hoffmann, aka Lonvia, reported that she has built experimental support for osm2pgsql’s ‘flex output‘ into the latest version of Nominatim with funding from Geofabrik. This will make it possible in the future to run map rendering and geocoding from the same database.
- The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology reported that version 1.0 of their OSHDB has been released. The OSHDB is an OpenStreetMap history database that allows users to visualise and explore the amount of data and contributions to OSM over time in a user-friendly manner via the ohsome dashboard.
- Pascal Neis pointed out, in a tweet, that you can now also mention and link your own OSM community account in your ‘How did you contribute to OSM?’ listing.
- karussell announced the release of a new version of GraphHopper with a completely rewritten frontend that supports alternative routes, includes the custom model feature, works on mobile devices and has many more features. You can read more about this in the GraphHopper blog.
- Mateusz Konieczny’s wikidata/wikipedia validation tool now lists problems in many new areas – Brazil, Czechia, Moldova, Uganda, Italy, Ghana, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Cuba, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, and more areas in Germany and the USA. Mateusz has asked for help in fixing the identified problems. If anyone is interested in fixing other areas feel free to request them!
Did you know …
- … en.osm.town, the ‘home base’ of OpenStreetMap on Mastodon? Since the beginning of the month, the number of members has increased dramatically. @weeklyOSM is also represented there. Get your own account @MyName@en.osm.town. The advantage of being a member of this home base for OSMers: you can read all the messages of the members of this home base directly – without having to follow anyone.
OSM in the media
- The discovery of the crannógs was’t new, but the newspaper write-up was.
Other “geo” things
- PCINVASION has published what they call an ‘early access game’, ‘City Bus Manager‘, built with maps based on OpenStreetMap.
- The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology is looking for a Postdoc / Senior Researcher on OpenStreetMap Road Quality Analysis for a project aiming at developing, evaluating and advancing methods and technologies for OSM data quality analysis.
- Jake Coppinger has built the ‘Sydney Transit Graph‘, which is a visualisation of real-time Sydney bus congestion using Marey charts. The code is available on GitHub.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, PierZen, Strubbl, TheSwavu, derFred, Can, 快乐的老鼠宝宝.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.
> PCINVASION hat, wie sie sagen, „ein Early Access-Spiel“ namens….
Der Schreiberlinge der Rezension ist von PCInvasion. Das Spiel ist entwickelt von PeDePE aus Konstanz
Der “Publisher” ist Aerosoft bei Paderborn
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