Category: weeklyOSM

(English) weekly 220– 30.09.-06.10.2014

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30.09. – 06.10.2014

The city of “Mühlheim an der Ruhr”, Germany [1] invites the crowd to add hotspots to a OSM based map

Talk, Forum, Wiki & Blog

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

  • Presentation shows how OSM contributes to handling the Ebola-crisis and the Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda).



  • Marek Strassenburg-Kleciak is pondering how to map frontages in OSM when they have different colours at different heights.

Did you know…


  • OSMfocus is a new Android app to show detailed data on OSM objects.
  • Nominatim released the new version 2.3.
  • OpenDroneMap is a free and open source software for post-processing from unreferenced overlapping photos to an unreferenced point cloud, dedicated to “civilian (and humanitarian?) UAS/UAV”.