Category: weeklyOSM

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    Daily contribution activity over the past year [1] a commit from Emin Kocan


  • RobJN has developed a proposal to deprecate socket:tesla_supercharger and socket:tesla_destination. His reasoning is as follows: It is no longer correct to have the socket:tesla_supercharger=* tag and the socket:tesla_destination=* tag. This is because:

    1. They do not represent one thing, rather they represent different things in different parts of the world.
    2. They are no longer specific to Tesla since the introduction of NACS and the move to Type2 Combo in Europe/Rest of World.

Mapping campaigns

  • Canyon Runner showcased some progress in mapping Middletown Springs, Tinmouth, Henderson, and Patterson.
  • In response to the recent rebranding of France’s gas transmission network from GRTgaz to NaTran, jbcharron has completed a migration of the French gas network data in OpenStreetMap. The month-long process resulted in the integration of 1,392 gas substations managed by NaTran, along with 41 biomethane production sites and 29 methanisation units. Additionally, the migration facilitated the cleanup of obsolete tags, including industrial=gas, pipeline=marker, and substance=gas, ensuring a more accurate representation of the network.
  • Laambda19 reported the progress made in mapping the abandoned Russian town of Tenkeli.
  • Ltrlg has initiated a project to map pavements and pedestrian crossings in Angers, France.
  • The Trufi Association, HOT, and Codeando México, with funding from GIZ, are digitalising informal transport in Mexico using OSM.
  • ChaireMobiliteKaligrafy, a team of civil engineers and trainees at the University of Montréal announced /
    the completion of a revision of the highway network around Montréal in OSM. This triggered a discussion about a ‘transition model’ that this organised mapping group implemented without first discussing with the local community. Highway exits were shortened with a new location for the highway junctions based on the concept of the ‘theoretical gore‘ and the addition of placement=transition segments to adapt for the routing of autonomous cars. Details of this transition model seems unusual with various transition types, including for roundabouts and service roads in parking lots (some 19,000 transition segments were added around Montréal).
  • GA_Kevin organised a virtual mapping event on 1 and 2 March, 2025, to enhance the map data coverage of Port Townsend, Washington, United States. Within the first two days, participants mapped 36% of the project, with efforts still ongoing.


  • Bob Cameron has given us an update on his detailed hardware configurations for capturing street views from his camper’s windows using old phones and laptops, sharing his preferred mapping techniques for capturing images and uploading them to Mapillary.
  • Kumakyoo has been developing a new file format for OSM for a year (design criteria: fast access, small size, simple structure). He has started a series of blog posts about this format and hopes for feedback.
  • Several Colombian mappers have shared their experience of participating in Open Data Day 2025. They organised an activity called ‘Schools on the map: A path to resilience’. You can read the following posts from: Sebas from Pasto, Néstor from Villavicencio, Valentina from Yopal, and Santiago from El Carmen del Viboral.
  • Rob Nickerson has proposed introducing rules for marking some mailing lists as archived. He also started a conversation on bicycle charging tagging.
  • OpenHistoricalMap contributor BMACS001 shared their mapping of the evolution of municipal boundaries in the British colony and now US state of New Jersey from the 17th century to the present, illustrating the New York–New Jersey Line War and boroughitis.
  • The YouthMappers UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) chapter celebrated its second birthday on Friday 14 March, and their coordinator, Prof. Dr. Raquel Dezidério Souto, interviewed some distinguished people who are dedicating their lives to working on disaster risk reduction in Brazil. The interviews, 1 , 2 , 3 , can be found on the OSM wiki.
  • Valentin Lebossé, of Actu, published an interview with François Lacombe, an OpenStreetMap contributor leading a community effort to map France’s electricity and telecom poles. This initiative aims to offer a data-driven perspective on the challenges surrounding the deployment of a fibre optic network.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • The OpenStreetMap Foundation has announced that the 2025 State of the Map will take place in Manila, Philippines, 3 to 5 October. The event will once again follow a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and virtual participation. For updates on speakers, the agenda, ticketing, and participation opportunities, visit

Local chapter news

  • The OpenStreetMap Indonesia community proudly congratulated one of its members, Andi Muhlis, for winning the State of the Map 2025 logo competition. His design, inspired by Manila’s iconic jeepneys and featuring a detailed segment of the city’s map, will serve as the official logo for the global conference.


  • HeiGIT is participating to this year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Weeks with a session on the practical applications of AI in humanitarian work, presented by Sukanya Randhawa, Lead Machine Learning for Good.

OSM research

  • HeiGIT reports that Steffen Knoblauch and others have published a paper on a study that used street-level crime-safety scores and routing-based simulations with openrouteservice to examine how crime in Rio de Janeiro affects unequal access to education. openrouteservice provides a wide range of routing services based on OSM data.

Humanitarian OSM

  • HOT has launched a humanitarian mapping campaign, in collaboration with the municipal government of Bahía Blanca, to support relief and reconstruction efforts. More information is available on the project’s wiki.


  • Juan Carlos Torres has developed an OpenStreetMap-based interactive map that enables users to access volume functions by tree species based on location. These volume functions estimate the volume of standing trees to help determine the amount of wood in a forest, which is essential for forest management and conservation.
  • Hidde has released OpenRailwayMap-Vector, a re-implementation of OpenRailwayMap utilising vector tiles. The project currently covers Europe and North America, with plans underway to expand globally with daily updates.
  • Monday Merch has launched Europe Rise, an interactive map that shows the location of the headquarters of startups, scale-ups, and established companies across Europe’s tech scene.

OSM in action

  • Darkonus has observed that Rheinmetall’s Skyranger 35, a mobile air defence turret system, was using the OpenStreetMap Carto-like tile style in its navigational map in an official promotional video. This discovery has raised concerns about the possible use of OpenStreetMap data in military applications.

Open Data

  • Konstantin Kuznetsov has compared data from the Government Address Registry (GAR) of Russia and the Public Cadastral Map with OpenStreetMap address data. After converting OSM address data using their ‘Pullenti Address address normalisation service, 88% of OSM buildings mapped to the GAR data. However, OSM contains only 24% of addresses from the GAR and 21% of addresses from the cadastral dataset.


  • Alex Chan demonstrated how to generate static map images using OpenStreetMap and Pillow, a Python imaging library fork, emphasising the need for standalone image exports instead of building Leaflet-based interactive embedded maps.


  • [1] There are several new features on the website:

    • Tom Hughes has merged two commits from Emin Kocan, introducing a heat map visualisation on the OSM user profile pages to showcase daily contribution activity over the past year. This pull request had been in development since December 2024, and after further discussions and code reviews, it was finally merged on 12 March.
    • Máté Gyöngyösi has added anchor link buttons (🔗) to changeset comments on OpenStreetMap. This makes it easier to reference them directly. Máté thanked Dan Jacobson for submitting the idea four years ago, as well as Andy Allan, Holger Jeromin, Anton Khorev, and Tom Hughes for their kind support through the PR review.
  • Sarah Hoffmann has released updates for Waymarked Trails, a tool for browsing OSM route relations, with a key improvement enabling it to recognise member roles in route relations, including direction, roundabouts, and alternative routes. A new feature also allows users to check a route’s order state for easier maintenance.

Did you know that …

  • … weeklyOSM has featured at least 109 uMap-related stories since its inception?

Other “geo” things

  • The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology is offering an International Postdoctoral Fellowship for GIScience Research. This fellowship run for 6 to 12 months and will focus on GIScience research, with a special emphasis on work related to upscaling actionable geoinformation for climate mitigation and adaptation.
  • Varsity surveyed University of Cambridge students to map and analyse ‘the Cambridge bubble’, the typical area the students frequent during a term-time week.

Upcoming Events

    MarseilleConférence présentation d’OpenStreetMap 2025-03-14flag
    Kalyani NagarMapping Marathon 2025-03-15flag
    MarseilleBalade et cartopartie – Parcours de fraîcheur 2025-03-15flag
    Comuna 13 – San JavierJunta OSM Latam – Avances SotM Latam 2025 Medellín 2025-03-15flag
    MetzCartopartie – Quartier du Pontiffroy Metz 2025-03-15flag
    Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2025 2025-03-15
    BengaluruOSM Bengaluru Mapping Party 2025-03-16flag
    Panoramax monthly international meeting 2025-03-17
    Missing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng] 2025-03-18
    LyonRéunion du groupe local de Lyon 2025-03-18flag
    Bonn186. OSM-Stammtisch Bonn 2025-03-18flag
    San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2025-03-19flag
    LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen 2025-03-18flag
    Stainach-Pürgg16. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online) 2025-03-19flag
    ZürichMissing Maps Zürich Mapathon 2025-03-19flag
    KarlsruheStammtisch Karlsruhe 2025-03-19flag
    OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2025-03-21
    DüsseldorfDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online) 2025-03-21flag
    ChemnitzChemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025 2025-03-22 – 2025-03-23flag
    Stadtgebiet BremenBremer Mappertreffen 2025-03-24flag
    DerbyEast Midlands pub meet-up 2025-03-25flag
    MünsterFOSSGIS-Konferenz 2025 2025-03-26 – 2025-03-29flag
    [Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors – public videomeeting 2025-03-27
    ZürichMapathon @ UZH DSI 2025 2025-03-28flag
    MünsterFOSSGIS 2025 – OSM-Samstag 2025-03-29flag
    Green Open Data Day (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos) 2025-03-31 – 2025-04-01
    SeropédicaGreen Open Data Day 2025 (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos 2025) 2025-03-31 – 2025-04-01flag

    If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Grass-snake, HeiGIT, MarcoR, MatthiasMatthias, PierZen, Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, TrickyFoxy, assanges, barefootstache, derFred.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.