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[1] A small map-extract of Venado Tuerto over four time points in 2024, showing the addition of buildings and POI. Map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors | Image © Bastian Greshake Tzovaras


  • Comments are requested on these proposals:
    • Wheelchair users might need assistance in toilets and grab_rails=*, which is a handlebar-like support mounted on the wall, are vital information, since it aids in the movement from one’s wheelchair onto the toilet.
    • Standardise disc_golf_course=* mapping, including course type and equipment, to improve their display and analysis.
    • Deprecate socket:tesla_supercharger and socket:tesla_destination in favour of more generic manufacturer-independent charging plug tags instead of the Tesla-specific tagging schemes.
  • This proposal is ready for voting:
    • contact_line=*: to precisely map contact lines for electric trains, trams or trolleybuses, including their physical properties. It can be voted on until Sunday 30 March.
  • This proposal was approved:
    • catenary_mast=*: for the detailed recording of catenary masts (a structural support used in railway electrification systems to hold up the overhead catenary wires that supply power to electric trains), including their design and function. The proposal was adopted with 11 votes in favour, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions.


  • InfosReseaux (with frodrigo) have spent some time in recent weeks developing quality controls for the French power grids on Osmose. There is a wiki page that documents the process.
  • MapMyTree allows you to report the trees that you have planted within the EU to count towards the European Union’s pledge to reach 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030. Use the app to report and manage your planted trees, locate and browse for areas with tree-planting potential, and follow the progress of the European tree planting pledge.
  • Rphyrin has challenged the notion that all instances of ‘tagging for the renderer’ equate to ‘lying to the renderer’, arguing that visually appealing OSM Carto symbols can, in fact, inspire mappers to contribute even more actively.
  • tlohde is seeking recommendations for a web mapping course focused on embedding interactive map widgets into static websites.


  • From 28 to 30 November the OSM Africa community will host another exciting conference: State of the Map Africa 2025. It will be held in Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania and you are invited to participate as a sponsor or regular participant.
  • Are you planning a little contribution at State of the Map France 2025? To propose one, go to Pretalx by Friday18 April.

OSM research

  • HeiGIT reported that Milan Fila and others have published a paper on AI-generated buildings in OpenStreetMap. This study explored the impact of AI-generated data in OSM, addressing key research questions related to data identification, distribution, quality, and modifications over time using the ohsome API and OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB).

Humanitarian OSM

  • Laura Bortoloni (University of Ferrara, Italy) interviewed Dr. Raquel Dezidério Souto (, about her professional career and the mapping campaign held in response to the Rio Grande do Sul flood of April and May 2024. The advantages of using free and open source software plus open data were pointed out, as well as the difficulties faced by Brazilians in collaborative mapping aimed at disaster mitigation. The interview is also available as a PDF.


  • [1] Bastian Greshake Tzovaras has shared some updates on how recent code contributions have improved Amanda McCann’s before/after comparison-image pipeline, including creating time-lapse GIFs and running fully online without needing to install local tools.
  • HeiGIT reported that MapSwipe, an open-source mobile and web app that enables volunteers to map missing geodata, now includes street-level imagery from Mapillary. This new feature allows users to to identify new objects and enrich existing ones with valuable attributes.
  • Organic Maps explained that their GitHub account has been temporarily blocked, likely due to a contributor being geolocated in a US-sanctioned region. They have submitted all necessary documents and expect it to be resolved soon.


  • In a blog series, exploring their newly developed OSM file format ‘OMA’, kumakyoo introduced a prototype Java library ‘OmaLibJava’, designed for working with and querying OMA files.


  • The MapComplete team tooted that their latest version features a new theme, which allows users to view and annotate wayside shrines.

OSM in the media

  • Selene Yang, one of the founders of Geochicas, spoke, in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El País, about the importance of OpenStreetMap in community processes where cartography is approached collectively and recognises the knowledge of different identities.
  • Telepolis presented three advanced OpenStreetMap apps – OSMand, Komoot, and Gaia GPS – that support outdoor professionals with a range of features such as offline navigation, detailed route planning, and precise tracking for hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities.
  • Employees of the city of Woldegk are discussing , under time pressure, whether the purchase of the AI-supported road detection software Vialytics is worthwhile, since advantages such as automated damage analysis are offset by existing concerns regarding the database maintenance effort and costs.

Other “geo” things

  • Apple has launched the internal ‘Surveyor’ app to collect roadside data including street signs via partner company Premise, using user-submitted photos to enhance Apple Maps with more precise and up-to-date details.
  • Bryan Cockfield, of Hackaday, reported that Chris Doble has taken on the challenge of developing a software-defined GPS receiver entirely from scratch. The project utilises an RTL-SDR dongle – a low-cost software-defined radio originally designed for digital TV reception – along with Python to achieve location accuracy within a few hundred metres. The receiver is capable of resolving a position within 24 seconds from a cold start and presents its data through a web-based interface.
  • ‘PROJ’, the coordinate system transformation software that has been successful for decades, celebrated its 26th birthday and the geoObserver posted their congratulations.
  • Raymond Zhong and Mira Rojanasakul, of The New York Times, have illustrated the far-reaching consequences of Earth’s warming climate through an interactive global map, highlighting several critical environmental shifts, including the mass death of coral reefs, thawing permafrost, the collapse of Greenland’s ice sheets, the breakup of West Antarctica’s ice, shifts in the West African monsoon, the loss of the Amazon rainforest, and the potential shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents.
  • OpenCage tooted a curated collection of geographical trivia about India.
  • Christoph Hormann has released another expansion of his Musaicum satellite image mosaic, created using Sentinel-2 data. This update now includes coverage of the entire United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

Upcoming Events

Stadtgebiet BremenBremer Mappertreffen 2025-03-24flag
DerbyEast Midlands pub meet-up 2025-03-25flag
MünsterFOSSGIS-Konferenz 2025 2025-03-26 – 2025-03-29flag
FuenlabradaTaller de OpenStreetMap en las IV Jornadas de Cultura Libre. 2025-03-26flag
SeattleOpenThePaths 2025 2025-03-27 – 2025-03-29flag
[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors – public videomeeting 2025-03-27
ZürichMapathon @ UZH DSI 2025 2025-03-28flag
MünsterFOSSGIS 2025 – OSM-Samstag 2025-03-29flag
SeropédicaGreen Open Data Day 2025 (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos 2025) 2025-03-31 – 2025-04-01flag
Green Open Data Day (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos) 2025-03-31 – 2025-04-01
Saint-ÉtienneRencontre Saint-Étienne et sud Loire 2025-03-31flag
Santa Maria MaiorMissing Maps Lisbon Mapathon with MSF 2025-04-01flag
SalzburgOSM Treffen Salzburg 2025-04-01flag
Missing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng] 2025-04-01
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2025-04-02flag
StuttgartStuttgarter OpenStreetMap-Treffen 2025-04-02flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2025-04-04
City of CanningSocial Mapping Saturday: Rossmoyne 2025-04-05flag
OSMF Affiliation Focus Group Discussion: Thematic and non-geographical groups 2025-04-05
Delhi15th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online) 2025-04-06flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by HeiGIT, Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, mcliquid.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.