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[1] The geOrchestra/MapStore Cyclone Chido Map of the post disaster evaluation of the damage caused by 2024 Cyclone Chido. © Les Libres Géographes | Map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors.

About us

  • Hiroshi Miura shared a video that explains the weekly process of managing the Japanese edition of weeklyOSM.


  • Comments are sought on a revised sensory_friendly=* proposal, for tagging to indicate if a feature provides sensory accessibility for people with sensory processing sensitivity and if there are designated sensory friendly hours.
  • The practitioners=* proposal was unsuccessful with 7 votes in favour, 8 against and 3 abstentions. The initial sensory_friendly=* proposal was also unsuccessful with 9 votes in favour, 6 against and 0 abstentions.

Mapping campaigns

  • [1] Séverin Ménard has posted an update on the building damage assessment he has been coordinating, with OSM France, after Cyclone Chido hit Mayotte. The MapStore tool he shared lets you access map views and a slideshow in English and French tracing the history of this mapping, mixing OSM data with the Rapid Mapping from Copernicus and post-disaster images from Pleiades. After an initial phase over Mamoudzou to test the methodology, JOSM presets, and map style to get feedback from contributors, a new TM project has been launched for Bandraboua in the north of the main island. The aim is to map wherever Pleiades post-disaster imagery is available.


  • Damien reviewed several mapping applications that might be useful for cycling activities, such as OsmAnd, Waymarked Trails, OpenCampingMap, BRouter, GeoVelo, and StreetComplete.
  • Anne-Karoline Distel boarded the Kilkenny to Fiddown bus, mapping its route, while capturing street-level imagery and conducting drive-by mapping along the way.
  • Geochicas, for the second consecutive year, is conducting a survey (hint: the countries in the drop-down menu are in Spanish, thus make sure to translate them before submitting) on gender diversity and inclusion within the global open mapping community. This year, the survey has been expanded to include the OSGeo community to compare results over different periods.
  • While mapping the history of Cincinnati in OpenHistoricalMap, Hayden Schiff discovered a paper street that never existed but has appeared on local maps for the past 150 years.
  • Alec has recounted his experience as a first-time OpenStreetMap contributor.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Grant Slater, OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Senior Site Reliability Engineer, has published a detailed post-mortem report on the 68-hour OSM outage that occurred 15 to 18 December 2024 (we reported earlier). The report provides a minute-by-minute breakdown of the challenges faced by the OSM Operations team during the incident. To prevent similar disruptions in the future, the team plans to upgrade out-of-band access, currently used as a manual fallback uplink during ISP outages. Additionally, they are exploring backup ISP options for the Amsterdam servers. The findings from this investigation were going to be discussed at the Karlsruhe Hack Weekend on 15 and 16 February.


  • You can explore the initiatives for Open Data Day 2025 on the ODD global map. The events will occur in March and some of them have open calls for registration.
  • Miurahr reported that the OSGEO Hokkaido team and the SotM Japan team hosted FOSS4G Hokkaido and State of the Map Japan 2024 on Saturday 15 February, in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and shared several links to presentations. The recording is available from the event’s page.
  • The website of the State of the Map 2025 has been published.

OSM in action

  • Nau has discovered that a smartwatch can retrieve railway line and maximum speed data from OpenStreetMap, allowing railway passengers to monitor their journey in real time and compare it with the train’s current speed.
  • Jonah Brüchert has introduced Transitous, an open routing service designed to improve public transportation navigation by integrating multiple transit agencies’ APIs. By leveraging publicly available timetable data, the project aims to provide more comprehensive and seamless route planning. The presentation highlights the progress made so far and outlined future developments and potential applications of the service.


  • The course of the Tour de La Provence, France, was plotted on a map with an OpenStreetMap base layer. However the official CIC website did not mention the required OSM contributors’ attribution.


  • Qiita user krnsk17 shared a comparison of APIs between OpenStreetMap and ZENRIN Maps. He created a search programme snippet to find a covered walkway for rainy days. He concluded that the proprietary ZENRIN API is easier to use, while the OSM API is more flexible but more challenging for implementing search functionality.
  • AKD, from OpenStreetMap Ireland, has showcased data extraction techniques from OpenStreetMap using Overpass Turbo, presenting several query examples.


  • The GDAL/OGR 3.10.2 bug fix version ‘Gulf of Mexico’ has been released and developers are saying it is ‘to be used from the darkest depths of Gulf of Mexico to the top of
  • Happy birthday to QGIS. It has been 23 years since the release of v0.0.0.

Other “geo” things

  • Barry Sharples provided a brief history of English waymarks, originally introduced to prevent winter travellers from perishing after losing their way in harsh weather conditions across England’s remote mountainous and moorland regions.
  • Narcélio de Sá celebrated the release of a Portuguese version of the book Fina and the Maps (we reported earlier), an educational resource that teaches children and young people about digital cartography and collaborative mapping. The translation, carried out with his wife, Thaynara Batista, expands access to knowledge and encourages free cultural and digital collaboration from an early age, while highlighting the importance of open education and the impact of OpenStreetMap on building collective knowledge.

Upcoming Events

Saint-ÉtienneRencontre Saint-Étienne et sud Loire 2025-02-24flag
DerbyEast Midlands pub meet-up 2025-02-25flag
GranadaIntroducción a OpenStreetMap 2025-02-25flag
BerlinOSM-Verkehrswende #66 2025-02-25flag
AmsterdamMaptime Amsterdam: End of Winter Mapping Party 2025-02-26flag
DüsseldorfDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online) 2025-02-26flag
MapRVA Virtual Mapping Session 2025-02-28
Flensburg2. Open Data Day in Flensburg 2025-03-01flag
Dwarka14th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online) 2025-03-02flag
MapRoulette online Community Meeting 2025-03-04
Salt Lake CityOSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2025-03-05flag
Molenbeek-Saint-Jean – Sint-Jans-MolenbeekOpenStreetMap meetup in Brussels 2025-03-04flag
SalzburgOSM Treffen Salzburg 2025-03-04flag
Online-Diskussion OSM-Förderprogramm des FOSSGIS e.V. 2025-03-04
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2025-03-05flag
Missing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng] 2025-03-04
StuttgartStuttgarter OpenStreetMap-Treffen 2025-03-05flag
iD Community Chat 2025-03-05
BrnoKvartální OSM pivo 2025-03-05flag
OSM Indoor Meetup 2025-03-05
Missing Maps – DRK & MSF Online Mapathon [deutsch] 2025-03-05
MoersStarke Frauen, Brot und Rosen – Community-Hackday im JuNo in Moers 2025-03-07 – 2025-03-09flag
Dwarka14th OSM Delhi Mapping Party 2025-03-09flag
KøbenhavnOSMmapperCPH 2025-03-09flag
中正區OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #74 2025-03-10flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by PierZen, Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, ediyes, mcliquid, miurahr.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.