Category: weeklyOSM

weeklyOSM 653


lead picture

osmimgur : See tagged imgur images on OSM [1] | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • User bradrh consulted the US Forest Service Motor Use Maps to update motor vehicle access restrictions on forest roads and trails in several national forests.
  • Bryce Cogswell (bryceco) listed every OpenStreetMapper that has managed to map for more than a thousand days without a break.
  • Lejun described how to merge data from different sources into OpenStreetMap. He explained the different tools and methods, including the JOSM plugin UtilsPlugin2.
  • Christoph Hormann wrote a blog post describing the problems with the name key and promised to try to propose a possible solution in his next post.
  • Tomas_J has provided
    pictures and suggested tagging for a few Slovak-specific features.
  • Valerie Norton (valhikes) has summarised her mapping activity around Gunnison, Colorado between February and September 2022. Details of each hike, with lots of photos, are posted on her blog.
  • Voting on the suggestion to announce proposals on the OSM Community forum, as well as the tagging mailing list, has closed. It was approved with 48 votes for, 5 votes against and 0 abstentions.


  • OpenStreetMap recently hit a milestone with more than 10 million user accounts. The milestone was discussed on r/openstreetmap. It should be noted that only about 1.9 million of these accounts have been used to make a map edit.
  • Daniel Capilla (dcapillae) has created a tutorial on how to make a metrominuto (a schematic map of a municipality or city that represents the distances between its main points and the average time it takes to walk between them) of your area of interest.
  • Mevesscarto gave us an update on their progress to armchair map the French department Côtes d’Armor.
  • watmildon explained the JOSM and MapWithAI workflow that they are using to add missing street addresses to OSM.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Get to know the new OSMF Board. In December 2022, four new members were elected to the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board, complementing the three members already serving. The new members, Arnalie Vicario, Craig Allan, Mateusz Konieczny, and Sarah Hoffmann, have joined Guillaume Rischard, Mikel Maron, and Roland Olbricht.

Local chapter news

  • Nominations for the OpenStreetMap US 2023 Board Elections are now open. The OSM US blog has more details if you are interested.


  • UN Mappers has launched the UN Maps Learning Hub, a self-learning platform accessible to anyone interested in the OpenStreetMap project. Courses will be available in several languages and will cover aspects of topographic and humanitarian mapping. The OSM Basics course is already available.

OSM research

  • With the release of the OSHDB (OpenStreetMap History Database) Version 1 for spatio-temporal analysis, the HeiGIT team at Heidelberg University has reached an important milestone. The data is open to everyone, whether they belong to journalism, science or humanitarian organisations. The ohsome dashboard allows you to analyse OSM temporal data for any region. A significant enhancement is the new OSHDB filters that allow practitioners to filter entities by the shape of the geometry (one measure of quality often discussed by the OSM community).
  • GeoObserver has published the third part of its ‘Meierloch’ trilogy on the distribution of surnames and their visualisation on a map.


  • Roberto Brazzelli described how the municipality of Limone (Piemonte, Italy) provides a map of amenities using uMap. Data is maintained in OSM by council staff, but updates are quality controlled via QGIS with data cached in Google Sheets from Overpass queries.


  • Kshitij Raj Sharma has created ‘OpenStreetMap Stats Generator’, which uses osmium to analyse the change files from OSM and generate statistics in different file formats such as csv, json, and jpg. Results are also being tweeted. A second bot follows the recent trends on OSM and retweets the findings with hashtags #osm, #openstreetmap and #hotosm every three hours.
  • rtnf asked why the OpenStreetMap Stats Generator needs an OpenStreetMap login and proposed a lightweight version without the need for credentials.


  • [1] rtnf, inspired by posts on imagery collected by MapComplete (we reported earlier), has created a web app that randomly samples MapComplete images. In his blog, he explained how to visualise tagged imgur images on OSM.
  • Jake Coppinger reported on his efforts writing a vector tile server for osm2streets to provide lane-accurate street maps with OpenStreetMap. Jake also revealed that his Safe Cycling Map now works for the entire world.
  • Tobin Bradley recorded a screencast video that captures how protomaps is used to create a PMTiles file, a single file vector tiles format, and integrate it into a MapLibre demo map. This setup allows you to create vector tile maps with static infrastructure.
  • starsep explained how Bing StreetSide imagery can be used for mapping with JOSM.

Did you know …

  • … about the shop suffix for repair? You can use this to specify services available for computers, bicycles, shoes and more, as tooted by OSM Tourism.
  • … Thomas Gratier’s comprehensive listing of map-related things?
  • … the OSM Welcome tool, hosted by OSM-Belgium? This app helps identify new contributors to OSM in a given area, how many edits they’ve made, and their preferred editor. It also keeps track of which users have been sent a welcome message via the site.
  • … the comparative overview of possibly every OSM-related Android app?

Other “geo” things

  • The Equal Earth physical map of the world is now available in German, thanks to the work of Simon Scherrer.
  • Devin Lea has started a new weekly social media hashtag #MapPromptMonday with a different theme each week. Last week the theme was using colour-blind friendly symbology. Upcoming themes have been listed.

Upcoming Events

IJmuidenOSM Nederland bijeenkomst (online) 2023-01-28flag
南区京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第35回 六孫王神社 2023-01-29flag
WindsorOSM Windsor-Essex Monthly Meetup 2023-01-31flag
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2023-02-01flag
HannoverOSM-Stammtisch Hannover 2023-02-06flag
MapRoulette Monthly Community Meeting 2023-02-07
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2023-02-07
StrasbourgMapathon CartONG 2023-02-07flag
City of WestminsterMissing Maps London Mapathon 2023-02-07flag
StuttgartStuttgarter Stammtisch 2023-02-07flag
ZürichOSM-Stammtisch 2023-02-08flag
Salt Lake CityOSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2023-02-09flag
LondonLondon social pub meet-up 2023-02-08flag
MünchenMünchner OSM-Treffen 2023-02-08flag
NeufchâteauOpenStreetMap – Réunion à Neufchâteau 2023-02-09flag
左京区京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第36回 金地院 2023-02-12flag
KøbenhavnOSMmapperCPH 2023-02-12flag
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2023-02-15flag
KarlsruheStammtisch Karlsruhe 2023-02-15flag
Olomoucúnorový olomoucký mapathon 2023-02-16flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by ChristopherGS, Kasey2, MatthiasMatthias, Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, SeverinGeo, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.