Notiziario Settimanale OSM 490

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58 sites dedicated to biodiversity 1 | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors | Imagery © Mapbox

OSM Foundation elections

  • The results of the elections for four seats on the OSMF board were announced during the Annual General Meeting. The successful candidates were
    1. Guillaume Rischard (Luxembourg)
    2. Allan Mustard (USA),
    3. Mikel Maron (USA),
    4. Rory McCann (Ireland).

    The voting for the final seat was extremely close between Rory McCann and Michal Migurski (USA).

    weeklyOSM congratulates the successful candidates, and thanks all who took the trouble to stand for election.


  • Michael Behrens has made a request for comments on a proposal for specifying the function of different parts of a hiking trail. Examples include: approaches from public transport stops; and excursions to viewpoints or peaks near the main trail.
  • A request for comments on a proposal to adopt leisure=skatepark for tagging an area designated and equipped for skateboarding, in-line skating, BMXing, or scootering.
  • Markus reported that the vote on the pedestrian lane proposal ended with 62% approval, and as a result was unsuccessful.
  • Sebastian Martin Dicke asked for comments on a proposal for noting whether a lawyer’s office offers notary services.
  • Martin Scholtes has called for comments on a proposal to use a park_drive tag with amenity=parking to indicate if a parking area is designated for people parking to join a carpool journey.
  • Voting has opened on the telecom distribution points proposal. The proposal is for a method to map pieces of equipment, often small boxes, allowing one or more individuals or households to connect to a single telecom local loop upstream cable.
  • France 24 reports about the mapping project that Code for Africa has been doing in Makoko, a floating neighbourhood in Lagos, Nigeria. Read the article and watch the video.
  • The NGO CartOng shares in a blog post their initiative to map St Laurent du Maroni, in French Guiana, with the full involvement of local inhabitants in mapping activities.
  • MapRoulette 3.5 is now available, with much improved task search using the map, and many other smaller improvements along with bug fixes. Check it out on!


  • [1] The map Haie magique gave information about 58 sites dedicated to biodiversity in 19 communes of Île-de-France.
  • The local community of contributors to OpenStreetMap in Manila, Philippines organised its first LGBTQI-themed MapBeks mapathon, training newcomers to add data to OSM using MapContrib. Check out Mikko’s OSM Diary post.
  • The Belgian contributor juminet made a case for a “more integrated” website for Andy Allan (who does most of the website development currently) encourages him to actually get involved.
  • kartonage posted a quick reflection on his Mapillary contributions this year.
  • thomersch wrote a blog post on his calendar tool.
  • Antara Tithil, one of the core team members of the Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL), is featured on the Daily Observer as “Woman in Mapping”.
  • Frederik Ramm is critical of Facebook’s involvement in OpenStreetMap and also of a Facebook employee applying for a board position at OSMF. A lot of interesting comments. 😉


  • krizleebear talks about possible automated edits on admin_centre linking. Detailed documentation of rationale and implementation can be found on our wiki.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Peter Barth asked the candidates running for the OSMF Board some follow up questions, particularly on the subject of conflicts of interest.
  • OSM UK has set up the “OSMUK Talent Pool” to connect companies and organisations with mappers based in the UK who can carry out paid or volunteer work related to OpenStreetMap. weeklyOSM says: great idea – congrats!
  • Mikel Maron outlined some of his ideas on OSMF governance. He discusses splitting the Advisory Board into a group of Local Chapters, and a group for corporates, the need for rules around how the Board and Working Groups work together, and creating a conflict of interest policy.


  • The call for presentations for SotM 2020, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 3 to 5 July 2020, is now open.
  • The Ivorian newspaper FratMat reports (fr)(automatic translation) about the success of State of the Map Africa in Grand-Bassam in Ivory Coast.
  • The State of the Map Africa organising committee shared pictures of the successful conference on Flickr.
  • A three day Regional Understanding Risk 2019 conference, sponsored by the World Bank, was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from 20 to 22 November. The last day was conjoint with the SotM Africa 2019 conference.

Humanitarian OSM

  • The HOT project #7446 is looking for help with the mapping of Djibouti after a severe flood. Due to the very dense environment the task is limited to intermediate and advanced mappers.
  • Micheal Yani, coordinator for OSM’s new South Sudan community, is looking for donations to fund workshops, the training of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda and elsewhere, and mapping devices.
  • Leon, a GIS specialist and environmental engineer in Bolivia, is asking for donations to build a geographic information system for the country. The system is intended to be a joint project of the local OSM community, public institutions, aid entities, researchers and the private sector. The area suffered from raging forest fires and a very high rate of deforestation recently. So far only $250 of the target $7,000 has been received.
  • Alice Goudie wrote a blog article about Missing Maps’ work after Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas in September 2019. The blog covers the Missing Maps contribution, the importance of OSM and offers some illustrative photos of “OSM in action”.


  • A new open access book on Digital Earth has been released. OpenStreetMap gets special attention in the chapter “Citizen Science in Support of Digital Earth” – written by Maria Antonia Brovelli, Marisa Ponti, Sven Schade and Patricia Solís.


  • Christian Reinstorf, aka Spiekerooger, offers (de) (automatic translation) online maps in seven different languages, based on OpenStreetMap data.

Open Data

  • Marco Minghini reports that there is a trainee position available at the European Commission–Joint Research Centre (JRC), in Ispra (Italy). The deadline for applications is January 10, 2020.


  • SomeoneElse felt it was worth summarising existing tools and approaches for tag transformation of OSM data. This was in response to a recent thread on the talk mailing list, started by Sören Reinecke. His cases include both rendering and routing examples of how to make “the ‘super detailed’ tagging” in OSM into something more appropriate for a particular use, e.g., rendering OSM data.


  • The OsmAnd team announced the release of version 3.10 of its navigation software for iOS. The new version comes with a redesigned navigation preparation screen, support for Online SQL maps, improved control of contour lines and much more.

Did you know …

  • … about GeoHipster? An independent online publication dedicated to chronicling the state, issues, and direction of the geospatial industry as seen by the people working in it.
  • … how to write good changeset comments?
  • … how to tag the origin of dishes in restaurants and goods in shops For restaurants the tag cuisine is used; for goods in shops it is origin.
  • … the environmental zone in your city? Or is it still missing? Have a look at the Wiki and complete your low emission zone.

OSM in the media

  • Watch the video of Steven Johnson giving an introduction to OpenStreetMap at a TEDx talk for an educator’s perspective.
  • Onlinekhabar reports that locals of Budhiganga municipality (Nepal) recently got training on how to map their resources, landmarks and upload the data to OpenStreetMap.

Other “geo” things

  • Christopher Barrington-Leigh and Adam Millard-Ball have written a paper on using OpenStreetMap to calculate a measure of street connectivity. They found that there was a strong association between low connectivity and increased vehicle travel, energy use and CO2 emissions.
  • Weetracker reports that there are only six African countries where flying drones is tantamount to breaking the law. Those countries are: Algeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco and Senegal.
  • GeoChicas have created a map of the places around the world where “Un violador en tu camino” (in English “A rapist in your path”) has been performed, with links to reports of the events. The protest performance has the aim of demonstrating against violations of women’s rights.

Upcoming Events

AlicePoliMappers Adventures 20192019-12-01-2019-12-31everywhere
AoA and other changesVoting on OSMF board elections2019-12-07-2019-12-14world
MannheimMannheimer Mapathons2019-12-12germany
MunichMünchner Stammtisch2019-12-12germany
NantesRéunion mensuelle2019-12-12france
Berlin138. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch2019-12-13germany
BerlinDB Open Data XMAS Hack2019-12-13-2019-12-14germany
HelsinkiOSM Mapathon @ Mapbox2019-12-13finland
San JuanOpenStreetMap Workshop for Metro Manila Bikers2019-12-14philippines
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen2019-12-17germany
NottinghamNottingham pub meetup2019-12-17united kingdom
Digne-les-BainsHÉRuDi : l’Histoire Étonnante des Rues de Digne2019-12-17france
LondonLondon Xmas Pub meet-up2019-12-19united kingdom
BiellaIncontro Mensile2019-12-21italy
hosted by Chaos Communication Congress 36C3OpenStreetMap assembly2019-12-27-2019-12-30germany
ValceaEuYoutH OSM Meeting2020-04-27-2020-05-01romania
Cape TownState of the Map 20202020-07-03-2020-07-05south africa

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Elizabete, Jorieke V, Kleper, PierZen, Rogehm, SK53, SunCobalt, TheSwavu, YoViajo, derFred, geologist.