Autore: weeklyteam

(English) weekly 255 – 02.06.–08.06.2015

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, Čeština e Français.

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English, Deutsch, Español, 日本語 e Čeština.


OpenWathEverMap - random tiles
OpenWhatEverMap – random tiles [1]

About us

  • New in our team for the Spanish version: Laura from Cuba and Luis from Ecuador. Bogus joined the team for the English language.

State of the Map US


  • Mapillary has announced its fork of the iD editor, where you can display recognized road signs with an associated image in the editor. Here’s hoping it gets accepted and merged…
  • Field Papers, a site for creating printouts that you can take for mapping has been resurrected.
  • User Aury88 asks if it would be possible to integrate the editing tags for existing nodes directly on the main page.
  • Jorge, one of the GSoC students, has presented the first results of his work (Mapillary plugin for JOSM) and is asking for feedback.
  • Peter Dobratz asks if there is a way to obtain a list of all its changeset discussions. He is apparently not the first to ask this.
  • The satellite images from Landsat will serve as a basic layer for the OpenAerialMap project (via).
  • Minh Nguyen wrote a detailed contribution to the debate about multilingual name-tagging in OSM. He explains the differences between “translation, transliteration and transcription.” He also shows based on translations between Chinese and Vietnamese that an automated approach would be extremely difficult.



  • Rory McCann wants to import place names in Ireland.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

Humanitarian OSM

  • A survey on the earthquake in Nepal and mapping for HOT.
  • User “dekstop” deals with statistics about HOT and announces that he will publish his findings on a regular basis in the future.
  • Approximately 70 percent of the contributors after the earthquake in Nepal are newbies, according to this analysis.


  • [1] Unless you could opt for an OSM-style, then there is now the right map for you.


  • Two years after the “Open Data Charter” was announced at a previous G8 summit in Lough Erne, Germany is still at the bottom of the class with regard to open data. (English).
  • The World Bank Group, Conveyal, Mapbox and Mapzen founded OpenTraffic, an open platform for traffic data, which has a strong link to OpenStreetMap


Did you know …

Other “geo” things

  • A historical map of Paris is now integrated in iD of Open Historical Map. (via)
  • The FixWikiMaps project has set itself the goal to find obsolete or visually unappealing maps in Wikipedia and improve them.
  • The official map of the London Underground is, according to the Daily Express, not as good as the one in Wikipedia.