24.02. – 02.03.2015

Mapping News
- Dave Corley reports on progress at “Mapping Lesotho”
- Notifications and Emails on blog.mapillary.com
- You can now read the Summary of results for the Weekly “Pharmacies” Exercise, developed by Ziltoidium
- The Riviera Country Club Golf Course was measured with centimeter accuracy for OSM. This caused a certain amount of controversy…
- MapBox visualised ten years of development on OSM with an animation, including registered users, active mapper/month, number of buildings and major roads. A brief report on CITYLAB can be found here.
- Richard Weait is annoyed by spam sent as OSM personal messages.
- If hacks make an emergency call point unusable, you can now “reconstruct” it, thanks to OSM data.
- OSM Austria is now on facebook.
- The French community has been working together to trace the 2 054 new cantons (formerly 4 035). Official decrees are currently being published… the challenge is to be ready before the nationwide poll on March 22 and 29.
- An Open Data Camp election (English) was also held by the French Institute of Political Studies Sciences Po, the Interior Ministry and Etalab on February 23.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Richard Weait suggests to @sk53onosm that the SOTM working group could do with his help.
- OpenStreetMap events in 2015 on blog.openstreetmap.org
- At OpenBelgium Escada, Jorieke, Glen and Ben talked about OSM.
- The ‘Call for Venues’ for SotM 2016 will be opening soon. Please start thinking about possible host cities, both big and small.
- On April 25 in Brussels, Belgium, there will be a mapping party “aimed at beginner mappers, who can be helped by more advanced colleagues. The focus will be on improving the opencyclemap and wheelmap. Everyone is welcome.”
Humanitarian OSM
- Heather Leson stands for re-election to the HOT board. She reflects what has been achieved over the past year and she talks about the future development of HOT.
- You have until March 15th to propose a topic for discussion at the HOT Summit 2015 .
- The OSM user zool writes again about her experiences with HOT-Mapathons in Edinburgh and continues to complain about “armchair mapping”. OSM user Malenki answers this on the blog, and qualifies her statement
- HOT member Severin summarises the recent activities of the Malawi Flooding project and points out that there is still a high need for data.
- OpenStreetMap maps (and others) are fighting Ebola:
- Cristiano Giovando sums up existing efforts to revive the OpenAerialMap project.
- The DisasterMappers from Heidelberg organised a small mapathon in cooperation with the Open Data Rhein-Neckar-initiative (English, Français, Español, ???) at the International Open Data Day, and summarised the action in her blog.
- Kristin Quinn writes extensively about the importance of OSM for the work against the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
- [1] OpenRouteService is not dead yet. Students from different countries (i. e. Romania and Portugal) still miss the translations they made years ago.
- Go clubbing … and more … in Berlin.
- The OpenDataCamp UK took place on 21-22nd February in Winchester. More information about this can be found in Gregory Marler’s Blog.
- A digital topographic map of Nordrhein-Westfalen (English, Français, Español, ???, Galego) has been published.
- Geometa-Lab optimises software for high-resolution maps of drone images. (hsr.ch). (English, Français, Español, ???)
- Field Papers GitHub Repository.
- Alminav is a new Android app for bikers. Maps can be used offline. Routing has been integrated.
- Changeset discussions: dumps and replication
- An online course: “Data Visualisation and Infographics with D3.js”
- Animated heatmaps and grids with turf.
- Mapzen presents its open-source, map-rendering library called Tangram on a Raspberry Pi .
Did you know …
- … the website to find, record and/or correct fire hydrants? It is available in English, Polish French, Spanish, Ukranian and German.
- … the overview about open/closed OSM notes from Pascal Neis?
Other things “geo”
- Nokia’s HERE value had to be corrected. [The link is behind a registration barrier]