(English) weeklyOSM 398

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Access the Overpass API with Python, to download specific OSM data and visualise it. 1 | © Picture by Nikolai Janakiev

About us

  • We invite anyone with an OSM account to propose topics for weeklyOSM and/or to write a summary for them. The regular members from the weeklyOSM team will translate them to the other languages.


  • François Lacombe invites mappers to vote on his improved proposal about hydropower water supplies. Several comments from the first round of voting have been taken into account.
  • Frederik Ramm searches for help to fight against the growing number of SEO firms flooding OSM with 'not useful’ data.


  • Ilya Zverev calls for nominations for the 3rd edition of OpenStreetMap Awards. You could also volunteer for the selection committee.
  • bdiscoe publishes a ranking of OSM data contributions with short notes of the typical mapping activity of individual users.
  • Nikolai Janakiev shows in a very well built-up explanation how to access the Overpass API with Python, to download specific OSM data and visualise it.
  • Geochicas, an OpenStreetMap Women community, published their first annual report 2016-2017.
  • Geochicas celebrate the Women’s International Day with a series of stories #MujeresMapeandoElMundo (WomenMappingTheWorld) about women through history in geography and cartography.
  • 36 percent of all downloads of StreetComplete come from Germany.
  • The diversity-talk mailing list is back.
  • Jose opens the Paraguayan section of the forum with a call for reviving the osmparaguay website.


  • Raymond Nijssen asks for the best way to import roof shapes and materials from Saint Maarten Island. These data come from a mapathon organised by The Netherlands’ Red Cross after Hurricane Irma. The import sounds straightforward because it contains OSM object IDs as well as the new roof detail.
  • Jozef Riha is coordinating the import of address data for Slovakia, provided by the Ministry of Interior. There is no automated procedure so far, so it’s not formally an import; still, the import mailing list remains the best place to ask for help and feedback.
  • Stefan Keller would like to do a semi-automated import of 1,500 car sharing stations of the Swiss mobility.
  • Multi Modal informs the import mailing list of an import for water areas in the Dutch Rhineland.
  • User bdiscroe points out some bad imports of data on woods and waterways that he found during his program find_small_displacement on Japan.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • OSMF has updated the OpenStreetMap trademark policy as per January 1st 2018.
  • The protocol of the Engineering Working Group was published.
  • The Membership Working Group of OSMF met on 2nd March. The minutes of the meeting are available online. MWG’s protocol and a discussion on Github show that the MWG is working on displaying the OSMF membership of a mapper on their openstreetmap.org profile if the mapper explicitly requests it.


  • The organisers of 2018 State of the Map, happening at Milan, have opened a community survey for the choice of the conference talks. The survey is open until March 20th. Everyone is welcome to vote!
  • The State of the Map Latam 2018 working group is pleased to announce a call for logo designs. The deadline for submissions is March 15th.


  • An article, recently published in the International Journal of Geo-Information, demonstrates how participatory mapping practices can be combined with collaborative digital mapping techniques for better disaster management and rural development. It draws learning from a pilot study conducted in a flood-prone lower river basin in Western Nepal.

Open Data

  • YEKA, the Youth Mappers’ chapter in Nicaragua celebrated the Open Data Day (#ODD18) in Managua with a mapathon.
  • OpenStreetMap featured in the 2018 Open Data Day celebrations at Nepal and Düsseldorf, with efforts led by Kathmandu Living Labs and OSM Stammtisch at Nepal and Germany respectively.


  • The offline navigation app MapFactor is now available on iOS.
  • OpenRouteService introduces new border restrictions that allow to avoid crossing any external border of the Schengen Area in route planning.
    Also, the result can now be created as GeoJSON.
  • Rinigus gives an update on the status of OSM Scout Server after more than one year.


  • Jason Remillard put together a spam detector for OSM. It now needs training data, so Jason is asking mappers to report spam changesets. This tool could then become part of an automated spam detection process.
  • There are plans to redirect HTTP requests to planet.openstreetmap.org on HTTPS from May 7th. Users of Osmosis and curl are made aware that these programs can’t follow the redirect.


  • iD version 2.7.0 is published. It now supports more background imagery and comes with an improved editor for turn restrictions. All updates can be found on github.
  • The new JOSM version 18.02 is released. It supports private data layers and ESRI projections. For more details, see changelog.

Other “geo” things

  • The Dutch State Archives have published 4700 historical maps.
  • Mapillary’s #CompleteTheMap challenge has come to an end. The first three places went to Brisbane, San Jose and Milano. To know more about the challenge, you can read in a entry in the Mapillary blog.
  • Currently, if satellites in space malfunction or run out of fuel, they are decommissioned. NASA and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are working on projects to build robotic arms that could be used to repair or refuel the satellites.
  • Microsoft has published an app that allows visually impaired people to get a better picture of the environment via 3D audio. Information about the places is served by OpenStreetMap.
  • The national map of Switzerland is getting more and more accurate but still does not include street names or addresses, as the Tagesanzeiger reports.
  • A map showing the birthplace of over 6,000 notable women born in Latin America and listed on Wikipedia but with no article in the Spanish language edition.

Upcoming Events

Lannion3e concours de contributions OpenStreetMap2018-03-01-2018-03-23france
BrusselsOSMBE Official Meeting & Meetup2018-03-09belgium
Buenos AiresGeobirras2018-03-09argentina
Tokyo東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第17回特別編 旧東海道品川宿2018-03-11japan
RennesRéunion mensuelle2018-03-12france
LyonRencontre libre mensuelle2018-03-13france
NantesRéunion mensuelle2018-03-13france
Mumble CreekOpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting2018-03-15
Rapperswil9. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil2018-03-16switzerland
Yokkaichi第1回 富洲原マッピングパーティ2018-03-17japan
HanoiHà Nội OSM Mapathon 20182018-03-18vietnam
RennesCartopartie bâtiments en 3D2018-03-19france
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen2018-03-20germany
Cologne Bonn AirportBonner Stammtisch2018-03-20germany
NottinghamPub Meetup2018-03-20united kingdom
ToulouseRéunion mensuelle2018-03-21france
Cologne Bonn AirportFOSSGIS 20182018-03-21-2018-03-24germany
LübeckLübecker Mappertreffen2018-03-22germany
TurinMERGE-it 20182018-03-23-2018-03-24italy
PoznańState of the Map Poland 20182018-04-13-2018-04-14poland
Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway StationFOSS4G-fr 20182018-05-15-2018-05-17france
BordeauxState of the Map France 20182018-06-01-2018-06-03france
MilanState of the Map 2018 (international conference)2018-07-28-2018-07-30italy
Dar es SalaamFOSS4G 20182018-08-29-2018-08-31tanzania
BengaluruState of the Map Asia 2018 (effective date to confirm)2018-11-17-2018-11-18india

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Anne Ghisla, Nakaner, Polyglot, Rogehm, SK53, SeleneYang, Spanholz, Spec80, SrrReal, TheFive, derFred.