(English) weeklyOSM 350

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TextGeopedia © OpenStreetMap contributors © Wikipedia CC-BY-SA

Geopedia now with Youtube. 1 | © Geopedia © OpenStreetMap contributors © Wikipedia CC-BY-SA

The OSM April fools of 2017

  • The map editor is now also available in a variant for companies with optimized look and feel.
  • weeklyOSM was first to report how OSMF managed to sell our OSM-Data to Google 😉
  • OSM uses WGS84 as a geodetic reference system, which is not coupled to the motion of the earth plates. In order to compensate for the differences between the most recent reference systems, such as the ETRS89 introduced/implemented in Europe, the coordinates in the OSM database are now being corrected. New versions are not created. This was reported on the official OSMF blog.


  • In an answer to a beginner’s question on the German forum, user Galbinus shows (de) very succinctly, how to create a new roundabout using iD. User Polyglot shows how to get the job done using JOSM.
  • A blog post by Marc Gemis on how to add data about immovable heritage structures in Belgium to crowdsourced projects such as OSM (HistOSM and Historic Places) and Wikidata.
  • Multiple German mappers criticize (de) (automatic translation) the app StreetComplete for creating too many changesets. The app aims to add missing tags, but creates one changeset for each changed tag (2 new tags on one object = 2 changesets). Their author is already in touch with the community. See also the bug report on GitHub.
  • John Whelan asks how to deal with landuse=residential within landuse=residential areas that are probably an artefact of the often very rural but nevertheless flatly populated areas, for example in Africa and are reinforced by certain HOT tasks.
  • Grant Slater’s experiments continue with highly accurate GPS measurements based on the OpenSource tool RTKLIB and he inquires if there are other mappers who experiment with Real-time Kinematic (RTK) or offer or need an RTCM stream (GPS correction signals).



  • Approximately 9.8 million building footprints are made available by Microsoft under ODbL licence. On the Talk-US mailing list, there was a discussion on whether this data could be imported into OSM.
  • Christoph Hormann discovered a very questionable MapRoulette challenge for the location correction of islands in polar regions, which degrades data quality. In his user blog (numerous comments) he asks whether such challenges should be treated as mechanical edits.


  • The State of the Map Asia 2017 is looking for a logo.
  • The SotM Working Group starts early to search for venues for the State of the Map 2018.

Humanitarian OSM

  • A letter from Mocoa, Colombia: – Thank you for the collaboration, 48 hours later we have the first results on the map for the work of humanitarian teams on the ground. Now we need your help to sustain our humanitarian mapping unit (UMH) that raises post disaster data on the ground through donations.
  • Benjamin Herfort from the University of Heidelberg has published an article in the GIScience News Blog titled „10 Million Contributions: It’s time for MapSwipe Analytics!”. He refers, among other things, to several activities:

    and a scientific article
    „Towards evaluating the mobile crowdsourcing of geographic information about human settlements.” AGILE 2017 International Conference on Geographic Information Science. ” written by Herfort, B., Reinmuth, M., Porto de Albuquerque M.J. and Zipf, A.

  • The OpenAerialMap project now has a much simpler way to upload new images.
  • Russell Deffner alerts us of the second round of the mapping challenge to eradicate malaria.


  • [1] Michael Schön showed (de) an updated version of the Geopedia in a lightning talk at the FOSSGIS conference, which now also integrates Youtube and contains some new interesting features.
  • Alexander Matheisen explains on the OpenRailwayMap mailing list, why he will remove the experimental support of vector tiles from openrailwaymap.org.


  • Mapbox writes about the new feature launched by Twitter that will enable businesses on it to privately share and request locations from their customers.


  • Osmconvert can now also perform simple tagging changes on OSM extracts. See the changed documentation for more information.
  • Robin Boldt and Emux worked together to create a mobile app for Kurviger route planner. Users can test a public beta release for Android systems.


  • David Valdmann writes in the Mapzen blog about the curved lettering, which were introduced with Tangram.js 0.12.


SoftwareVersionRelease dateComment
Magic Earth * audio control, better search, performance improvements and bug fixes.
MapContrib1.6.12017-03-28Raised the payload limit to 50 MB.
Gnome Maps3.24.02017-03-29Many changes and improvements, please read change logs.
Komoot Android *var2017-03-29Minor enhancements.
Naviki Android *3.572017-03-29State notification with all connected Smart Bike systems, user interface revised.
Naviki iOS *3.572017-03-29User interface revised, bugfixes.
OSM Contributor3.0.42017-03-29No infos.
OSRM Backend5.6.52017-03-29Some bugfixes.
Jungle Bus1.12017-03-30Bus Contributer now named Jungle Bus.
SQLite3.18.02017-03-3012 enhancements and five bugfixes.
Cruiser for Android *1.4.182017-04-02Graphic updated and various improvements.
Cruiser for Desktop *1.2.182017-04-02No infos.
JOSM118262017-04-02See release infos.
Mapillary Android *3.412017-04-02Record GPX track for every sequence, map option in sequence grid view, camera stability improvements.

Provided by the OSM Software Watchlist. Timestamp: 2017-04-03 16:21:53+02 UTC

(*) unfree software. See: freesoftware.

Did you know …

OSM in the media

  • A Slate article tries to show why burgers have become so expensive in Paris, using many different maps and visualizations based on OSM and the list of French companies, recently published as open data.

Other “geo” things

  • Google Map Maker is history since the end of March. TURN ON also reported about it and thinks about an alternative if one does not want to provide their information to Google.
  • According to Heise online, the camera vehicles are on the road again in Europe.
  • The flight simulator X-Plane-11 is now available. The terrain is based on a current OpenStreetMap.

Upcoming Events

FribourgSOSM Annual General Meeting and mapping party08/04/2017switzerland
Popayán#MappingPartyTulcan (Scout Mappers)08/04/2017colombia
RennesAtelier de découverte09/04/2017france
RennesMapathon Missing Maps à Bréteil, Montfort09/04/2017france
RennesRéunion mensuelle10/04/2017france
RomeIncontro Mappatori10/04/2017italy
LyonRencontre mensuelle libre11/04/2017france
NantesRencontres mensuelles11/04/2017france
MunichMünchner Stammtisch11/04/2017germany
TaipeiOSM Taipei Meetup, MozSpace11/04/2017taiwan
ParisParis Mapathon Missing Maps13/04/2017france
ManilaMapAm?re #PhotoMapping San Juan, San Juan13/04/2017-16/04/2017philippines
Berlin106. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch14/04/2017germany
Tokyo???????????????????? ??????15/04/2017japan
ManilaFEU YouthMappers Mapillary Workshop, Manila17/04/2017philippines
BonnBonner Stammtisch18/04/2017germany
ScotlandEdinburgh18/04/2017united kingdom
LüneburgMappertreffen Lüneburg18/04/2017germany
NottinghamNottingham Pub Meetup18/04/2017uk
MoscowSchemotechnika 0918/04/2017russia
PortlandPortland Mappy Hour19/04/2017united states
Osaka?????????? #0519/04/2017japan
LeobenStammtisch Obersteiermark20/04/2017austria
ZaragozaMapeado Colaborativo21/04/2017spain
MisionesCharla Mapas Libres en FLISoL, Posadas22/04/2017argentina
BremenBremer Mappertreffen24/04/2017germany
GrazStammtisch Graz24/04/2017austria
Kinmen Shang Yi AirportDo mapping Kinmen by youself24/04/2017-25/04/2017taiwan
AvignonState of the Map France 201702/06/2017-04/06/2017france
KampalaState of the Map Africa 201708/07/2017-10/07/2017uganda
Champs-sur-Marne (Marne-la-Vallée)FOSS4G Europe 2017 at ENSG Cité Descartes18/07/2017-22/07/2017france
CuritibaFOSS4G+State of the Map Brasil 201727/07/2017-29/07/2017brazil
BostonFOSS4G 201714/08/2017-19/08/2017USA
Aizu-wakamatsu ShiState of the Map 201718/08/2017-20/08/2017japan
BoulderState of the Map U.S. 201719/10/2017-22/10/2017united states
Buenos AiresFOSS4G+State of the Map Argentina 201723/10/2017-28/10/2017argentina
LimaState of the Map LatAm 201729/11/2017-02/12/2017perú

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Nakaner, Peda, Polyglot, Rogehm, Spec80, SrrReal, YoViajo, derFred, jinalfoflia, keithonearth, wambacher.