OSMLatam’s and GeoChicas’ mapathon for OSM’s 13th Anniversary 1
About us
- We are always looking for people to help us improve our newsletter so it can get out faster, have more depth and coverage, and generally improve it for our readers, like you. Please join our team by contacting us now, its fun! 😉
- Pascal Neis tweeted a graph showing „Average OpenStreetMap activities per hour”. It shows a world of „lunchtime mappers” – the drop between 6 & 7am CET is an artifact of data processing, but peaks corresponding to (roughly) CET, GMT, Eastern and Pacific time zones can be seen.
- Lukas Sommer improved his Language Information proposal which he argues should improve map rendering.
- Thomas Bertels asked the Tagging mailing list how brasseries should be tagged. Discussion ensued.
- François Lacombe cleaned-up the proposal for Fire Hydrant Extensions and other improvements follow.
- Daniel Koć wants to improve the rendering of rivers but finds their classification lacking. Discussion in the Tagging mailing list.
- On the Tagging mailing list, several people discussed how a shop selling solar equipment might be tagged.
- User ChristianA wrote a blog post about his visit to the ruins of Schloss Dwasidien
on Rügen island, Germany.
- Skinfaxi asked in the German OSM Forum as a representative of the Swedish community about what tagging is best for natural beaches at lakes, as there they just about everywhere in Sweden.
- Jay May made an appeal to the whole OpenStreetMap community to help the Eastern Latvia (Latgalia), and Western Russia regions in improving the poor detail and accuracy of their maps.
- Cesare Gerbino introduced his „Street Image Compare” which he created, where you can compare in a single screen Mapillary with Google Streetview.
- Pascal Neis shows in a bar chart, which groups of users on OSM are most commonly represented (number of users). Find your own classification on hdyc.neis-one.org.
- Rodrigo Mariano prompts the Historic and Imports the mailing lists on the „Possibility to build a new Historic Project to OSM” hoping for integration into the Pauliceia’s project. Replies on Historic.
- The DWG unfortunately had to remove over 10,000 place and street names in Switzerland from OSM because they were copied from the noncompatible GWR database. The French-speaking area of the country was particularly hard hit.
- „Living, Breathing Maps” is an interview with Dale Kunce the GIS Team Lead for the American Red Cross about Humanitarian mapping and OpenStreetMap in general.
- MikeN summarises his experience using MapRoulette to add missing
tags in the United States. After 10 long months, the task is finally complete.
- Jonah Adkins makes the first steps to import 19,000 buildings in Dare County, North Carolina. GitHub and wiki pages are available for comment.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- OSM Foundation’s Operations Working Group (OWG) issued a statement: „We unanimously agreed new membership policies for the Operations Working Group and the Sysadmins. We hope that these will help anyone who wants to volunteer by making the joining process, and the expected activities, more clear.”
- State Of The Map 2017 is set to take place starting Friday the 18th August (soon!) in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan.
- Planning to be at the State of the Map happening in Japan? Don’t forget to add your details on the attendees’ page and connect with other attendees.
- Crowd2Map wants to celebrate OSM’s 13th birthday on August 13th and 14th with the largest mapathon ever. They expect over 1500 people within 24 hours to map rural regions of Tanzania. The organizers have created tasks in the OSM tasking Manager and Janet Chapman wrote a detailed guide for the mapathon.
- The Swiss OSM Association will hold a workshop at DINAcon. „We will show how to use OpenStreetMap to create a location map and how to tell stories with a map.”
- FOSS4G Boston 2017 is coming up next week, from Monday, August 14th, to Saturday, August 19th. Check the program.
- [1] To mark the 13th Anniversary of OpenStreetMap, in August 2017, OSMLatam together with GeoChicas are organizing a massive mapathon with national communities of the region. The objective is to map informal settlements.
Humanitarian OSM
- From August 1st-4th, representatives of HOT Indonesia attended an expert meeting at Udon Thani to combat poverty in rural areas of Thailand. Special appreciation was given to the improved possibilities of building the infrastructure using OSM, responding to catastrophes, and working together with HOT groups, such as young people or other organizations.
- The International Space Station has always at least one astronaut or cosmonaut on board who has an amateur radio licence. They operate the ISS amateur radio station ARISS. The Italian amateur radio operator and OSMer Fabrizio Carrai created a map which is linked to the Vita mission page of the planned contacts between ISS and schools in Italy, England, USA, South Africa and the Boy Scout camp in Großzerlang, Germany.
- Rising Seas, an interactive map based on OSM displays the history for sea level in 500 places worldwide from 1970 until today.
Open Data
- The slides of the recent FOSS4G Europe in Paris are now online.
- Following on from this OSMF blog post about the lack of compatibility between CC-BY 4.0 and ODBL, www.europeandataportal.eu has added some confusion by listing ODBL 1.0 as a licence compatible with CC-BY 4.0. This was raised on the „talk” mailing list, with Simon Poole from the Licensing Working Group replying there.
- Simon Poole on behalf of „the LWG would like to start a period of public review and consultation on our draft trademark policy”. A lenghty discussion follows.
Software | Version | Release date | Changes |
Komoot Android * | 9.3 | 07.08.2017 | More details and added x-ray vision in router and horizontal format. |
Mapbox GL Native Android | 5.1.2 | 03.08.2017 | No infos. |
Mapbox Navigation SDK Android | 0.4.0 | 01.08.2017 | No infos. |
MapContrib | 1.8.3 | 03.08.2017 | Added Thunderforest API key to tiles. |
Mapillary iOS * | 4.7.6 | 06.08.2017 | Bugs fixed and improved camera UI. |
OSRM Backend | 5.10.0 | 07.08.2017 | Improved routing at throughabouts and with turn restrictions. Please read release info for more changes. |
Simple GIS Client * | 9.4 | 01.08.2017 | Many changes, please read release info. |
SQLite | 3.20.0 | 01.08.2017 | Many changes, please read release info. |
Provided by the OSM Software Watchlist. Timestamp: 2017-08-08 15:35:26+02 UTC
(*) unfree software. See: freesoftware.
The OSRM v5.10 release comes with a major feature: via-way turn restrictions. These turn restrictions occur in OpenStreetMap in the form of a restriction relation: (fromWayId, viaWayId, toWayId) and prevent multiple specific turns depending on the way the driver is coming from and going to.
Did you know …
- … the wiki site where all 13th birthday parties should be listed? 😉
Other “geo” things
- Business Mirror in the Philippines published an article about how apps and maps can help cyclist navigate a city safer and pleasantly.
- Obviously Google starts to show advertising in Google Maps. One more reason for switching to OpenStreetMap?
- BotanicalMartin wrote about roadside verges as relic areas of medieval grassland as shown with historical maps. He asks if there is interest in mapping them more widely.
- DMInnovation job offer in Indonesia: disaster management specialist.
- „Parking Radar goes LIVE” announced FlyLogical about their new app, „Parking Radar” which seeks to make finding your next parking space easier.
- At Mapzen, Dan Phiffer blogs about geotagging Who’s On First venues. An in-depth tutorial with various caveats explored.
- @Carto_Rabeyroux tweeted about a July’s La Revue Suisse article where the beauty and precision of the Swiss maps are highlighted but also the cartographer’s jokes.
Upcoming Events
Where | What | When | Country |
Passau | Mappertreffen | 2017-08-14 | |
Boston | FOSS4G 2017 | 2017-08-14-2017-08-19 | |
Bonn | Bonner Stammtisch | 2017-08-15 | |
Lüneburg | Mappertreffen Lüneburg | 2017-08-15 | |
Scotland | Pub meeting, Edinburgh | 2017-08-15 | |
Aizu-wakamatsu Shi | State of the Map 2017 (international conference) | 2017-08-18-2017-08-20 | |
Sankt Augustin | FrOSCon with OSGeo & OSM Track | 2017-08-19-2017-08-20 | |
Derby | Derby Pub Meetup | 2017-08-22 | |
Lübeck | Lübecker Stammtisch | 2017-08-24 | |
Bremen | Bremer Mappertreffen | 2017-08-28 | |
Taipei | OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup, MozSpace | 2017-08-28 | |
Graz | Stammtisch Graz | 2017-08-28 | |
Patan | State of the Map Asia 2017 | 2017-09-23-2017-09-24 | |
Boulder, Colorado | State of the Map U.S. 2017 | 2017-10-19-2017-10-22 | |
Brussels | FOSS4G Belgium 2017 | 2017-10-26 | |
Lima | State of the Map LatAm 2017 | 2017-11-29-2017-12-02 | |
Bonn | FOSSGIS 2018 | 2018-03-21-2018-03-24 |
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Polyglot, Rogehm, SK53, SeleneYang, Softgrow, SomeoneElse, Spanholz, Spec80, derFred, doktorpixel14, jcoupey, jinalfoflia.