(English) weeklyOSM 369

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GraphHopper’s new flexible routing is at least 15 times faster 1 | © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL, © GraphHopper, © Omniscale

About us

  • We are always looking for people to help us improve our newsletter so it can get out faster, have more depth and coverage, and generally improve it for our readers, like you. Please join our team by contacting us now, its fun! 😉


  • Christoph Hormann blogged about social engineering in OpenStreetMap and how it might be used to influence the course of the project. Mapping for the rendered is also analysed.
  • Daniel Koć wrote a proposal for waterways classification following last week’s river rendering debate and requests comments. Mark Wagner seems to think this is not the way to go in OpenStreetMap.
  • Miguel Sevilla Callejo (msevilla00) from Zaragoza, Spain, is currently in Wales. He noticed an inconsistent use of English and Welsh in OpenStreetMap. His email resulted in a readable, long-lasting and controversial discussion on the Talk-GB mailing list (threads in July and August) and comments in an OSM changeset. Nearly the same problem in Switzerland – read the following article. 😉
  • An official of the Swiss Park Network has requested, via Michael Spreng, that the area be displayed as „Schweizerischer Nationalpark” (German) rather than „Parc Naziunal Svizzer” (Romansch) on OSM. The rationale is that the park is better known by the former name. The ensuing discussion touches on several issues about names in bilingual areas.
  • Marc Zoutendijk asks (nl) on the forum if over 10,000 different building=* tag keys are really needed.
  • The Mapbox team joined the celebration of the XIII anniversary of OpenStreetMap improving the Peru map, where they added a total of 1199 streets, 1022 buildings, points of interest, lakes, rivers, among others.


  • Daniel Koć requested comments to the text rendering changes planned for osm-carto.
  • mmd wrote about a nice prototype demonstrating the power of the around: filter in Overpass API to show how you can download OSM data along a GPX track.


  • On the Imports mailing list, Äijälä Tero proposed an import of the Finnish „National Registry of Social and Health care Providers” as POIs.


  • Andreas Bürki has (de) a hackathon in mind for DINAcon in Bern, Switzerland.
  • The 5th UK OpenData Camp will be held in Belfast on the weekend of 21st and 22nd October. The last two batches of tickets will be released on 9th and 21st of September.
  • The SotM 2017 takes place at this weekend in Japan. Travellers get valuable information in the wiki. Laura Barroso, weeklyOSM correspondent in Cuba, has provided – as last year in Brussels – an app with the program.

Humanitarian OSM


  • Jason Baker presented 13 different OSM-based projects on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of OpenStreetMap.
  • Arun (PlaneMad) published a comparison of how different map data editors visually represent turn restrictions for mappers.

Open Data

  • Yuri Astrakhan announced that the OSM and Wikidata SPARQL service was updated and listed the changes.
  • OpenDataSoft created a map of the open data portals around the world.


  • [1] Peter Karich reported a substantial speed up in routing in GraphHopper with the new „landmark” algorithm.


Mapcat launched a mobile version to celebrate the 13th anniversary of OSM.

SoftwareVersionRelease dateChanges
guide4you2.2.32017-08-08No infos.
JOSM125452017-08-15Added Java 9 compatibility. Please read Changelog for more infos.
Komoot Android *9.32017-08-13No infos.
Komoot iOS *9.32017-08-14Added iPad support, horizontal format, more map details and height indicator.
Kurviger Free *1.1.7-22017-08-14No infos.
Leaflet1.2.02017-08-08Please read changelog.
Locus Map Free *3.25.12017-08-10Man changes, please read changelog.
Mapbox Navigation SDK iOS0.6.12017-08-15No infos.
Mapillary iOS *4.8.12017-08-15Added low power mode and bug fixes.
Maps.me Android *7.4.52017-08-11Updated map data, bug fixes.
Maps.me iOS *7.4.52017-08-10Updated map data, bug fixes.
Mapzen Lost3.0.32017-08-14Bug fixes.
Naviki Android *3.632017-08-08Revised synchronization of ways, improved layout, new map layer and bug fixes.
OpenLayers4.3.12017-08-14Bug fixes.
PostgreSQL9.6.42017-08-10Man changes, please read changelog.

Provided by the OSM Software Watchlist. Timestamp: 2017-08-15 12:58:09+02 UTC

(*) unfree software. See: freesoftware.

Did you know …

OSM in the media

  • MIT researchers Christopher Barrington-Leigh and Adam Millard-Ball have published (full text-PDF) an analysis of the completeness of road networks on OSM across the globe. They use techniques which do not rely on comparison datasets which are therefore applicable to all countries. For OSM data in early 2016 they estimate the road network to be 81% complete, and in May 2017, 86%.

Other “geo” things

  • Well, if you don’t know Mercator, then you have to publish a correction. 😉
  • The city administration of Chicago wants to map the „underground labyrinth” of the pipes and lines in the course of the development of its smart city plan.
  • Galileo reported on the first GPS signal received on the 40th anniversary of the Global Positioning System.
  • Refill collects fountains or shops where you can replenish your water bottle for free and presents them on an OSM-based map. It has its own app.
  • Will White from Mapbox blogged about the new support for full offline navigation embedded in cars.
  • New Scientist reported that „ships fooled in GPS spoofing attack suggest Russian cyberweapon”.
  • Markus Reuter reported on Netzpolitik.org (de) on the rapid growth of video surveillance in public spaces. It also shows how you can help with OSM to complete the world map of surveillance by Max Kamba.

Upcoming Events

BostonFOSS4G 20172017-08-14-2017-08-19united states
Aizu-wakamatsu ShiState of the Map 2017 (international conference)2017-08-18-2017-08-20japan
Buenos AiresMapatón 13° aniversario de OpenStreetMap en IGN2017-08-19argentina
Santiago, Chile13° Aniversario de OpenStreetMap2017-08-19chile
Sankt AugustinFrOSCon with OSGeo & OSM Track2017-08-19-2017-08-20germany
DerbyDerby Pub Meetup2017-08-22united kingdom
LübeckLübecker Stammtisch2017-08-24germany
BremenBremer Mappertreffen2017-08-28germany
TaipeiOpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup, MozSpace2017-08-28taiwan
GrazStammtisch Graz2017-08-28austria
ViersenOSM Stammtisch Viersen2017-08-29germany
DusseldorfStammtisch Düsseldorf2017-08-30germany
FreitalElbe-Labe-Meeting 20172017-09-01-2017-09-03germany
RennesAtelier Wikidata et OSM2017-09-02france
PatanState of the Map Asia 20172017-09-23-2017-09-24nepal
Boulder, ColoradoState of the Map U.S. 20172017-10-19-2017-10-22united states
BrusselsFOSS4G Belgium 20172017-10-26belgium
LimaState of the Map LatAm 20172017-11-29-2017-12-02perú
BonnFOSSGIS 20182018-03-21-2018-03-24germany

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Nakaner, PierZen, Polyglot, Rogehm, SK53, Spec80, YoViajo, derFred, doktorpixel14, jcoupey, jinalfoflia.