Author: weeklyteam

(English) weeklyOSM 533

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lead picture

Water Map – refill your bottle 1 | © European Water Project – map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • lukas64 proposed the new tag electricity:source=* (renewable, solar, wind, etc.) to define the source of the available electricity as renewable or from other sources. The proposal is open for comments.
  • reDoubleYou proposes the new tag shop=direct_marketing to describe a place where privately produced products can be purchased. The proposal is open for comments now.
  • Voting is under way until 19 October for the proposed tag amenity=drinks, for a place which sells bubble tea, milk tea, milk, juice, and other similar beverages.


  • User naveenpf explained to us his way of contributing to building a successful OSM community.
  • The Italian user Cascafico described his attempts to put the Italian schools 'in their place’, an exercise, in his opinion, almost desperate, given the uneven situation of OSM civic numbers in Italy and given the (for the moment) poor flexibility of the Nominatim geocoder. It remains an exercise because we are waiting to clarify the licence (IODL) of the source data.
  • Last Wednesday Map For Future, an active group of OSM contributors in Italy held (it) an online Volunteering Workshop – Mapathon.
    They mapped housing settlements and interconnecting infrastructure in the city of Wajaale in Somaliland using OpenStreetMap, to contribute to the development of the area and help local and international NGOs in their action in the field.
  • The Italian OSM community gathered last Wednesday in a virtual meetup organised by Lorenzo Stucchi, the Lombardy OSM Coordinator for Wikimedia Italia. Several short OSM presentations were held during the meetup.

Local chapter news

  • The minutes of the OpenStreetMap France Board of Directors meeting of 6 October are available (fr) > en
  • The new Local Chapter OpenStreetMap US wants to redesign its website. Suggestions are being sought.


  • Next Geomob event, a forum to learn and exchange ideas about any interesting services and projects that deal with location, will take place online on 14 October and will be open to up to 100 participants. Videos of the talks will be published after the event.
  • The Australian Surveying & Spatial Science Institute (SSSI) is organising a mapathon to be held on 31 October, focusing on mapping water infrastructure (dams, water tanks, etc.) in preparation for summer 2020/2021. The updated information will be used in the Growing Data Foundation’s FireWater web app to provide real-time water source data to on-the-ground fire crews.

Humanitarian OSM

  • User feyeandal reported about HOT-Philippines’ completion of remote mapping and validation for Pampanga.
  • HOT’s 2020 Summit will be held online on 4 December, in conjunction with the Understanding Risk conference. Four of HOT’s staff members reflected on how they have learned, connected, and been inspired at Understanding Risk conferences in the past.


  • The Federal German Office of Cartography and Geodesy and the Federal German Institute for Population Research presented (de) a demographic and cartographic journey through 30 years of German unity and diversity.
  • LEO-BW, the regional information system for Baden-Wuerttemberg, presented (de) > en a new orthophoto of the state made by digitising aerial photographs taken in 1968. You can view the changes that have taken place since then in a side-by-side view.
  • The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has made data from OpenStreetMap available through the Pacific Environment Portal to enable users to directly download OSM data.



  • Katharina Przybill showed how to carry out complex analyses using ohsome’s magical filter parameter by investigating Heidelberg’s cycling infrastructure.
  • The Prototype Fund, a funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is supporting (de) > en the further development of StreetComplete.Other projects (de) > en are also worth a look – including, for example, Grandine (de) > en for vectorising OpenStreetMap maps or the GeoHub (de) > en for adding new geodata to OpenStreetMap and many more!


  • Thérèse Quy Thy Truong, Guillaume Touya and Cyril De Runz, members of LaSTIG (IGN), presented a new approach to detecting vandalism in OSM based on deep learning and the use of random forest classifiers. This new method, along with the associated scripts, is called OSMWatchman. This work has also been the subject of a PhD thesis completed by Thérèse Quy Thy Truong, which reports on the different forms of vandalism and the detection methods that can be implemented accordingly. The OSMWatchman source code is available on github.


  • Version 17084 of JOSM was released on 5 October.
  • GeoServer, a Java-based software server that enables users to display and edit geodata, is now available in version 2.18.0.
  • Version 2.0 of the open source GraphHopper routing engine has been released.

Did you know …

  • …[1] the NGO European Water Project 'Water-Map’? Created in 2019, it shows places where you can fill your water bottle free of charge and encourages people to contribute to the map. Menus are available in nine different languages, unfortunately without permalinks (you have to reselect the language every time you return to the website).
  • Unroll, the latest tool from the Jungle Bus team? Use it to display the details of public transport routes: attributes, trips, timetables, stops, shapes, etc.
  • … about OpenStreetMap US Mappy Hours, the virtual hangouts for the US community? Recordings of most past events are available on YouTube.
  • … what to do when you find OSM maps used without attribution? There is a wiki page listing websites that are using OSM data without correct attribution. The page also describes the steps to follow if you discover another example of missing attribution. We note that the list is getting longer and longer, which raises the question whether there should be a formal body to follow these up?

OSM in the media

  • Antônio Heleno Caldas Laranjeira outlined (pt) > en good reasons to talk about open maps.

Other “geo” things

  • Apple Maps has launched (de) > en more detailed maps for Europe starting with Great Britain. The added details range from vegetation to street coverage and buildings; the 'Look Around’ function, an alternative to Google’s Streetview, is currently only available for London, Edinburgh, and Dublin.
  • We reported that Grant Slater announced that there is, finally, a free RTK / NTRIP caster (RTK base station) in London. Adrian 2 has tried it and concluded that the position is approximately aligned with WGS 84. This contrasts with the other stations on Grant’s list, which are aligned with the European datum ETRS. Adrian 2 also describes the Centipede (fr) > en project in France, which has set up an independent network of RTK base stations (fr) > en. No password is needed to receive corrections from the NTRIP caster. If you are setting up an RTK base station, he describes in the second half of a diary entry how you can obtain the position to within one or two centimetres using free online services.
  • compared (de) > en two navigation devices in detail: the Garmin Edge 1030 Plus and the TwoNav Cross.
  • This new simulation game (we reported earlier) allows you to redesign the streets of Seattle and study the effects.

Upcoming Events

Berlin148. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch (Online)2020-10-09germany
MichiganMichigan Online Meetup2020-10-12usa
Bonnclos_fabric.txt132. Bonner OSM-Stammtisch (Online)2020-10-13germany
MunichMünchner Stammtisch2020-10-13germany
Salt Lake City / VirtualOpenStreetMap Utah Map Night2020-10-13united states
Cobb Virtual AcademyOSMUK AGM plus presentations2020-10-17united kingdom
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen2020-10-20germany
BerlinOSM-Verkehrswende #16 (Online)2020-10-20germany
NottinghamNottingham pub meetup2020-10-20united kingdom
BremenBremer Stammtisch2020-10-26germany
ArlonRéunion des contributeurs OpenStreetMap2020-10-26belgium
Salt Lake City / VirtualOpenStreetMap Utah Map Night2020-10-27united states
DüsseldorfDüsseldorfer OSM-Stammtisch2020-10-28germany
Salt Lake City / VirtualOpenStreetMap Utah Map Night2020-10-29united states
Online2020 Pista ng Mapa2020-11-13-2020-11-27philippines
OnlineFOSS4G SotM Oceania 20202020-11-20oceania

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.

This weeklyOSM was produced by AnisKoutsi, Anne Ghisla, MatthiasMatthias, MichaelFS, Nordpfeil, PierZen, Rogehm, SK53, TheSwavu, richter_fn.