The Knife_Tool for JOSM from Eliane J. Meneses aka samely und Rúben L. Mendoza aka Rub21 [1]
About us
- The English version of weeklyOSM is happy to say, that Alex Sims aka Softgrow from Adelaide joined the team. We welcome our first member from Down Under.
- User Reclus started a discussion
(automatic translation) about difficulties with the previously agreed public transport tagging
(automatic translation) used for public transport in the Rhine Ruhr conurbation. He notices problems with maintenance of the OpenStreetMap data and the variation in data provision between transport operators. Discussion ensues.
- User Blackbird27 wrote a lengthy and detailed article about using Mapillary for mapping in OpenStreetMap with JOSM. Sandra Uddback aslo wrote about using Mapillary in OpenStreetMap in the Mapillary blog.
- User Ukundji began a discussion
(automatic translation) about improving the mapping of churches and mosques around Berlin which then provoked a lot of tagging discussion about buildings, religious communities, ways and nodes.
- [1] The Peruvian members of the Spanish team of our sister „weeklyOSM”, Eliane Joyo Meneses and Rubén López Mendoza (both employed by Mapbox Peru) have developed a knife-tool for JOSM, which makes splitting ways at an arbitrary point a breeze.
- The 6.17 release of the iOS MAPS.ME app can search postal codes. The release notes suggest that users should add missing postal codes to OSM. TheFive tweets his doubts that this is not such a good suggestion for newbies.
- User Maturi0n is asking on the German OSM Forum if he can delete the details of private gardens from OSM that were mapped from aerial imagery. His personal opinion is that these details are private and do not belong on OSM. The discussion gets quite heated.
(automatic translation)
- There is a discussion in the talk-at mailing
(automatic translation) list about whether to include including some spiritual improvised outdoor shrines in OpenStreetMap but there are concerns raised about their impermanence.
- Gregory Marler continues his review of The OSM book with comments about the interviews in the first half of the book.
- Rome based architect and designer Mateo Prati showcases his 3D views of Manhattan made with Blender and OpenStreetMap data.
- The OpenStreetMap community in Ireland blogged about having finally reached 95% townland coverage. (A townland is the small administrative division of land used in Ireland, there are around 61,000 nationwide.)
- In Latin America the number of country specific Telegram channels within the OSM community continues to increase. (via: Tweet from OSM Argentina).
- H. Albrecht asked
(automatic translation) questions about mapping in China a few weeks ago on the talk-de mailing list, now reports back
(automatic translation) about his positive experience on his trip through China.
- Humberto Yances again points
(automatic translation) to the HOT-Task about mapping the coastal region of Ecuador as there are now new images from drones.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- The State of the Map Working Group (WG SotM) published a paper to the topic corporate membership. Source: OSMF-talk
- User malenki reports at his user blog that OSM’s German Amazon Affiliate account has earned about 10,000 EUR since its creation in May 2010. At that time he also opened an account at amazon.com but the US community was not interested in using it.
- Peter Neubauer writes at his user blog about his experiences at SotM France and the Mapillary contributors he met there.
Humanitarian OSM
- Two reports on the effectiveness of OSM by the recent earthquake in Ecuador:
- Vistazo
(automatic translation)
- Vistazo
- The Gorilla Highlands Initiative will host a mapping party on 2-3 June. With the help of HOT and Edirisa they hope to significantly enhance the map in south-western Uganda and north-western Rwanda.
- Mapbox announces that their map related tools are now free for humanitarian response.
- Paul Uithiol reports that HOT receives financial support through „Grand Challenges Explorations” (GCE) for pioneering research in global health and development. The GCE initiative was launched in 2008 and supported 1186 projects in 61 countries.
- Mapbox published ultra high-res UAV imagery with a resolution of 7.5cm of Sri Lanka. The images were created by the Sri Lankan Government Disaster Management Center and the Survey Department of Sri Lanka.
- Kaushik Chatterji describes in detail the effects and implications of the proposed bill [PDF] in India. There is an appeal to all to save the map in India.
- Ladislav Laska announces the availability of nightly build versions for the OSM editor Merkaartor (may be unstable), both for Windows and OSX platforms. Bug reports are welcome e.g. on Merkaartor’s github repository.
- The new Maproulette has reached beta stage and will replace the previous version around the end of June.
Software | Version | Release Date | Comment |
OpenLayers | 3.16.0 | 2016-05-23 | Features and fixes from 95 pull requests since release v3.15.1 |
iD | 1.9.5 | 2016-05-25 | – |
Maps.me iOS | 6.1.7 | 2016-05-25 | ZIP codes available |
osmosis | 0.45 | 2016-05-27 | Many, see release info |
provided by the OSM Software Watchlist
Did you know …
- … the wiki page with commercial providers of OSM services?
- … the next pet project of Steve Coast? This time as an advisor to MapJam Inc..
- … the page raumbezug.eu? Torsten Teubert’s site provides daily updated OSM maps for Garmin devices.
Other “geo” things
- Real Earth wins the Microsoft competition to efficiently map a series of markers that are indoors in 3D with a minimum of error.
- The Tagesanzeiger compares the longest railway tunnels in the world.
- Google extends its ads program by adding „promoted pins” to Google Maps.
- Justin O’Beirne writes about the changes to Google Maps cartography over the years.
- Terrapattern published an alpha version of their „similar images search„. Martin Dittus asks if this could somehow be used for HOT.
- Lauren Young describes 10 techniques to help convert our world into maps.
Upcoming Events
Dónde | Qué | Fecha | País |
Wien | 57. Wiener Stammtisch | 02/06/2016 | |
Colaboratorio | Mapa Comunitario de Activos de Santurce | 04/06/2016 | |
Mantova | 2016 Mapping party a Volta mantovana | 04/06/2016 | |
Bucharest | OSM Bucharest Mapping Party 2016 | 04/06/2016 | |
Bucharest | OSM Bucharest Mapping Party 2016 | 05/06/2016 | |
Brasília | Encontro OSM Brasília | 05/06/2016 | |
Brussels | Missing Maps Mapathon @Doctors without borders/Handicap international | 06/06/2016 | |
Tokyo | OSM Monthly Mappers „M-eat-ing” – Jun 2016 | 09/06/2016 | |
Besenello Trentino | Portobeseno : several talk about OpenStreetMap | 10/06/2016-12/06/2016 | |
Edinburgh | Edinburgh | 14/06/2016 | |
Lyon | Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs | 14/06/2016 |
OSM Terminausblick
Wo | Was | Wann | Land |
Berlin | DB Open Data Hackday | 17.06.2016-18.06.2016 | |
Kyoto | 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ:最終回 天龍寺 | 25.06.2016 | |
Salzburg | OSM-Sonntag | 03.07.2016 | |
Salzburg | FOSSGIS 2016 | 04.07.2016-06.07.2016 | |
Salzburg | AGIT 2016 | 06.07.2016-08.07.2016 | |
Seattle | State of The Map US 2016 | 23.07.2016-25.07.2016 | |
Bonn | FOSS4G 2016 Code Sprint | 20.08.2016-22.08.2016 | |
Bonn | Workshops at FOSS4G 2016 | 22.08.2016-23.08.2016 | |
Bonn | ”’FOSS4G 2016”’ | 24.08.2016-26.08.2016 | |
Bonn | FOSS4G 2016 Code Sprint Part II | 27.08.2016-28.08.2016 | |
Brussels | State of the Map 2016 | 23.09.2016-26.09.2016 | |
Metro Manila | State of the Map Asia | 01.10.2016-02.10.2016 | |
Berlin | Hackweekend | 15.10.2016-16.10.2016 | |
Karlsruhe | Hackweekend | 29.10.2016-30.10.2016 |
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..
This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, Softgrow, derFred, escada, jinalfoflia, malenki, mgehling, stephan75, wambacher, widedangel.