10.03. – 16.03.2015

- Marc Zoutendijk continued to talk in his blog about „Improving the OSM map. Part 1 was in last week’s edition; Marc has now published parts 2 and 3.
- The voting for the proposal “Sanitary Dump Station” started.
- James Derrick thinks he has found a „Copyright Easter Egg” in the Ordnance Survey. Others are not so sure!
- irights.info describes in an article „how to use OSM data „correctly. (English, Spanish, French, Japanese)
- Jan van Bekkum from Netherlands, travels around with his Landcruiser. On his tours he relies increasingly on OSM. When he gets home, he enters all the collected data in OSM.
- Daniel Koc writes on his ideas, which – in his opinion – should be addressed in the next decade of OSM.
- Declaration of Conflicts (HOT) in dkunce’s blog.
- In addition to MapBox Allryder is another positive example of what good company documentation should look like. It is clear who works for the company in OSM and there is a direct contact person who can be addressed with problems.
- The Swiss OpenStreetMap Association offers some services especially for the Swiss OSM community. These will now run on their own donated servers and they are calling for donations (English) to finance all of it.
- There seem to be lots more Google Summer of Code students asking about OSM this year.
- Gaël Musquet, OSM France spokesperson, was interviewed by France Culture (French public radio).
- In the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia in northeastern Italy, a larger import of address data for 196 municipalities is intended.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- State of the Map 2016 – Call for venues.
Humanitarian OSM
- User dcp describes his OSM diary, what struck him when mapping a HOT task.
- After the cyclone Pam disaster response is running for Vanuatu. Currently, there are task 943, task 944 and task 945 – three ways to help.
- [1] Stamen’s map styles in XXL. (Watercolor/Toner)
- Mapbox / Mars
- OpenRouteService been revised and version 2.0 has been released. To be well-engineered it should probably show a route between two points.
- Berlin 3D – Downloadportal. (English, Spanish, French, Japanese)
- Open.NRW Portal started. (English, Spanish, French, Japanese)
- Laura Barroso from the Cuban software group Entuvovil developed MapaDCuba. The Android App works offline, routing engine and voice controle are from Graphhopper. Distributor is Desoft, the National Software Company in Cuba.
- @MapSurferNET documentation has landed on @github. Everyone is very welcome to make contributions. (via @MapSurferNET)
- Patrick Niklaus explains how to match GPS traces to a map.
- Your most important spatial software need is now met.
GeoJSON to ASCII via @rushgeo
- OSM-IQ 1.4.x supports the export to GeoJSON.
- As of March 16, students can submit their application for an OpenStreetMap project to participate in the Google Summer of Code.
Did you know …
- An impressive map about apartments for rent in Magdeburg.
- Lars Lingner published print.mapwebbing an online tool set to print OSM maps in high resolution.
Other “geo” things
- A new buzzword: Smart Mapping. Smart Mapping, as sensational as my first ArcInfo analysis in 1992. Geographic power to the people #devsummit via @ahermodsson
- The Washington Post: History, Politics and the subtle, emotional aspect of maps.
- Towards the end of the year, the Google Earth API will be switched off.