OSMTagChallenge [1] © Jean-Louis Zimmermann | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
About us
- weeklyOSM collects relevant OSM news from all over the world and informs the community every week. We announce each new issue via Twitter, Mastodon, mailing lists, Telegram, and we also want to announce it at community.openstreetmap.org.However, some mailing lists are relatively low volume, and list admins may wish to limit how many ‘weekly’ announcement messages appear there. If that is the case, could list admins please let us know via ‘lists at weeklyosm.eu’?
Mapping campaigns
- User sahilister reported, in his blog, about his systematic mapping of schools in Chandigarh, North India.
- LuxuryCoop presented
use cases for the
tag in Korea and suggestions for improvement.
- Hayden Clarkin discovered that using overpass turbo makes it easy to analyse parking space land use, and asked how to find other cool OSM tools.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- The next public OSMF board meeting on osmvideo room is scheduled for Thursday 28 July at 13:00 UTC (Time in your timezone). You can view the minutes of the last meeting on the wiki.
- European deputy Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, made official
the Bio.Vélo.Route., a cycle route from Stuttgart to Strasbourg celebrating the 60th anniversary of their town twinning. As shown on the website, the route made full use of OpenStreetMap data through Komoot and uMap. A route relation stub has been created and may benefit from contributions along it.
- Tracestrack has released an Osm-Carto/OpenTopoMap hybrid map style. With a demo page using Mapbox Globe, it shows the OSM-Carto style enriched with colour relief, hill shades and contour lines from OpenTopoMap. As a background layer, various existing label layers can be overlaid.
- Sarah Hoffmann described how type annotations have been added to Nominatim’s Python code in order to improve software maintainability, and also explained some lessons she learned in the process.
- korobkov outlined a five-step workflow which allows you to quickly complete a series of similar MapRoulette tasks for OpenStreetMap using the keyboard only, with little to no manual intervention, in a matter of seconds per task via browser automation plug-ins using regular expressions.
- PhysicsArmature suggested a design for a JOSM extension to map a large area of something that has distinct colour.
Did you know …
- … there is a video on working with Mapillary and RapiD?
- … all of the ways to join the OpenStreetMap Foundation?
- [1] … OSMTagChallenge
? OSMTagChallenge (by Jean-Marie Favreau of the University of Clermont-Ferrand) is a daily tagging challenge at noon UTC to collectively find the most appropriate tags for rare objects recorded in France. The code is available on GitHub.
- … on UN Mappers’ Instagram stories you can find quick guides with helpful tips on how to map roads, buildings and waterways?
Other “geo” things
- Qiusheng Wu presented a new feature of geemap: calling 3rd-party #EarthEngine JavaScript libraries from Python, built upon the Open Earth Engine Library (OEEL) from Mathieu Gravey. For example, running the JS grid module by Gennadii Donchyts.
- OpenCage Geocoder shared their insights about commonly unknown geographical facts about France.
- Christopher Beddow wrote about the possibilities unlocked by Visual Positioning Systems (VPS), citing the developer tools and latest features from Google ARCore and Niantic Lightship on his Worldbuilder blog.
- In what is essentially an advertisement for the UK’s Ordnance Survey, the Guardian reported that three-quarters of UK adults can’t read a map and gave readers hints on how to get better at it.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, SomeoneElse, Guillaume Rischard (Stereo), TheSwavu, derFred.