You can vote for the newly proposed tag name:language = ISO code until June 6th.
Santamariense proposes a new tag for livestock dips. They consist of rural structures where livestock go through to eliminate parasites, and are useful landmarks for orientation in otherwise uniform landscapes.
User nammala writes about some interesting cases of inconsistent and detailed mapping activity in OpenStreetMap.
Maning Sambale informs about a crucial milestone: finally emojis can be used in name tags 😎
Mapillary would like to fill some gaps in Berlin, Germany, and therefore starts «Complete the Map Challenge — Berlin“.
Julio May has carried out a two-day mapping workshop in the Dominican Republic for the FUNDECOR.
The Belgian community voted Marek Kleciak as Mapper of the Month for May 2017. He has been (and still is) a pioneer in the field of 3D mapping, in the area:highway tagging (which was further expanded) and is strongly engaged in Nepal.
This discussion on osm-dev mailing list compares several ways of printing a large area on PDF.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
OSM blog published the list of current corporate members. We thank them here as well for their support! We welcome further organisations to check the Corporate members tiers and contact the Foundation for further enquiries.
From the June 2nd to the 4th, the SotM France (State of the Map France) takes place in Avignon. In addition, «OSM kids“ event have occurred in several schools from May 30th to June 1st.
This year SotM France has a very nice additional program for students (automatic translation) All the information can be found in the wiki (automatic translation).
HOT considers developing a new tool for organized field mapping.
HOT calls for urgent help on the current priority mapping tasks for the OSM response to the Ebola outbreak: validation for project #10 and #13, and mapping in project #9
In the HOT mailing list, there is a debate on how meaningful is the tagging of buildings by a node only and the think about to display such nodes in the HOT map style.
Stefan Keller shows all important medieval festivals in Switzerland on a map.
Viktor Garske announced the project WinilooC to find public toilets.
Sven Geggus asked on the implications of the OSM Carto 4.0 changes for the German-derived style.
Open Data
Apple provides building footprints and heights under ODbL for France and Denmark
Dana Sulit writes in the Mapbox blog about carto-cam. This tool can help designers to evaluate custom styles.
OSRM (see also release table) has added the multi-level Dijkstra (MLD) routing algorithm in addition to contraction hierarchies (CH). This allows e.g. a fast and flexible change of edge weights or multiple parallel profiles.
… the OsmHydrant map created by Robert Koch with all hydrants’ locations and features extracted from OSM data?
Other “geo” things
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management releases the highest-resolution bathymetry map of Gulf of Mexico to date: it shows the dynamic geology structures caused by extended salt deposits underneath the ocean bed sediments.
The Guardian publishes new scientific discoveries about a potential second layer of tectonic plates within Earth’s mantle. This would explain the strong earthquake activity in the Pacific region.
What are your favorite places in the world? Found any interesting destinations you want to travel to while exploring the map? Checkout the world wonders Mapbox’s geocoding team has discovered!
Seán Lynch calls for contributions on OpenLitterMap, as he plans to trace and model the path of litter along rain and sewage systems.
Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropriate.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Anne Ghisla, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, SeleneYang, Spec80, derFred, jinalfoflia.
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