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(English) weekly 240 — 17.02.–23.02.2015

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17.02. — 23.02.2015

How to create the postbox map from issue 239? [1]


  • The proposal for waste=* has a new name and has waste_collection=* as a new main key. Attempts have been made to unify various waste disposal and recycling tags.
  • Brad Neuhauser proposes the tag portage=* for portages on the tagging list . Portages are stretches where canoes can bypass weirs, rapids or other obstacles.
  • There is a long, if convoluted, discussion about «fixme» tags on the main «Talk» mailing list.
  • RobJN describes in his blog the easy approach for locating and removing  incorrect street names in the UK.
  • Some users do not receive emails (English) when their changesets are commented on by others.
  • On April 25 in Brussels, Belgium, there will be a mapping party .  The party aims to provide help for new mappers from those who have more advanced skills, and to focus on improving opencyclemap and wheelmap. Everyone is welcome.
  • As part of a broader civic campaign centered on «children’s clubs», groups of children are creating detailed «social maps» of their marginalised neighbourhoods to voice their concerns about issues linked to public spaces.  Much of the child-led mapping campaign sweeping India today relies on old-school topography materials.


  • The French community is working together to trace the 2 054 new cantons (formerly, there were  4035). Official decrees are currently being published… the challenge is to be ready before the nationwide polls on March 22nd and 29th.
  • A hackathon election was held by the Institute of Political Studies Sciences Po, the Interior Ministry and Etalab on February 23.
  • MapBox has had its signalling function «Improve this map» revised and describes how to deal with these error messages.


OpenStreetMap Foundation

Humanitarian OSM

  • There will be a mapping party on March 7 in Abobo, Côte d’Ivoire,  . To support the project an issue was created on HOT Tasking Manager.
  • The UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) launched a web map application for Liberia. Various layers of information are presented with OpenStreetMap as the basemap. (via Pierre Béland)




  • Great Britain’s national mapping agency the Ordnance Survey has switched to OGLThey’ve also adopted a snazzy new logo, and in the process have gained a parody Twitter account. Read more here.


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